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Amber,gulped nervously as her feet padded further into her room.

She tried to put on a strong font,wanting to show the mysterious brown haired woman that she couldn't be intimated or scared easily.

Amber tried again "What do you want?!".

"Now,that's no way to talk to someone who could easily rip you to shreds and do her nails at the same time". The woman retorted with a malicious smirk as she peered at her nails once before glancing at Amber.

She uncrossed her legs,removing them from the small glass table the green eyed girl had in her room and stood up from the pristine single white couch-chair.

The brown eyed stalker,walked towards Amber as she circled the human girl as if she were a predator eyeing up their prey.

"Look,I don't even know who you are or what your name even is but I'm pretty sure you're some crazy ass lady who has a PhD in stalking." Amber,hissed.

"I have no idea,how you got into my apartment or how you know my name or how you know stuff about Kai, I'll admit it's creepy as hell. You can quit playing your games,lady and just tell me what do you want?". Amber,narrowed her eyes into thin slits,glaring at the woman. She had enough of being followed around.

First Kai,then Derek who saved her and of course this incesent woman stalking and threatening her.

She found no problem with Kai or Derek but this woman seriously needed to leave.

The curly haired lady,giggled before her expression turned into a grim one. Her long nails gripped Amber's wrist,digging into her skin.

Amber,tried prying her wrist away from the b!tches nails or should she say claws? but she possessed a strength inhumane like.

The human girl bit her tongue fighting off a cry as her green eyes found blood seeping from her skin.

Kai Parker,tossed his bloodied knife into a dumpster. He glanced at his blood stained hands and groaned. His eyes darting around for something to wipe his hands clean. He settled on a purple material and cleaned up his hands the best he could,before leaving the deserted alleyway behind and submerging onto the busy California streets.
*Back @ Amber's*

"Now,Amber. Don't ever talk to me like that. This is me being nice by giving you a warning. I know about Kai becoz' I'm from Mystic Falls just like him. Kai is impulsive and a sociopath well, he was. Now he's turned a tad too soft for my liking but nonetheless he remains an asset as well as a liability. If you want Kai to live make sure he doesn't come back to Mystic Falls until I say it's okay. Got it,Ms.California?" The woman gritted her teeth as her grip tightened,blood dripped from Amber's arm. The women's hold loosened and her eyes sparked devilishly,her lips formed a smirk.

"I'm a petrova doppelganger. A vampire,sweety and fun fact. I love playing games and they don't stop until I say so!."

"Doppelganger...." Amber whispered,feeling the familiarity of the term as it rolled of her tongue.

She remembered Kai telling her about doppelgangers also known as look alikes.

Before Amber could confront the doppelganger vampire on her further questions. The doorbell rung.

"Aren't you going to get that?". The Petrova lady smirked as she cocked an eyebrow. A knowing look spreaded onto her face almost as if she knew just who stood at the door.

Amber,felt dread fill her insides.
What the hell was going to happen now?

More hints onto who the stalker lady is. If you guys never figure it then *gasps* lol comment if you have any guesses. Who's at the door? C'mon guys if you'll comment right you get a dedication or shoutout!.
Did Kai kill the lady or not? Comment your answers,feedback and thoughts. I love reading comments I'm such trash for them 😂. Thank you for all of the support ily all!. We at 1+k woah!

xo-AdeelaJ ♤ @Adeela_Defan_TVD

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