Chapter Forty-Five

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Updated on: 20th Mar' 20

Chapter Forty-Five - Being Named As Unique.



I had already confessed all of my feelings to Grace and gave her the chain which would tell me what she wanted. I couldn't wait until I see the chain on her neck. I was very restless and getting sick of waiting until the party.

Couldn't you have just asked her, for her answer at that instant?! Stupid me!

The day at the office was going too slow. Grace wouldn't show her face to me at any cost and that would just aggravate me. I still concentrated on my work and that relived my tense nerves for a while and then my phone rang.

It was Grace and asked if she could leave early and I got worried about her, but she informed that she just wanted to see her friends and I sighed. I asked her to take Dylan and she agreed without a fight, it was surprising.

I immediately called Dylan and informed him that Grace was going out and asked him not to leave her alone, even for a short second. I wanted her safe and sound. I relaxed in my seat and Mom called me.

"Yes, Mom?" I said on the phone and she sighed. First, she yelled at me for not calling her and being so ignorant to family and all.

"You've been so busy, Alex. Take some time for yourself, live a life, honey." She said at last and I gulped. It was hard trying to live a life when all cameras face my every action. It was almost hard to breathe. The last time I remember living a life, was on the cruise where I found my Grace.

My Grace? You're whipped! I get it! Shut up, now!

"Mom, I'll try. Well, all the arrangements are done? Will Dory come home or not?" I asked her as I went through the file.

"Arrangements are on the peak. And Dory is too tired to travel. I'll let her rest here. She'll be wanted in the morning anyways. Celia is gonna throw her tantrums and only Dory can handle her." We both laughed.

"I could tell."

"I hope you gonna show up with a date on your hand. Dory has spilled the beans here, anyways." I sighed.

"Mom... it's complicated. Well, we'll show up. And... well, you know...I kind of really like her." I told and took a deep breath.

"I know, honey. Dory has told me but I'm glad you trust me enough to open up to me. I'm gonna meet her tomorrow and I can already tell she's a sweet girl." She said on the phone and I walked towards the glass window and looked down to see Grace smile at Dylan and sit in the car.

"She is indeed sweet," I muttered on to the phone.


Finishing my work, I was home and I could smell something being cooked in the kitchen and a small voice humming. I walked further and saw Grace in the kitchen humming and cooking. She had earphones and was busy cooking.

I sat on the couch witnessing her moving in the kitchen smiling ear-to-ear and enjoying her freedom. I sat there and that's what exactly what I'd wanted to give her.

Freedom and happiness.

Will she have those when she'll be my girl?

Will she be this happy, in just a mere cooking?

Will she be this light in my dark life, if I pulled into my dark life?

I was out of my thoughts as I heard a loud noise. I saw two bottles of water fallen down on the ground and was looking at me shocked and then she looked at the bottles and removed her earphones and kept it aside.

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