Chapter Twenty-Seven: Plane rides and phone calls

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They were safe.

They were just about to hit a stray animal but successfully avoided it. They kept driving, and Kayleigh, was reminiscing blankly about the day Luke had left her without any response at the airport. 

She remembered the phone call.

When she reached the house, somewhere in all the mess, she called Luke. Her fingers trembled but she dialed the correct number. She waited and waited as the phone rang too many times. He didn't answer, but she desperately needed to talk to him, because who knows if they'll ever talk again.

She felt tortured, he was ignoring her. Harlow tried to comfort her and she told her that they probably had to turn their phones off. No. She didn't care about logic at the moment. She was too unstable to think straight. She had to talk to him. She needed to.

She finally realized he wasn't going to answer his phone. Luke wouldn't answer his phone, but someone else might.

She dialed Calum's number...and he answered.

"Oh my goodness, Calum!" she shrieked into the phone. "Where are you guys-"

"Kay, calm down. We're on the plane but we haven't left yet. I'm assuming you're trying to reach Luke?" he replied.

"He's been receiving my calls huh? Please Calum, I'm begging you. Let me please talk to him, I apologize for everything I've ever done to you and-"

He laughed. "It's okay. Your love story is far more important than any of the fights we had. Hold on."

Calum covered the phone with his hand and looked over at Luke who was sitting right next to him, looking out the window.

"Hey mate," Calum started "You should really talk to her. She's desperate man. She deserves a response."

Luke, still looking out the window, answered  "Then give her one."

Calum, frustrated, forced Luke to face him. "Listen to me. That is your bestfriend on the phone. The bestest, and she just told you she's in love with you. Now, in my mind, I have no idea why you'd be mad at her or mad at all. So, in my opinion, you should straighten things out. You don't wanna lose a friend like this, just imagine how much pain you'd be causing her. So, Lucas, are you going to talk to her? Or are you just gonna be remembered as a douchebag forever?"

Luke ignored Calum for a while, then sighed. "I guess you have a point but-"

A young stewardess interrupted them. "Excuse me sir, is your phone on?" 

Calum looked at her, nodded then quickly faced Luke again.

"I'm sorry sir, but we can't have phones on right now. We're about to-"

"No lady, I'm sorry. Can't you see the importance of this phone call? There is a movie-worthy love story happening here. And you're not helping, you're just gonna be that character that everyone hates. So please, let this moment happen." Calum flicked her off.

The stewardess stood there, stunned. She shook her head briefly and smiled again. "Sir, again, you're going to have to turn off your phone or else we're going to have difficulties. Please don't let this go too far. We leave in a few minutes and-"

"And you still don't understand." Calum interrupted. "Did you hear anything I said? I don't think so. Wait a moment." He raised one finger at the lady. He got back to Kayleigh on his phone. "Hold on Kay, we're having some problems. Luke will be with you shortly." he said calmly.

Ashton turned around in his seat. "Jesus Calum, just turn off the goddamn phone."

"You shut up. You lost your right to interfere in things like this when you broke up with Harlow. Don't ruin Kayleigh's story too." Calum seemed so fired up by now.

Luke said "God, when did you become such a romantic?"

The stewardess waited impatiently. "Sir, one last time-"

"God damnit!" Luke grabbed the phone out of Calum's hands and turned it off.

"Lucas! We didn't even get to say goodbye-" Calum whined.

"We did. At the airport. Now shut up, you've delayed the flight long enough. "Luke shot back.

Calum gasped and stared at Luke. "Well, if that's the kind of person you've become ... then fine." he slumped in his seat.

Luke looked back out at the window. 

Lift off.

A few hours into the plane ride, Michael, who was sitting beside Ashton, who was sitting in front of Luke, looked back to see that Luke and Calum were sound asleep. Michael looked to his side and Ashton was atleast half awake.

Michael nudged his elbow. "Ash, you awake?" he whispered.

He sat up straight. "Well, I am now. What's up?"

Michael smiled. "That was intense, right? Kayleigh and Luke ..."

Ashton rubbed his eyes. "I guess, it was pretty ... dramatic."

Michael nodded. "Exactly. And I guess you and Harlow were just ... less dramatic."

Ashton scoffed. "Michael please, Can't we just enjoy the ride and not let what happen to Luke happen to us?" he joked.

Michael laughed. "Dude...." he stopped laughing. "What really happened?"

Ashton sighed. He flipped his hair and started. "Undoubtedly, I really loved her.-"

"Then why did you end it?!" Michael interrupted.

"Because Calum!" Ashton practically yelled.

They both turned around to check if they woke him up. But Calum just mumbled and shifted in his seat.

"Him?" Michale pointed.

Ashton laughed as he looked down. "Yeah."


"I overheard Calum talking sense to Luke about ending things with Aleisha. And... I love Harlow so I don't want her to feel any of the things he's been saying if it was true. I mean, I know it's Calum but I didn't want to take any chances of her getting hurt. I mean, I love the girl. I stayed up many nights just thinking about that. I've lost my appetite just imagining it happening. And I know that it hurt when it happened but it would've hurt a lot more if it didn't happen... for the both of us.  I love her but she deserves someone who will always be there for her. So yeah." He explained.

Michael nodded, then grinned.

"What?" Ashton asked.

"You said you love her." he replied.


"Love not loved."

Meanwhile at Kayleigh's...

He hung up. Calum hung up on me. I knew I couldn't trust that bastard. Or maybe it was Luke who told him to. I barely heard his voice but I'm pretty sure it was him. God. I can't catch a break with that boy. Why can't things just be easy, why can't he just love me back. 

He could've told me but we'll probably never talk again. Never. And that's on his terms.

I don't know what hurts more: him not loving me back or him not telling me why.

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