Chapter Thirty

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Updated on: 18th Mar' 20

Chapter Thirty - Being Named As A Frustrating Person.



Martin's words had affected me badly, but I pushed over his words and concentrated on the first-ever meeting I was supposed to attend. I went into Alex's cabin after knocking.

"Yes?" He asked as he glanced at me and then back to his file. Looking at him, Martin's words rushed back to my head and I was speechless. I was thinking about him.

"Grace?" Alex questioned and now he's entire attention was towards me and I was lost.

"Alex." That's the only word I spoke and he laughed shaking his head at me. A slight dimple on his left cheek and I was mesmerized.

"Yeah, that's me. Now, what do you need?" He asked with a smile on his face. He looked handsome.

"You," I muttered those words before I even thought anything and his eyes widened. My breath caught in my throat.

"I meant, you. We need you for the meeting, Sir." I immediately coincided with my statement accordingly and smiled at him, forcefully. He gave me a look but nodded. I immediately turned and left, but his voice stopped me.


"Get the files copied and placed in the conference." I nodded at him.

"Yes, Sir." I turned to leave and he called me again. I paused and looked at him.


"And glasses should be filled with water and get a cross-check about cleanliness." I nodded and turned to leave and he stopped me again.

"Yes?!" I yelled at him and my eyes widened.

"You look amazing." He said and I nodded.

"Yes, Sir," I answered in a monotone.

"What?" My voice suddenly spoke as I registered his statement.

"Meeting, Ms.Duncan." He smirked at me and I understood that he was teasing me. I shook my head and got out of his cabin.

Once in my cabin, I paused and blushed like a maniac. My cheeks hurt with all the blushing but still, I couldn't stop.

"Someone's in love, huh?" Suddenly Martin's voice boomed and blushed even harder. I hit Martin for putting such ideas into my brain.

"Martin! Are you insane?! I'm not in love, damn it!" I yelled at him. He gave me a smirk and hugged him tightly, hiding my face in his chest.

"Ms.Duncan." We both heard a cough then my name being called. I pulled away from Martin and stood facing Alex and stopped blushing.

"The meeting. Be there and you may have a talk later." He said arrogantly and then left my cabin as his phone rung. My earlier blush was lost and I felt hurt.

"What happened? You were blushing awhile ago and now you're all pale." Martin said as he pulled me to face him.

"Martin, maybe I have something for him, but he doesn't. He won't. He is my Boss." I said slowly and looked away.

"My girl finally grew up and does like somebody or I almost thought you batted for the other team and will find my Elle attractive," Martin said and I ran behind him to hit him. I did hit him continuously and finally, we stopped.

"But, seriously, Gracey. It's the first time ever you said that you did like some guy...but turns out, he is my brother." Martin said and I breathed out.

I do like Alex...What have you gotten yourself into, Grace? Trouble.


I did get the copies after I forgot the way twice. Then I filled the glasses, as slowly as I could because I didn't want to be clumsy on my very first meeting.

I placed all the copies and put lids on all the glasses. I was satisfied with my work. Lastly, the notepad was on the table, I was gonna pick up when the door burst open and instead of picking, I dropped the notepad.

"Ms.Duncan, I know you're clumsy, since that coffee shop. You've got to catch up now and stop being clumsy and get prepared for writing down everything." He said way too arrogantly. Not at all Alex-like.

Now I can completely tell he was the same Alex I met in the coffee shop. But he wasn't like this in a while. Why was he being like this?

"Yes, Sir." He just hummed and greeted the other clients who had just entered.


The whole meeting went well, I suppose. I wrote down all the points and made clean notes. I was satisfied. Martin, who sat beside me was looking like he was proud of me.

"I'm very happy to see you work like this, Gracey," Martin said and I smiled at him.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Meeting adjourned." Alex announced as he smiled at everyone but something was off about him. He wasn't the cheerful Alex I knew.

"Snacks have been arranged for you'll in the cafeteria, please enjoy." Martin was the one who announced that and everyone departed with a smile and a curt nod.

"Meeting went well, I suppose," Martin said to Alex and he gave a curt nod.

"Be right back." Martin immediately said with a big smile as his phone rang. Must be Elle. I shook my head.

"Alex...uhm... Sir, everything fine?" I asked him as I saw his eyes get red by the time. He pushed me against the wall and he towered me. I feared.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked with so much intensity of pain in his eyes, that I wondered what I did do.

"What am I doing, Alex?" I asked him softly, not caring If I called him by his name in the office.

"Just get outta here!" He yelled at me and I felt tears prickle my eyes. I bit my lip to stop the sob, but it was too late.

I pushed his hand away, which trapped me inside and ran towards the door. The door was pushed open and Martin entered looking frustrated but as he saw my tear-stained face, he got worried.

"What happened, Gracey?" He asked but it was too much for me to talk. I hugged him tightly as I cried.

"Just take me away from here." I almost pleaded. He nodded and immediately left but I didn't miss the bang on the table.


"Will you tell me now what happened with you guys?" Martin asked and he sounded seriously pissed.

We both were sitting inside Ben and Jerry's having an ice cream. It was the only way, I'd be happy and Martin knew it.

"I don't know, Martin! He came up to me and asked me why I was doing something to him and then yelled at me to get out. That's all!" This time I yelled at him. I explained the scene to him a thousand times, but he was so dumb!

"My brother is one frustrating ass!" Martin cursed to Alex and I gave him a look.

"What? You're defending him now? What for?" He asked suddenly and then I shook my head not wanting to explain because I didn't know why.

He hurt me, why am I defending him?

"Grace, do you...have feelings for him, like seriously?" Martin asked straight to the point and I choked on my ice-cream. I gave him a look.

"How can I like him? He is so arrogant and always so keen on observing but also, he such a helping hand and has been so kind to me and is sheltering me but he is so rude and so moody, God! It's so difficult understanding him sometimes. He smiles and then not. He flirts then not. He makes me blush then not..." I ranted instead of answering him.

"Oh, you do like him...a lot then." After my whole rant, Martin's one statement rushed into my mind creating havoc.


With love, Nia.

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