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Amber Fray,continued her slow walk back home.

The sun rays striking upon her features illuminating her face. A light breeze ruffled her hair and she sighed for a moment before sipping up the last of her drink. She tossed it in a nearby trashcan and rounded the turn to her street.

Amber flailed forward when she was pulled aside abruptly by someone. Her face buried in his chest,muffling her scream and his arms gripping her wrist.

The arms felt unfamiliar so Amber pushed away from the guy.

Her green eyes met a stunning pair of bright green ones.

Damn he looked good.

"Who are you!?". Amber managed to screech.

He exaggeratedly rolled his eyes. "Shut up. I'm trying to help you". He had dark hair and a light stubble.

"What do you mean? Who the hell are you anyway?". The green eyed girl frowned.

The man huffed "Derek Hale".

He pushed Amber behind him and peeked out from the tiny corner,scanning the area with his blue orbs.

Amber,folded her arms and leaned against the wall with an annoyed expression. She kept having mysterious meetings ever since Kai and the supernatural knowledge came into her life.

Derek,turned to face Amber once more and raised an eyebrow at her questionly.

"What?". She asked.

"You were being followed by a brown haired lady. She seemed..." Derek paused trying to find the right words without blowing his werewolf cover.

He got a scent from her that was off, cold. She was a supernatural that's for sure.

"She seemed dangerous". He finally settled on.

Amber bit her lip in thought wondering who the woman was.

"Wait did you say brown haired?". Amber asked. Her eyebrows scrunched in deep thought.

"Yes. Don't make me repeat myself" He grumpily stated.

"Curly brown hair? All smirky and cocky like?". Amber further inquired getting somewhere with understanding whom Derek was talking about .

Derek,rolled his eyes once more "Yes"

Amber's green eyes were wide with fear and realisation. It was her... the women from 'Ratch club'.

Derek studied the change in her expression and emotions. "Seems like you know her."

"Try not to get killed"

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"Try not to get killed". He murmured.

The green eyed man gave her a head nod before turning off the corner and soon he was gone.

I didn't get to thank him...

Amber pursued her lips wondering if she would get a chance to thank the grumpy Derek guy who saved her from having an encounter with the creepy brown haired woman.

How did he know I was being followed?

She brushed the question aside,believing he was a guy that had some great senses. Perhaps he was an agent of some sort. He seemed like the military type just not so polite.

The green eyed girl hesitantly moved from the corner she was in with Derek and briskly walked back to her apartment building. Hoping there wouldn't be any surprise encounters except from one guy whom she wished to see,Kai Parker...


Yassss people I brought Derek Hale in from 'Teen Wolf' for a special appearance❤😍.

I thought it would be cool since it is Tyler Hoechlin's bday .

Derek Hale is a character from : teen wolf (jeff davis)

11th Sep 2017

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