T W E N T Y - O N E

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Amber found herself struggling to breathe without feeling like her heart weighed a ton

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Amber found herself struggling to breathe without feeling like her heart weighed a ton.

Brent was downstairs in the lobby gathering her package, probably something she ordered online while Kai had left the building.

She was alone for now and that opened the doors to her thoughts and anxiety. It returned once more, her fingers raked through her head,tugging at her hair she then passed a hand across her face.

Shallow breathing and a violent heart beat thumped loud enough for Amber's ear drums to be graced with the sound.

She felt nauseous and extremely tired. Her throat all clogged up as her mind raced a million miles per second.

Brent would come up soon. She had to move from the floor. She had to hide! He couldn't see her being weak coz then he'd just mock Amber.

Shakily standing up, the girl trudged into the bathroom. Locking the door behind her as she leaned against it.

Come on Amber, just breathe. Relax. We are okay

She repeated it like a mantra. Amber always said we instead of I'm okay she believed her mind and her heart needed to know that as well even though they're a part of her, she felt saying we made her feel not that alone.

Her hands clutched the sink as she glanced in the bathroom mirror. Wiping away the stray tears.

Amber knew better than to think about what Brent would do today but she couldn't help herself. It's not like her over thinking had a turn off switch. God she hoped!

Would he notice i had been crying and pry with his judgemental questions?

Would he groan about having to get her package from the receptionist?

Would he take her to another club and make her babysit him?

Would he dig his nails into her hip bone harshly as she bites her lip in pain to stop from yelping. Just because a friend of his looked at her the wrong way?

The sound of a door opening grabbed her attention.

"Amber, your stupid package is here. Some Avon order. I don't get why i have to do your dirty work". He huffed.

"T-thanks" she pathetically got out.

Her hands left the sink as she found a spot on the tiled floor, head resting against the shower door.

Knees brought close to her chest as she breathed.

"What are you even doing in there?" He yelled knocking on the door. "Come on!"

the green eyed tossed out an excuse "i erm i dropped something on my shirt I'm cleaning" she paused to regain breath "just cleaning it up"

He mockingly laughed "you're such a clumsy girl. I don't even know what i saw in you."
"Anyway hurry dafuq up i need to go out and you're coming!"

She definitely wasn't in the mood to go out and babysit Brent . All she wanted to do was lay in bed and eat chocolate to drown her sadness as she watched a hopeless rom-com.

But could she ever tell her boyfriend that? No, amber couldn't so she splashed water onto her face and wiped it dry.

she turned the knob,opened the door and stepped out. A smile slapped onto her lips.

"Fine. I'll get changed in a few minutes"

Brent hummed in response "look decent" he ordered then sat on the couch ,turning the tv on. He didn't notice her red eyes or dull mood. He didn't pry, brent didn't even bother to pay attention to her.

"Hurry up"

"okay" Amber whispered obediently. She was just thankful that he didn't hurt her. Yet...


600 words,short a bit so I'm doing a double update.

I'll try for a triple since I'm a shitty writer & updater. Sorry guys! And huge shout out 2 those who r still supporting my dumb ass ♡

Please note:
Amber Fray is a woman with anxiety and depression. Some days she's fine, some days she isn't. It may seem like all she does is cry and stuff but this is real mental illness. This is how it is. It controls you and makes up ur life and swallows you into a black hole.it isn't easy.

Some times she can handle it,some days she's struggling etc. Pls don't think she's a whiny sad bitch that can't leave her boyfriend coz it's so much more then that. She has insecurities and feels as if no one will love her, she can't let go of Brent and Amber is so used to the pain she tolerates it and brent's abuse coz she's holding out on him changing and sometimes people hold onto something even tho it causes them pain coz they can't let go.

Respect the character coz there are many layers to her. Thank u

x- © Adeela J

x- © Adeela J

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