T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Trigger Warning; major angst and depressing thoughts ahead

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Trigger Warning;
major angst and depressing thoughts ahead.

( view the screencap manip
I made in less than 5 mins up on dash. )

Amber had sat there on the same couch listening to her mother drone on and on about what a failure Amber was. Sure she didn't openly call the girl a failure but her words,they implied that.

And those words cut Amber's broken heart into a million more shattered pieces. She felt hopeless and unwanted and all the girl wanted to do was bolt out of that suffocating house and atmosphere.

She never had anyone believing in her , she was never the better daughter even though she deserved the title. She was tossed aside like an odd piece in a puzzle.

Then her mother chattered on about how perfect her sister,Sarah is. Despite Sarah being worse than Amber.

The green eyed girl remembered how her mother would always favour Sarah over Amber.

Sarah was better according to their mother. Their mother also believed that Amber was jealous of Sarah.

Amber couldn't phantom why she would be jealous of someone who wasn't considerate of others.
It didn't fit and Amber wanted to yell out "I AM NOT JEALOUS OF HER" but she couldn't. She bit her lip to swallow the frustration burning inside of her.

She felt like screaming at the top of her lungs but Amber was so tired of trying to be perfect and trying to fit in.

She just wanted a little appreciation,a little adoration and a little love that she wished she didn't have to crave for.

She felt wrecked coz for her family meant the world but for her family Amber didn't mean much.

Amber slipped further down into the black pits of depression where her fears and insecurities manifested themselves into self hatred and darkness.

She was never talked about at parties or gatherings in a positive way.

And so Amber began to view herself in a negative way.

Just like they did...

She remembered when she had gotten her first panic attack and her parents didn't believe her sickness was real. Sarah thought she was faking it. They all thought she was overreacting.
That the pain Amber felt wasn't justified for her to feel so.

Amber lost friends,she lost her health,her little smiles but most of all she lost herself. The demons had won,they had tore the girl apart until there was nothing left of the previous Amber filled with hope.

When Amber met Brent she expected her life to change for the better. She had waited every night for her knight in shining armour but Brent just brought along more pain for her to drown in.

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