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Amber stood in her bathroom nervously cracking her knuckles. She rubbed her neck and ran her fingers through her hair one too many times. The little black dress hugged the petite girl perfectly. While her green eyes shined with a short smudge of brown eye shadow,winged eyeliner and two coats of mascara. Light pink blush kissed her cheeks and complimented her cherry red lipstick. Her dark hair curled softly. She slipped on a pair of red and black lace,platform stilettos and silver loop earrings which matched the pattern of silver stones stuck onto the waistline.

"Ambby." Brent knocked "Come on. I don't wanna be late. Hurry up". He impatiently ordered.

"Right,I'm coming". She adjusted her dress and her hair before opening the door.

Brent glanced at her and Amber waited for a compliment or an insult but all Brent did was nod his head before turning around,grabbing his car keys and heading towards the front door.

Amber took his silence as an approval,she grabbed her red envelope bag that contained her wallet,lipgloss,phone,house keys and a box of mint gum.
-At Ratch Club-

"Don't get too close to the guys" Brent warned as he opened his car door. He slammed it shut and walked to the club entrance while Amber swiftly got out and tried to keep up with her blonde boyfriend. Once inside Ratch, the pounding music bounced off the strobe lit walls. A stream of LED lights and various other ones shined brightly illuminating the club floor. Brent manoeuvred his way pass the crowd while,Amber found herself getting elbowed often as she pushed her way in as well.

After passing the sea of dancers she finally emerges out to find her boyfriend along with his friends at the lounge area.

"Where's,Amber?". One of Brent's friend,Mark asked. Just then,Brent turns around to face his girl. He smiles at her as he snakes an arm around her waist,almost as if staking his claim.

Amber shuffles in his arm,hoping he would loosen the death grip.

The possessive, Brent was on showcase so Amber avoided greeting his friends. Instead she opted for a small smile and kept her distance from them.

"What no hug,Amb?". The same guy from earlier asked her with a smirk.

Amber glanced at Brent who dug his fingers into her hip bone. She flinched before turning her attention to,Mark.

"Eh. I'm gonna get something to drink." She takes a look at,Brent and he slowly loosens his hold on her as if granting her permission. Amber politely asks if anyone wants anything. Brent tells her to get him a beer and she leaves as the two guys along with,Brent take a seat at their table.

Amber, sighs in relief as she doesn't have to push pass anyone to get to the bar.

"A coke please with ice and a beer". The bartender winks "Coming right up". Amber, simply smiles and turns around glancing at all the carefree people dancing as if the world is their stage and Amber wishes she could let loose for once. She craved the freedom that she never could have. The beats of some electro number hits it's bass drop and everyone jumps with huge smiles on their faces. Amber,frowned sadly at the scene in front of her.

"Ma'am". The green eyed girl faces the blonde bartender again and he slides over the drinks. "I didn't get your name".

The dark haired girl,contemplated on answering the cute boy or not. "Erm.. it's,Amber" She answered,before taking the drinks in her hand. He touches her arm and Amber stops. "Could I get your number,Amber".

She swallows,hoping Brent wouldn't show up but Amber wasn't that lucky,whatever she wanted she never got. So here,Brent stood next to her seething in anger as he pulls her away from the bar. Amber,helplessly follows. He shoves her off in a far secluded corner. "What the hell were you doing with that bartender?". Brent gritted his teeth and Amber cowered near the wall. "I - nothing"

He punches the wall, only seven inches away from her head. "Don't lie to me!. You are mine only. Got that?".

The girl nods in fear and Brent smiles "Good. Now clean up those tears and come find me before I come back to find you". He touches her cheek,takes the drinks from her shaking hands. Brett then turns around and walks off.


Alright guys don't hate me but I wanted to show a protagonist who's suffering and enduring. I want to show her journey and not just slap a badass girl here. I don't support the way,Amber acts in the book coz it's wrong but there are people out there who are in this same situation and I WANT YOU ALL TO FIGHT BACK. I want you guys to know that Amber's reactions are wrong. 

If you're sensitive then I apologise for this book is not for you. There will be swearing,abuse,trigger stuff and emotionally triggering feelz as well. 

Sorry,but I'm coming out of writing badass powerful characters and doing a broken,insecure and scared character instead. Though I personally love all these powerful and strong characters and I guess,Amber needs to realise her worth and we'll see a different form of her.or maybe not.

I missed Kai here what about you? I feel bad for,Amber:(


NB: this book is purely fictional.

xoxo-Adeela_Defan_TVD ♡


17th July 2017

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