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Amber Fray, all she wanted from life was to be happy but everyone knew it wasn't something obtained easily

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Amber Fray, all she wanted from life was to be happy but everyone knew it wasn't something obtained easily. . .

Her eyes wide as saucers,eyebrows raised in alarm as her hands pulled away from Kai's hold.

The supernatural boy frowned at her change of behaviour. "Amber,relax it's just someone at the door".

She felt her heart beat in her own eardrums,that feeling sucked. It meant she was going to have an anxiety attack.

The girl did one thing that seemed to help her a tiny bit in these situations, she practiced the breathing technique. Inhale and exhale,in and out.

Her breaths became shaky but she swallowed turning to Kai.

"You need to go now!" Her fingers fumbled with the tv remote as she bumped up the volume, knowing it would block out their voices from Brent.

"Why? It's just some person knocking at your door how bad could it be?"

bad,Kai extremely bad!

"Here allow me to get it for you" the boy rose from the couch walking forward but Amber's fingers grasped his arm pulling him down onto the couch and instead he fell onto her.

Their noses touching at the close proximity, suddenly Amber forgot about Brent at the door or the sounds of team Ironman and team Cap fighting on the TV screen. It became white noise.

Kai's hand stroked her cheek as the other kept his weight off of her.

"You're beautiful" he whispered, grey/blue eyes gazing into her green ones,clashing forth like magic.

Amber felt her fingers brush against skin,his skin. He closed his eyes, a smile on his face that mirrored hers as their fingers layed against one another's cheek. Her breathing reduced to normal,the anxiety still there but not as high that she would experience breathing problems. Kai managed to make it disperse into a small puff.

A simple touch,a simple moment and a simple knock was all it took to ruin it all.

"Come on open up,Amber!" A phone ringing sounded then Brent picking up "Hello", footsteps retracting a few places away. He was still near but occupied for now.

Kai didn't intend to budge from their position but when Amber tried pushing him off, the boy had to oblige.

"Why are you so freaked out?" He went to place his hands on her shoulders but she shook her head "I'm not i just need you to go,Kai please" her voice desperate, eyes pleading and Kai caught it all.

"Is it the boyfriend? Maybe i should see him"

"No! Kai hey do you trust me?" Her eyes bored into his,seeking the answer Amber assumed she already knew.

"Yeah I mean obviously i do if i didn't i wouldn't exactly have shared my deep dark past with you" He chuckled.

"Yeah" a faint smile appeared "I need you to trust me and go"

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