Chapter Fifteen

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Updated on: 15th Mar' 20

Chapter Fifteen - Being Named As An Genuine.



It was evening when Lee and Lyra just came for a visit with Mary and Wade. We discussed about the new house and decorations. We also had a serious talk about Lee and Lyra's study and the future.

Alicia and Sierra also presented their thoughts about how to change things. Lee and Lyra were to change into a better school. We all had liked the gist of it. 

Once they went, I walked to my wardrobe to change my clothes for the night and found it different. I looked at many clothes that were new and many of my old clothes weren't there anymore. 

"Ali! Sierra! What the hell have you guys done? Where are my clothes?!" I yelled as I asked. They both came in front of me. 

"It was time you added and discarded a few," Alicia said and I wanted to yell, but she was right. I hadn't shopped because I was saving for a new apartment. Every penny meant a lot.

"You know I'm saving for the apartment. I can't accept these." I said and they both came forward.

"You don't have to think much Grace. We both know how selfless and adamant you are. It's a gift, no one hurting your self-respect over here. We both have all the rights to care for you." Sierra said and Alicia nodded in agreement. I had little tears in my eyes.

"Guys! You seriously are the best! Thank you so much." I said as I hugged them and a few tears fell down my eyes. 

"Gracey, come on. You know you can share anything with us. We are your sisters. You don't have to be so constrained around us." I nodded. 

Since Wade's moving out news had broken out, I was in constant fear of being alone once they left. I wanted to move as soon as they leave and I was beating myself to earn more.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to move and I was just trying to make that possible." They both nodded but hugged me. 

"That must've costed your savings," I muttered and they shook their heads.

"Don't think so highly of yourself. It's all from sale." Alicia said and I laughed. 

"Glad you must be, for sales being held, huh?" I commented sarcastically. 

"And every ounce of gratefulness is just lost." She retorted back. We all laughed as we ended our little banter. 

"Since we knew you were about to finish your assistant course, we put two formal dresses. And now you finally have a chance to use them." Alicia squealed excitedly. I nodded them and thanked them again. 

We all then settled having gossips about all the things that happened on the cruise. Needless to say, I hadn't known about anything and then I realized my whole focus was on Alex.

And lastly, they helped me prep for my interview.

The night had ended pretty well. I admired the ring so many times. I just couldn't understand how that guy came and put a ring on my finger and went away just like that. 

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