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Amber had a grey cloud looming over her as she walked the empty midnight streets of California, her head down while her dark hair covered her tear graced cheeks. It all felt too much.

The pressure, the world,the loneliness, the pain she succumbed to numerous of times. Amber,had enough. She just wanted to be loved. She wanted someone to hold her and she wanted to laugh aloud with sheer delight.

Amber,wanted to experience true love. She wanted to be vulnerable for love...

There was no way out. There never will be. She sighed as she wrapped her leather jacket closer around her figure.

"You look pretty bummed". A voice said beside her. Amber,was sort of numb so she just shrugged her shoulders. Without glancing at the possible serial killer of a stranger.

"You do talk right?".He started walking backwards as he waved a hand before her face.

Amber,frowned as she swatted his hand away. "Can you leave me alone?".

The man shook his head with a silly smile in place. "NoPe".

"Why are you sad?". He stopped walking allowing Amber to bump into him. She sighed before stepping back from the brown haired guy.

"I don't entirely know. Okay. Please just leave me alone".

"Ookay Rude!. Anyway my name's,Kai. What's yours?". He persisted giving her a look.

"If I tell you. Will you go away,Kai?" She huffed out. The dark haired,fair skinned girl raised an eyebrow as she looked at Kai.

He gave a light shrug and Amber rolled her dark green eyes. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before she folded her arms across her chest and simply uttered a response "Amber."

"Pretty name. Though your eyes aren't amber". He pointed out as he searched her eyes for a trace of the color amber. Kai then copied the girl by crossing his arms as he stood back and shook his head. "Nope. No,amber in there".

"I know,genius". She uncrossed her arms as she moved pass Kai and plugged her ear phones in.

The comforting sound of music filled her senses almost lulling her to a comfort.

'Ghost by Halsey ft Alan Walker' flooded her ear drums. She played it on the highest volume hoping to not feel a thing. But all it brought her was dejection.

She hoped that the beats from Alan Walker colliding with Halsey's voice would help but it failed.

All,Amber thought of was the feeling of loneliness she was stuck in. Friends kept leaving her side and betraying her.She was a misfit. Not belonging anywhere and frequently misunderstood. Add a pathetic boyfriend whom she loved no matter what he did ,into the mixture and you got yourself a perfect disaster.

Just when ,Amber thought ,Kai had left her alone to walk off. He appears from the side of an alleyway, Kai was sticking his fingers into a can of jam.

"Normally I don't judge people's choices but you could use a spoon". The girl offered her comment. Glancing at him as if he were a kid.

Kai, chuckled "Thanks for caring but I'm doing fine" He spoke through a mouthful of strawberry jam.

Amber, found herself giggling at the mess he had made of himself. "You're weird, Kai"

She stepped closer to him offering the blue eyed boy a packet of moist wipes from her back pocket. He was a stranger,but something about,Kai was welcoming and comforting.

"Thanks" He waved the sanitising paper as if gesturing to it. Kai held out the can of jam for Amber to hold. She raised a peculiar eyebrow "Seriously? ".

Kai nodded "Just for a second. Come on! I feel all sticky". He pushed the jam at her and Amber reluctantly held it.

As Amber rocked on her heels. Kai took a look at her. Thoughts of why she was... sad? Filled his mind. Amber turned her attention to Kai.

Making,Kai turn his attention towards his sticky fingers instead.

"So you're sad but you don't really know why?". He tried once more.

She sighed "Yes. I mean I do. It's kinda hard to explain about what's wrong when mostly it's all wrong and nothing right. You get me?". She peeked at his intense blue-grey eyes.

Kai thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. But I do understand you".

Amber's eyes lit up at that. "You really do understand me?". She hoped for a yes.

Kai nodded "YuP. I do."

"Thank you,Kai" her voice came out in a sincere whisper.

Kai tossed the dirt into a nearby bin before he walked back to Amber. "I would hug you if that's what you want?". The boy trailed off unsure of what he should do.

Amber shook her head in amusement as she threw her arms around him in a warming hug.

"This feels right" She murmured into his shoulder.

Kai Parker,struggled on placing his hands the right way to form a hug. Eventually he went with his instincts and welcomed the foreign feeling of warmth.

"It kinda does..." He echoed her words.


1st chapter is in 3rd person POV coz that's how I did the imagine one shot. Though I will be doing it mostly like this and sometimes in 1st person POV with Amber or Kai. Enjoy :). vote and comment. Feedback pls guys. And i need a cover :)


Based on the imagine one shot '22.K.Parker|A walk' on the 'Irrevocable Love' imagines_oneshots_prefs book.

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