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"His my boyfriend".

Two days that's the amount of time passed ever since Amber confessed a part of her life's truth to Kai Parker. Two days without any calls,texts or surprise appearances from the boy she had grown accustomed to.

The unfortunate event was layed above and the fortunate one being she hadn't seen Brent either. Of course he called the green eyed girl twice. The first was just orders and yellings from him while the second call had Brent being his rare nice self. He actually informed Amber about the plans he made for today with his obnoxious friends.

Though alone in her apartment.Amber thought it felt peaceful,for once.

Yet the girl couldn't deny the dull empty feeling in her chest. Amber, went as far as calling the dark haired boy once and texting him thrice.

Eventually she discarded her phone on the bed,assuming Kai probably ran off to Mystic Falls and forgot all about her.

Amber re-watched 'The Tomorrow People' for those two days. It filled the boredom and stopped the over thinking that's for sure. Books,movies and tv series always were an escape for her. A world away from reality.

Her mom made the monthly call with Amber last night. The two estranged family members chatted for a while. Her mother reminded her to call her sister and Amber begrudgingly agreed to do so after their call. Once Amber accomplished two phone calls with two family members she ordered in pizza.

Morning awoke her,stupidly Amber checked her phone. Just one text from Brent.

Brent- Stay inside!. LY

Love you? Amber almost scoffed at that. She was growing tired of Brent's antics.

The girl got out of her home not paying heed to her so called boyfriend's orders and went for a smoothie to the same drink store she purchased slushies from with Kai a few days back.

A part of her,expected to see Kai standing there in all of his glory with his usual smirk intact as he waved his fingers at Amber in his own signature style of waving, but Kai wasn't there either, not in the store,not in the Cali streets and definitely not at her apartment door.

Disheartened Amber walked in and payed up for her berry smoothie. Mr.Alan indulged in small talk with his regular customer. His concern was evident when he told the girl to "smile more,dear. You need to be happy in your life. Its the only one we got". Her face fell but she concealed it with a fake smile and nodded in thanks.She sipped from her drink as she exited the store and paved her way back home. Thoughts of Kai and Mr.Alan's words running around in her brain.

How could she be happy when the opportunity to be happy never presented itself before and whenever it rarely made an appearance it usually left her suffocating with a huge amount of sadness following...


Amber my smol girl!!! Ahh she needs happiness. Lucy Hale is such a Queen!!😍

Where's Kai??! Did he go back to his home town, Mystic Falls?. I'll never tell xoxo-Gossip girl  (jk).

Stay voting and commenting my lovelies.

Can anyone guess who the curly brown haired,brown eyed women is? Coz we'll be seeing her again.

Lots more to come,despite having some writers block I got an update up yay!. I love this story too much and I finally got an idea for this chapter and wrote it down.

Feedback please :)

Any song suggestions for this book? COMMENT HERE .


ALL MEDIA IS WELCOME FOR THIS STORY. FROM Amber and Kai gifs,covers,trailers,manips,aesthetics etc.

I would love a trailer for this book. Anyone is welcome to PM me :).

Question of the update: So far what's your favourite #Kamber moment?

Happy 11th Chapter and 600+ views!.


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