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(Please don't be silent readers)

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(Please don't be silent readers)


Amber had taken to the couch with a slice of pizza and as she munched on it her mind ran at a fast pace thinking about Katherine's threats and Brent's rudeness.

Kai sat next to her watching a movie about two men whom disagree on signing government accords so they assemble their teams made up of friends to fight for their respective causes. Captain America: Civil War

Amber loved this movie and she would have been concentrating if it wasn't for Katherine and Brent. Not to mention how close the proximity between Kai and her was. It made the girl nervous in a good way.

His knee brushed her leg and the green eyed girl felt her heart thump.

This is so wrong.

"I like that Tony guy" Kai stated "and the spider boy"

"It's Spiderman" She smiled "I like them too! and Steve as well".

"The guy in a blue suit,right?" and Amber nodded "yeah! You remind me of him i mean the bits of where he was under ice for years missing out on the real world and when he got out he had to adapt and understand it".

Kai's gaze flickered away from the tv screen to Amber instead he gave her his full attention. "So a semi reforming sociopath reminds you of a hero? That's odd"

The girl chuckled "No just that part about him being trapped somewhere, then getting out and learning to adapt like you,Kai. Your parents trapped you in a prison world using magic because they didn't want you to get out but after years and years you finally did also the fact that he's older than the actual age he appears to be. Genetically older biologically still young" She clarified

"Hmm I get it" He dorkily grinned and Amber couldn't help but smile widely in response.

Her eyes fixated on his and as Amber exhaled softly she spoke "What was it like? The prison world?".

Kai sighed "quiet, dark, boring and lonely. I had to live the same day over and over again. I only escaped because of the Bennett witch's blood and the ascendant (a magical object) which got me out after doing the spell".

"I'm sorry. It sounds very depressing" Amber moved closer to Kai,her hand on his arm.

"It's not your fault. It's theirs!" He grew angry "my parents i don't even think they deserve to be called that. They made me an outcast just because i was different. They made me be isolated from my family in fear i may take their magic. I wasn't allowed to touch any of them. It was hell. I was the only one in our coven whom needed a source of magic, i didn't have my own like a regular witch. I had to siphon it from a source to do spells. Instead of helping me and making me feel okay about being different they called me an abomination. I was a freak to them. Just because i couldn't do magic on my own how was that my fault?. I wasn't accepted for being different instead i was frowned at and they called me a monster! They were the real monsters the ones whom made me this way".

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