Chapter Seven: Confusion

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"C'mon, you can do the zumba later. Please just sit down." Luke said calmly.

"Luke, I'm fiiiine. I dance for the people." Kayleigh muttered.

"Kayleigh... noone's here."

"Haters gonna hate." She slurred.

He knocked on her door, wishing her father wasn't home. It  took a few seconds for someone to answer, her little brother. Luke smiled at him and hoped he wouldn't ask any questions.

"Luke ! ... Why is my sister... " The boy trailed off.

"Oh,  your sister um,.. she ate too much sugar" Luke lied.

"But isn't sugar supposed to make you hyper ?" He asked eyeing his sister almost falling to the floor if it wasn't for Luke.

"Yeah, you're right. I meant... she just did a lot of stuff today."

"Really ? She's very lazy and-"

"Okay, okay bud. Your sister had her wisdom tooth pulled out so she smells like really weird and she's gonna act even weirder. Don't worry... I'll uh... help her recover." Luke smiled.

"Oh... okay. Wanna play FIFA with me Luke ?" Keanneth asked.

"I'd love to but maybe some other time ? I'll just take your sister to her room and then if she sleeps-hey why aren't you asleep? It's 1 am aren't you-"

"I just stayed up because Dad usually comes home in the morning." The nine-year old got sad. "But I guess he isn't coming home tonight." 

"That's cuz he's a jackass." Kayleigh interrupted.

"Shut up, K!" Luke scolded because she cursed in front of her little brother.

Luke lead her inside and told Keanneth to go to sleep and he did. He placed Kayleigh on her bed as he looked for some clean clothes for her to wear since she got sweaty from the dancing. He got a pair of gray pajamas and a blue hoodie that said "USA"

"Here. You could change into this." He handed her the clothes and she grunted.

"Lucas, could you help me change ?" She asked.

"Uhm.. n-no. Y-you can do it by yourself just-just umm...wear it." He stammered.

"But I'm so sore." She complained.

Luke got very awkward. "You know, you don't have to change anymore you could just-"

"Luke!!!" She yelled.

"Shhh! Keanneth's sleeping. Fine, I... I-I'll help you change ummm." He took the hoodie.

"It's fine, I got an undershirt on and - OH MY GOD." Kayleigh ran towards the bathroom.

She started throwing up and Luke ran after her. He held her hair back as she vomitted into the toilet. If she was sober, she would never let Luke see her like this but Luke was all she had now.

"Ugh, I'm sorry. I'm so disgusting." She mumbled after she threw up.

He laughed. "Why did you have so much to drink ?" 

"Oh, because... I don't know. I think I got some problems."

"Like what?"

"My lovelife is fucked up, Luke."

"Then why do you keep dating assholes ?"

Because you have a fucking girlfriend. And frankly, you're the only guy I know who isn't an asshole but I can't date you. She thought but didn't say because it's not the right time.

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