Chapter Eight

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Updated on: 09th Sept' 20

Chapter Eight - Being Named As An Immune.



I jerked backwards and waited for me to fall back and drown away to death because I didn't know how to swim. But I felt a sudden warmth stopping my fall. My small hand was caught by a large warm hand.

The guy was holding one of the pillars and supporting himself for holding me. He immediately pulled me and I directly landed on him. We both fell on the ground, with me on top of him.

My breathing was heavy. I had almost expected to die today, but he saved me. I couldn't be more thankful to the guy, or more like Greek God. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths then when I was calm, I opened my eyes.

I saw his face and almost stopped breathing, again!

He looked handsome with his sharp jaw, where I could cut veggies. He had hazel eyes and brown hair gelled up. He had light stubble on his face that made him look hotter and made his baby pink lips lookout.

I'd never seen such a handsome face ever. The fact that I never felt interested in a guy, but now that I see him, I wondered what it felt to be with him. He had my feelings go haywire in just a glance.

He blinked his eyes and then I realized that I was openly gawking at him. Terrible!!! I cursed myself under my breath. I tried to move and my hands that had been on his chest, felt like I had my hands on something so soft and hard and the same time soft.

You're going crazy now! I'm kinda getting to know that, brain.

I jerked away and finally pulled myself up on my feet rather than rubbing myself off on him. That was embarrassing. He stood up too and wiped off his pants.

"You should be more careful than that." He said and I felt like I've known that voice before but I couldn't recognize it.

"I...I was just...that...ship...late..." I stuttered my way out just looking into his mesmerizing eyes. He gave me an amused look and I knew what that look meant.

'Even you can't be saved by my charms.'

Arrogant Bastard! I'll show you I'm immune!

"Well, I'd be more careful the next time," I answered without stuttering and he gave me an amused look.

"Good, now that you understand." He muttered and looked at me expectantly. I checked my outfit and it was one of the old and casual dresses I had. I felt self-conscious but I wasn't going to show him that.

"Well, I'm Grace Duncan. It's nice to meet you. Thanks a lot for saving me." I said with a small smile. I was still thankful that he saved my life. I placed my hand forward and he thought for a while. I was about to retract back when he shook my hand.

I almost paused at the feeling I felt. His warm hand was big enough to cover my small hands into his fists. I gulped down at the sensations I felt inside my body. I immediately retracted back.

"Cruz Alex..." He started but I saw Alison's figure behind him.

"Gracey!" I heard her yell and his name blurred out at the start.

My concentration shifted to her as I saw her push the guy aside and hug me, as she muttered few profanities. Her back still to the guy, as we both pulled away. She hugged me again and I almost sighed.

"Where the hell were you?! I thought I'd find your floating dead body around." Alison said immediately and my eyes widened but instead of her, the guy saw my face and chuckled, I was beetroot red.

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