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California- Next day[Morning]

Amber Fray, had awoke to the blinding sun spilling into her room. Using a hand she shielded her green eyes as she threw the covers off her. A knock resonated through her tiny apartment.

"Amber,baby. Open up!".Brent,drunkenly called out.

The dark haired girl immediately tensed up at the sound of her boyfriend's voice.

She stood motionless as his fists kept colliding with the wooden door and another wave of his shouts were heard.

A final bang and Amber flinches. She knew she had to open up soon or Brent, would attract the neighbourhoods attention towards him and that's the last thing she needed to deal with - the strange whispers and looks from the annoying humans around her.

"I-I'm coming" She sputtered out. Before her feet padded to the door. She swung it open and in staggered,Brent. He threw an arm around her,his hand still held a beer bottle. "Hey,Ambby". He cooed drunkenly at her as he tried to kiss her lips. Amber forced a smile as she pushed him back. "You should sit down,Brent".

The dirty ash blonde boy untangled his arms off her neck as he slumped on the bed with her aid.

He brought a finger up as he waggled it "That's why I love you,Ambby".

She nervously chuckled "Go to sleep".

"You won't run off. When I awake I expect you to be here,Amber". His drunken haze disappeared for a split second as his icy possessive tone took over.

Amber simply nodded. "I won't run off."

"I can't even if I wanted to". She whispered as Brent's light snoring flooded her apartment. Last night was just a tiny dream with a certain brunette haired and blue/grey eyed boy until she had to return to the nightmare.


I honestly didn't think I'd make this a full on abusive/toxic relationship but I did. If anyone is going through this you should get help!. Don't suffer in silence. Thank you. Also no hate to the actor that portrays Brent Hall. Drew Van Acker (the face claim) has nothing to do with the way Brent (my character) acts. No hate to the Aria and Jason shippers either(pll).I'm just using Drew as the face claim. He's cute+there's pics/gifs of him with Lucy so it makes it easier😂


10th/11th July 2017-published 

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