Chapter Thirty-Five

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Updated on: 18th Mar' 20

Chapter Thirty-Five - Being Named As An Assuming Person.



I was having a hell talking to Grace like she was some professional, even at home. I wanted this thing to be special, but just because she was Martin's girlfriend, I had to maintain distance, but I didn't want to maintain a harsh relationship.

When we went to lunch, I expected her to be very angry and as a matter of fact, she was, but she was fine. She didn't talk to me if there wasn't a need. It hurt me. We discussed about Celia's birthday.

Martin and Grace went somewhere and were talking. I could see them, but not hear them. At the end of their discussion, they both laughed. They looked like they knew everything about each other and made for each other kind.

I felt the lunch was a bad idea. It was internally hurting me. Damn it! I cursed myself for being so weak under her. I never felt this weak because of any woman, not ever her. But, Grace was a different story.

We all came back to the office and worked. Half of the time I was busy thinking about what Grace must be doing. And the rest of the half, I was frustrated by Martin and his relationship with her.


While we left, I realized that Martin was lost after we came back to the office. I felt a relief that we can spend all the time together. I was internally happy. When we reached home, I could see that Grace was tired and there was no food, since Dory hadn't returned.

I also remembered her mentioning that she loved when someone cooked, for her especially. I smiled and decided to cook.

After having a heated talk with Grace, she finally agreed that I will cook. I had bathed and she came into the room asking for clothes. I gave her a pair of Lilac's dress. Lilac was Dory's daughter. Grace gave me a jealous look and I cleared whose dress that was.

Once Grace left, I was still thinking why was she jealous. If she was dating Martin and was so happy, why would she get jealous if I had a mistress or had sex with anyone?

I was deep in thoughts and the trance, I went out and started cooking food. Cooking did help me relax and think through things. I kept on thinking and analyzing all the times I and Grace were together and did she ever look guilty.

She didn't.

It was a hard time for me to think through things. All the signals were making me crazy. Like, literally.

She was getting jealous but she had a boyfriend.

She blushed but she had a boyfriend.

She wore my clothes but she had a boyfriend.

She slept with me but had a boyfriend.

Did she have a boyfriend?!

I was frustrated and I groaned but later I saw that Grace was sitting on the sofa, watching telly. I controlled my thoughts. I had to cook food and I would have to concentrate on it.

I finally cooked food and put it on the dining table and went towards the couch to get Grace. When I went there, I almost stopped in my tracks.

Grace was sleeping with her arms dangling around and her head falling off her shoulder's support. She looked like she was in the middle of some kind of argument for her face filled with frowns and sweat.

"I'm not...I don't...Not mine...Alex, lis.." She kept saying and on the mention of my name, I was on an alert mode. I tried to hear complete sentences but I couldn't.

"I don't...Alex...Not mine..." I was pretty confused and I was getting impatient, but I had to look like I was not eavesdropping on her dream.

"Grace." I shook her and she immediately woke up.

"Alex!" She screeched and suddenly her eyes opened wide and she looked around. At that moment, I realized, how much I missed her calling me, 'Alex'.

"Are you alright, Grace?" I asked her and she wiped her face off all the sweat and she was disturbed. She didn't look me in the eye but when she did, I saw her eyes filled with tears. 

"I'm fine, I'm alright. Just...leave me alone, Mr.Chadwick." She said and I was shaken. She immediately started walking away.

"Ms.Duncan, aren't you hungry?" I asked her and she stopped in the middle.

"Finally, you do ask something! Sometimes you really should ask before assuming, Mr.Chadwick. And, my hunger...just died." She said and went away.

What didn't I ask her?

 I was confused as hell, for she left me in a very confused state. I walked towards the table, but I didn't feel like eating anymore. The pasta didn't feel delicious anymore. I let it be kept on the dining table and walked to my room.

Once on my bed, Grace's words kept running through my head.

Sometimes, you should ask before assuming.



After having such a bad dream, I was done pretending to not be hurt by Alex's wrong assumption. I hinted at what was going through my brain and left for my room. I heard another bang and I knew, Alex went to his room, without having dinner.

I let my tears fall. I feel for him so strongly that it hurts to see that he could think so low of me. I gave him all kinds of signals that I was interested in him. How could he think that I'd give him signals when I had a boyfriend?! 

I wanted to be with him, but he's a stubborn ass and had a stupid brain that wouldn't let him think straight. And I wouldn't clear out this misunderstanding, whatsoever.

I laid down on the bed and cursed him for not asking me once about my relationship status and my love life. I was single and a virgin!  

I slept on the bed and tried to sleep and sleep finally caught me.


I woke up and saw that it was still dark outside and it was just 2.38 a.m. I groaned. Because I was hungry, I couldn't sleep. I groaned frustrated. I knew I couldn't sleep until I'd have something.

I walked out of the room and to the kitchen where I knew I'd find food. I looked in the utensil to find white sauce pasta, smelling delicious even though cold and untouched. I put it in the oven to heat it and sat for a moment. 

My thoughts wandered back to Alex and remembered even he hadn't ate the food, though he was the one who made it. 

Why should I even call him? He could just go assuming that he had food, huh!

I sat waiting for food to heat but I felt guilty. Well, I wasn't the reason he was being hungry but I felt like it. It annoyed me because there was no way I'd go back to sleep without eating and I'll always know he hadn't had food. 

I walked to Alex's door and stood there, waited for a moment if I call him or not. I decided not to and went back to the kitchen and sat on the stool. This happened three times and finally, I found myself outside his door.

I finally knocked on Alex's door. I was way too nervous standing on his door, waiting for him to open. For once, I thought it was a mistake and I turned around once again walking away but the door opened.

"Yes?" Alex asked in a groggy voice, almost raspy that melted my insides.

"Wanna have dinner?" I asked with a meek smile and waited for him to reply.


With love, Nia.

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