Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Updated on: 19th Mar' 20

Chapter Thirty-Nine - Being Named As A Fake Girlfriend.



We reached a good restaurant and we were escorted in. I walked and Alex put his hand on my waist. I didn't say anything because it was better than all the stairs people were currently giving me.

"I understand you meeting your friend, why do I have to meet them?" I asked him with gritted teeth as I talked a big smile.

"Well, aren't you the PA. You're accompanying me everywhere that screams business and this is one of the times." He muttered and we finally found a seat, where two people sat.

"Bran! Laura!" Alex greeted them and they both have him hugs. I stood there awkwardly witnessing the scene. Finally, their eyes landed on me.

"Well, well, who is this beauty we have here?" Brandon asked Alex as he stepped forward and took my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my palm. I blushed a little as I was new to this gesture.

"Brandon, you're already engaged! Stop messing with my girl!" Alex said and my earlier blush went down the window and shock settled on my face.

"Ah, you finally got a girl. Trust me no one is happier than me. You won't be flirting with Laura, anymore." He cracked a joke and they all laughed. Alex just shook his head. We all sat on the table.

"Well, we'll talk business, but how did you find each other?" I was silent as a feather. I had no words to explain. What was I to even say?

"Act it out, Grace. Be my...fake girlfriend for the day." He whispered in my ear. It hurt a little but then again I couldn't say anything. Definitely, he was rich and would never want me as his date or girlfriend for real.

It was a real mess. He said he liked me, then I confessed, then he said he wanted a chance and then he has a date and now he wants me to be his fake girlfriend. What else is left to be adding in the mess?

"I know it's business and I'll do it," I told him with a fake smile and he gave me a different look but kept a straight face.

"Well, we met on a cruise. It was he saved me and then charmed me." I told them as I looked at his face.

"She is way too clumsy. Explaining it, that she wore shoes under her gown. God, I can't remember a woman doing that. I couldn't keep her out of my mind." He said and gave me a face that meant a thousand words.

"Aww... that's so cute." Laura commented and I looked back at her. I was lost in his eyes, but Laura's voice helped me get back.

"She always intrigues me. I don't understand why, but she's always on my mind." Alex said and I gulped. He was taking the act too far. I had to control or this will be a disaster with me having more feelings for him.

"Uh.. excuse me, I'll use the restroom." I gave them a fake smile and got up. As soon as I stood up, Laura stood up, too. Everyone looked at her.

"I'll join, they are gonna talk business anyways." She said and walked with me. We both smiled at each other.

"Oh, he never told me your name," Laura muttered and I almost hit my forehead. I chuckled and nodded.

"Oh, I'm Grace. Alex is terribly stupid at times." I said with a smile and shook my head.

"You call him 'Alex'?" Laura asked me shocked. I know he had given people the right to call him what he wants, but still why make such a fuss about his name.

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