90 | tyler

975 91 41

top!tyler ahead folks,,


"love me,"
you breathed out.

a simple kiss turned into one of passion.
wine that lingered on your tongue
was no match for your sweet signature
taste of mint and candy.

pale arms wrapped around my neck,
with tan ones around your thighs.
soft white sheets cushioning you whole.
i swear your red cheeks and glistening lips
are enough to make me tremble with need.

our needy hands peeling off unwelcomed clothing, eyes traveling each other in awe.

unlike other couples, our air didn't reek of lustful sin and sexual desires.
only love and passion shared with every movement made.

you were heavenly with your fingers gripping my hair while mine danced along the sides of your beautifully curved body.
your soft moans and pants clouding my senses; whine and wine both stuck on your rosy pink lips, executing the two terms at the same time. i couldn't take my hands off of you. the way your legs quivered from every thrust and how easily my lips could turn your porcelain skin red and purple.
i kissed those tears away when you rendered yourself absolutely speechless. i have to say, i'm flattered that i could even do that to you.
how have you managed to look so wrecked yet so god-sent all at once. it is in this moment i know you were crafted by the gods himself.
you were a sight made to be seen.

i have never felt more grateful for something in my life.

and when we reach climax neither of us had any words in our vocabulary other than
"i love you."
then again,
those are the only words we really needed.

this wasn't a midnight desire.
this was love.


top!josh should be a sin lol

don't argue w me,
ill hurt your feelings
n cry to your mom.

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