T W E N T Y - T W O

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NOTE:I realised I should have put up a trigger warning in the start of the book idk if I did I can't remember but I'm putting up one here anyway

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I realised I should have put up a trigger warning in the start of the book idk if I did I can't remember but I'm putting up one here anyway.

the following will be shown in this story:

-Negative thinking/thoughts
- self hatred /loathing
-Depression, anxiety and low self esteem.
- believing they deserve terrible things happening to them.
-Mental,verbal and some physical abuse.
-Abuse tolerance as well.

My intention is not to hurt or misguide anyone. I'm just writing a broken character and somethings may not be accurate I apologize in advance.


After a wretched night at Ratch Club. Amber was beat so she awoke the next day around 1pm.

I slept in...

She checked her phone and noticed she missed a call from her mom so Amber decided to call her back even though she didn't want to.

"Hey mom"

"Amber — listen i want you to come over today and bring your wonderful boyfriend,Brent with you."

Straight to the point,her mother didn't bother with politeness.

"Eh... sure mom. See you soon".
Amber agreed even though she wasn't in the mood for another one of her mom's lectures and degrading talks. Amber's self confidence was at the edge of disappearing she didn't need it taking any more blows.

But the girl was used to faking it and she would do that today as well. Fake her way through this visit at her mom's.

Getting out of bed, Amber made her way to the bathroom.

45 minutes later she emerged dressed in jeans, a black vee neck tee shirt and a leather jacket tossed over. She slipped some ankle boots on and left her hair down. After adding lipstick and eyeliner. The girl grabbed some pop tarts as breakfast.

She called Brent asking if he would come.

"I can't, man. I got shit to do. Besides your mom is weirdly obsessed with my wellbeing it's so fucking annoying"

"She's not obsessed,Brent. She just likes you a lot"

"Funny how she prefers me over you!" he laughed "over her own kid"

Amber stayed quiet, his words stung because it was true.

"so i can't make it but you go ahead".

"Okay" the girl sighed,disconnecting the call.

Her mom would certainly blame her for Brent's absence and Amber wouldn't even get the chance to explain.

at her
mother's house

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