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Previously on 'i can treat you better':
"So you're telling me that Katherine has been stalking you ever since we met?!".

"first things first.Let's find out how she got access into your home".

Amber nodded "I could ask,Brent".

"Right Brent the er- boyfriend"

• / •

The brown almost raven haired girl,held her phone up to her ear as she awaited for Brent to pick up

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The brown almost raven haired girl,held her phone up to her ear as she awaited for Brent to pick up.

Her mind remained focused on Kai though and she wondered what was going on inside his head.

A part of her wanted to wrap her arms around the messed up boy and hug him. As weird as it sounded but when Kai and her hugged for the first time it felt safe,warm and electric. It made the broken girl feel mended even if it was momentary.

and now she wished to feel that way again. Amber felt stupid for wanting something that she shouldn't but as she watched Kai,whom was boredly levitating torn up pieces of tissue paper into the air and then back down she couldn't help but smile,her heart feeling warm.

The white small pieces of tissue floated in the air as Kai held his hand a few inches up doing magic.

His eyes met hers and the two simply held each other's gaze. Smiles casting their faces but both held sorrow in their eyes,sorrow that was evident to Kai and Amber.

"Hello" Brent's voice called out breaking Amber away from the moment. She looked away from Kai but not before seeing his smile fall.

Amber walked into the bathroom and turned on the water knowing it was a psychic barrier,she had seen it in a show called The Tomorrow People and she hoped it would work not allowing Kai to use the same spell he had used to listen in on the conversation.

"Hi can i ask you something if you don't mind?" Her voice cracked slightly in fear of Brent lashing out.

"Yeah but make it quick!" He grunted.

Amber searched for a way to put her question forward without making Brent angry.

"Would you talk?" Brent growing impatient, clearly wanted Amber to speak up already so he could get back to his game of pool and drinking beer with his friends.

"Y-yeah sorry" She swallowed "did anyone happen to come by today at my apartment when you were here?" Exhaling the girl thought that was good enough,subtle enough she hoped.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Actually i er -"

Brent cut her off "A really smoking hot chic did come by. She was looking for another apartment on your floor. I invited her in coz i got a phone call,when i went back to her she was sitting on the couch,pretty flirtatious girl I gotta say and she was way hotter than you!" Brent laughed . "Anyway i showed her the right way and she left but i didn't get her number". Again he laughed.

Amber clenched her eyes shut,her self-esteem taking another blow.

It doesn't hurt She repeated in her mind as a tear fell out and she wiped it away.

"Thanks. I'll call you later" Amber said her goodbye and they ended the call.

Her green eyes spotted her reflection in the mirror and she felt her eyes burn ready to shed tears once more. She hated what she saw, Amber hated the girl she was and she hated how broken she felt. 

Taking a deep breath, the green eyed girl slapped a smile onto her face,closed the tap and then exited the bathroom.

Finding Kai standing right outside her eyes immediately met his and he frowned at her. "Are you okay?" His eyes held a softness to them which pulled Amber to tell him the truth. She wanted to tell him everything but the girl didn't.

"Yeah I'm fine". The amount of times she said that without meaning it was countless but no one ever noticed. No one... except for Kai. He cupped her cheeks gently,his blueish grey eyes looking into her green ones. "I know you're lying"

Amber looked away but Kai placed a finger underneath her chin turning her green eyes back to his.

"It's okay to not be okay,Amb" The brown haired boy's voice just above a whisper as he spoke.

A moment of silence was shared between the two before Amber sighed and removed Kai's hand from her face. She stepped back which made Kai cover up his frown with a cough.

"So I'm guessing Katherine swung by and Brent invited her in?"

The brunette nodded "mm- yeah"

He clapped his hands together, shoulders rising "well,now we know how she got in"

The moment had been lost and Amber just wanted today to be over all ready...


Wow it's been forever. I'm sorry!
(Banner made by me)
Also i hope u guys still enjoy the story, updates are v slow ik but just hold on.

I need your honest comments on this book, SEND ME A PM WITH YOUR HONEST COMMENT ON THIS BOOK! I mean it guys. All readers send me a message with your honest thoughts,good & bad. I need your help here.

xo- Adeela J

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