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"You know you shouldn't allow yourself to be treated that way".

Amber,hastily wiped at her tears before she spun around to find the source of voice.

"That behaviour isn't something I would tolerate". An olive skin,women with dark brown hair,a shade or two lighter than Amber's dark hair. Stood there with her arms folded. She was arrogant,you could tell by the way her lips curled into a smirk. The girl also seemed to possess sympathy towards Amber and her situation.

Amber,faked a smile hoping it looked real. "Erm. What are you talking about?".

"I saw what happened."

"That-that was nothing". She covered up.

The women stepped closer to the green eyed girl. "He does this all the time?".

Amber shook her head "It's nothing,honestly. All couples fight" She forced a chuckle.

"Not like that. They don't. You should really fight back". She giggled.

"Seriously stay out of it". Amber gritted about to walk off.

"Kai Parker". The women said making Amber stop. "What?".

"Kai Parker. The guy you've been spending time with". The women rolled her eyes.

"What about him?". Amber raised an eyebrow.

"He should stay here,in California. Away from Mystic Falls. For now,because I have plans of my own".

"What do you know about Mystic Falls?". Amber became defensive. Her lips pressed together as she stared hard at the brown eyed women in front of her.

"I know that you know about Kai and his witch powers. You also know that he has to have a source of magic which he can absorb from since he's not just any witch he is a siphoner.Mystic Falls is where he'll go to obtain more magic and I can't have that yet"

"You are clearly intoxicated" Amber blurted out.

"You know what I'm talking about,Amber." The girl deviously smirked.

"How the hell do you know my name? And how do you know about,Kai?". Amber frowned.

"I know a lot more than you think and if I were you I'd talk to me with a lot more respect". She threatened.

"Who the hell are you?!". Amber shouted.

"I'm - " She smirked "Where's the fun in that?. You'll find out soon." She winked leaving Amber bewildered and with a bunch of questions unanswered.


Who do you think the women is? Also guys I DO RECOMMEND WATCHING TVD and if you haven't watched s6 then pls do. To get wd d book :) 

I am tied between doing this fanfic first or starting up the teen fic version of this... ahh #struggle :( also I got another, Damon fanfic idea and I wanna start it and not leave it in my drafts like how I usually do. #Choices -_-. The books I have posted are not pre-written they are actually new ideas I start and publish as I write them and new chapters.

Anywho vote/comment/recommend/share/nominate.

Thank you.

27th July 2017
AdeelaJ ©

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