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As Amber,neared her building she inhaled in a breath of fresh air. A wave of wind washing over her. She smiled tenderly at the feeling of momentary freedom that she derived from the comfort of fresh air. Normally Amber felt as if she were suffocating but when she was out,alone walking the streets of Cali it felt better... almost as if her lungs had opened up and accepted the puffs of air.

She greeted the security guard at the main gate and thanked him as he held the mini side open for her.

Entering the building,the guard at the lift nodded his head at her in greeting as she entered the elevator and rode it to her floor.

Time's over Amber.

One final exhale she slid the key into the door,unlocking it.

It was now lunch time and Amber decided to make a light salad but first she was gonna hang up her leather jacket.

The green eyed girl walked to her black and purple room. Her fingers texting a message to Kai Parker for the tenth time, hoping he would reply.

When she glanced up from the device Amber gasped in shock.

Unintentionally her hands began to tremble,she gulped before managing to squeak out "What are you doing here?".


230 words short af. Sorry gang. But i had to end it off with a cliffhanger coz dats how i do it haha xD.

Who do you think is in Amber's room? COMMENT. Who gets it right will get a dedication in the upcoming chapter.


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