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Once the women left. I exhaled heavily. I didn't realise I had held my breath. Diving into the restroom. I cleaned my tear stained cheeks up and composed myself. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I took a look at myself in the mirror. What happened to you,Amber?... I take in one breath then two. As I calm down I exit the bathroom and make my way to Brent and the guys. 

Truth be told I was a little shaken up. How did she know so much?. She knew my name,She knew Kai,She even knew that we hung out and that Kai was a siphoner witch from Mystic Falls. Questions zoomed inside my brain as I forced a smile at Brent and his friends. I took a seat next to my boyfriend and all I wanted to do was lean my head against Kai's shoulder but Kai wasn't here. I had,big bad Brent instead. 

 I wonder what changed Brent. It's been just a year since we finished school and Brent became this whole new person. He wasn't my Brent. He was just some douche I couldn't live with or without. "What took you so long?". He lowly hissed. 

 "A women came up to me. I had to throw her off my back". 

 "Did you tell her anything?". Brent applied pressure on my wrist and I winced "No okay." 

He released his hold on my wrist and pulled me into his side. "Sorry" He whispered and all I could do was nod. The women with curly brown hair invading my thoughts once more. 

 My phone vibrated repeatedly.It was a call from Kai. My phone was on silent so thankfully Brent didn't see or hear that I had an incoming call. I wouldn't be able to answer his questions if he asked me "who is Kai?!". 

 "Can you get me a refill,babe?". Brent asked more like ordered. He handed me his glass and went back to a conversation about vintage cars verses new sports cars with his friends. I wordlessly stood up and walked towards the bar. My phone clutched in my hand. 

 I answered the call,my back facing Brent's table so he wouldn't notice. The bartender from earlier on was about to speak but just closed his mouth and made the drink. "Hey" I answered. 

 "Hello beautiful, so tell me where is this Ratch Club?..." Kai greeted. 

 "Wtf?! What do you mean,Kai?". I whisper yelled. Definitely wasn't expecting that. 

 "What's wtf?" He curiously asked. Oh right he was stuck in a prison world for decades. The guy was like Steve Rogers only he was a 'reformed' psychopath and a witch. 

 "Just answer my question." I sighed out. 

 "No you answer mine first." He stubbornly retorted.

 "Kai!!!." I dragged his name out hoping he'll listen to me and give in. 

 "Amber!!!." He copied. 

 I sighed "Fine wtf means what the fuck. Now your turn why are you looking for Ratch Club?" 

 He faked a gasp "Okay that's very rude and I believe I can look for Ratch Club if I want to. Or I could easily perform a locator spell on you and poof appear there." I could hear the smirk in his voice. 

 "Are you serious right now?! Just don't,Kai." I kept calm trying to reason with this adorkable boy who was currently going to get me in a lot of trouble. 

 "You think this cab driver knows where it is?" He asked as I heard a car door shut.

 I couldn't say no could I?. Kai rode in a cab before. He even told me about how he killed the cab driver with his earphones. So surely he knew the driver would take him to Ratch Club. The bartender placed the glass in front of me.

 "If you're thinking about lying don't. He's already taking me there." I'm positive Kai is wearing a smug smirk right now. 

 "Kai get out of that cab,please". 

 "No" He firmly refused. 

 "Go to hell!" I huffed out,ending the call. I turned my phone off and picked up Brent's drink. 

 Kai listened into my conversation with Brent how dare he?. And now he's ready to do a locator spell on me!. Bloody witch powers. He is persistent as hell and if Kai comes to Ratch Club I'm so screwed... 


Kai should have never blew his cover. Haha. I kinda have some writer block with this. But hey its an update and the 'mystery women' you guys will find out about her soon. For sure :). 800 words+ chapter.

 Excuse the attire in the GIF and the daylight. It was the only fitting GIF of Chris Wood on the phone I had found. I assure you Kai is not dressed in a white vest😂.

 I missed Kai so I gave you some of our Dorky boi through a call #Kamber♡ 

Should Kai come to Ratch Club? 

 What will Amber and Brent do if Kai appears? 

 #Kamber #Bramber No one ships Bramber ofc😂. 

Vote-Comment-Recommend-Nominate in awards. 

 xo-AJ ©Adeela_Defan_TVD

 31st July 2017 

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