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•Previously on ICTYB
We saw Kai tell Amber all about how he had a relapse and killed someone. Amber notices something different about Kai and wonders if she could have been the reason as to why Kai's happy mood vanished and got replaced with a sociopathic one  . . .


Amber,had now sat down with Kai and absently ate a slice of pizza. She was over thinking as usual. When Kai stood up,announcing he was gonna look for her bathroom.

Amber,nodded,not paying much attention until she realised Katherine could still be in her room waiting for her and possibly Kai as well.

Therefore,Amber shot up from her seat almost as fast as The Flash and darted over to Kai. Her fingers pressed against the boy's chest pushing him back.

"Just o-one sec". Amber stumbled over her words as she tried to find a worthy excuse.

"If you're worried about me going through your drawers don't worry about it". Kai accompanied the innuendo with a wink as he removed her hands from his chest and walked around her.

Amber,pushed a hand through her brown hair, as she mulled for a distraction.

She,thought about blurting out 'My room's untidy'. But that would just increase Kai's curiosity and instead of passing her room and heading to the bathroom. The siphoner would straight away enter her room.

Amber, clearly remembered leaving her door ajar and if Kai spotted the mop of curly brown hair he would surely confront Katherine Pierce and Amber most certainly didn't want that to occur but something about the Petrova vampire made Amber believe, Katherine wanted a confrontation.

Kai,perhaps is powerful and a lil' maleficent but Katherine was far more vicious and evil. No way in hell Amber wanted an ugly showdown.

"Kai!" The green eyed girl yelled as he pushed open her room door.

Too late

She braced herself for the worst case scenario when his chirpy voice spoke "oooh! nice room".

The girl's eyebrows scrunching up,confounded. She crossed the kitchen/lounge area to the passageway and her room.

Exhaling once she caught sight of her room void of a certain vampire. Amber's lips pulled up in relief "Thanks".

Kai,smiled in response but it dissolved once he caught sight of a note on the table. He moved deeper into the girl's room. Circling the table,as he picked up the white piece of paper.

Amber,stood in curiosity as she wondered what the chit said.

Her eyes watched his every move. From the way his blue-grey eyes darted across the words etched on paper,to the way his eyes were fixed in thin slits. The questions he wished to ask clear in his expression. Kai exhaled,his eyes meeting Amber's and then he finally spoke...


Amber inhaled in a deep breath as she approached Kai. Her thumbs twiddled together.

"Actually she met me...-"


"So you're telling me that Katherine has been stalking you ever since we met?!".Kai paced back and forth,anger apparent in his eyes and somehow worry accompanied it. For he knew a lot about the evil psychotic bìtch called Katherine.

"Yes. At Ratch Club and whenever we were together or when I was out alone. Like that time I went for a smoothie and this guy,Derek Hale warned me about some girl following me.When I returned home she was here waiting for me in my room. I know that vampires have to be invited in from what you've informed me, but apart from Brent no one else has access to my apartment for her to be invited in. She's planning something Kai. Something that involves you as well."
Amber divulged as Kai listened attentively.

He wasn't one to be burdened by emotions of any form. Kai, didn't care and that simple trait of his got him a long way in life without physically breaking down. Although for the girl infront of him,Kai would most likely experience various emotions for and towards her.

The so called abomination of the Parker family,never in a prison world years believed he would care for another being's safety but he did and that simultaneously scared and thrilled Kai. He immediately switched to his usual playful mood and answered the worried girl infront of him.

"I don't care about Katherine. I'm pretty sure I could take her" He smirked.

"So first things first" Kai clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "Let's find out how she got access into your home".

Amber nodded "I could ask,Brent".

Kai felt his mood falter as he asked "Brent?" He swallowed as his eyes squinted together almost as if he were in pain. "The erm.. boyfriend right?".

Amber noticed Kai flinch as he uttered the word 'boyfriend'. As if it were discomforting to him.

Her gaze remained down as she murmured an affirmative response.

"Yeah... you er.. call him".

The brunette nodded once,stood up from her bed and dialed Brent's cell.

834 words,I am extremely sorry about no update for like almost a month you guys didn't deserve this. I was just busy with life,writing other books,making graphics and a writers block for ICTYB. I apologise.

I will be adding [SU] to the title coz this book will be having Slow Updates. Also next chapter we'll find out how Kat got into Amber's house and then i hve to think abt new ideas :)

Please stick with Kamber's journey it'll mean alot to me. New covers made by me,below :)

 New covers made by me,below :)

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