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Amber bolted for the door once,Brent had slipped into a deep slumber. With him drunk in her apartment it didn't feel like home.

Amber thought to herself countless of times on why she couldn't let,Brent Hall go. Maybe it was the fact he took her first kiss and her first time. Or maybe it was the fact that the pair were a hit in highschool?. Perhaps it was in the little things he did which managed to get Amber feeling 'love' for him all over again. Or maybe it was his silly way of apologising a day or two later for his antics and bad behaviour. A thousand of good memories and a hundred bad ones. The good surely outweighed the bad;but for how long would the good memories last until,Brent would burn them down with his god awful behaviour?.

The streets of,Cali buzzed with human life. Skaters zoomed pass the green eyed girl as she dug her hands deeper into her 'Nike' hoodie.

"Hello,Amber". A voice spoke from behind her. She stopped in her tracks as she spun around to face the source of the familiar voice.

He loosely waved his fingers in some sort of hand-finger flutter.


"The one and only". The light blue almost grey eyed boy winked as a lopsided grin took over his lips. 


vote and comment. Feedback appreciated. Share,recommend etc. Short chapter next one will be 800 words+ promise :). Special thanks to @QueenOfTheNerds_03 @Love_267 @SilasCanary16 and ofc the one and only @Glader_Witch_Wolf


11th July

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