Chapter 2

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The rest of the day went like normal. Then the end of the day came and I walked down to the basement to attend detention. I walked into the beige room and seen none other than Max and Harvey Mills. Which was strange. They were never in trouble. I walked right passed and sat down next to a future drug dealer on one side, and a future 2nd degree murderer on the other. The drug dealer immediately started harassing me. "Hey sweet cheeks." He said. He was 2 years ahead of me so... you know how that goes. I didn't say anything and stared straight ahead. He scooted his desk closer and started talking to me even though I wasn't listening to a word he was saying. Then I spoke up. "Please just leave me alone." I said. "Ah we got a feisty one here Ryan." He said while he looked over at the guy next to me. Ugh! I hate this. The one said to be Ryan started touching my hair. I moved my head. "I said leave me alone." I growled. "Just leave her alone, she's already asked you once." I heard a voice say. I looked ahead and seen Harvey looking back at us. "I'd recommend you stay out of this pretty boy." The drug dealer said. Max looked back at us this time and said to me. "You can move up here with us if you want." I smiled and started to stand up but was pushed back down. "She's not going anywhere." Ryan said. Then Harvey stood up and walked over to me and stuck his hand out for me to grab. "Come on." He said. I tried to get up again but failed... Again. Then stuff got real.

Ryan stood up and stood in between Harvey and I. "Listen, just go sit back down if you know what's good for you." He said. Harvey's face got serious. "Come on Autumn." He said. He knows my name? Then Max stepped in. He tried walking over but was stopped by the druggie. "Just leave her alone." Harvey said. I was still shell shocked that Harvey knew my name. "And want are you gonna do about it?" Ryan said pushing Harvey. Harvey pushed back. The Ryan pushed, then Harvey, then Ryan, then Harvey again, then out of nowhere, Ryan punched Harvey and his nose started to bleed. Harvey stepped back in shock. I stood up and stood in front of Ryan. Then the teacher walked in. "What is going on here?!" He said. He seen Harvey's bloody nose and told me and Max to get him to first aid.

"Harvey you didn't have to do that, I'm not worth getting punched in the face." I said helping Harvey walk. "Yeah bro." Max said. I glared at him. "Oh, no offense." We made it to first aid and helped Harvey up onto the cot. I grabbed a paper towel and put it up to Harvey's nose. Max grabbed an ice bag and set it on the back of his neck. "Thanks Autumn." Harvey said. After Harvey's nose stopped bleeding he was kind of loopy after losing so much blood so he laid down. Before long he fell asleep. Me and Max sat down in the chairs the were facing the cot. "I'm sorry we bumped into you earlier, we were in kind of a rush." Max said rubbing the back of his neck. "Don't worry about it." I said flatly. "Could I ask you a question?" He said. I looked at him. "Shoot." I replied. "How come you always seem so... concealed?" He asked. I was confused. Has he actually noticed me this whole time? And had the nerve to not say anything? "I don't know. No one has ever wanted to talk to me, so I don't talk to them. I mind my own business." I said. "I've always wanted to talk to you and get to know you but you've always acted like... I don't know, like you didn't want to talk to anyone, like you were upset. You've always struck me as a kind of mystery that no one could solve." I was shocked. He's wanted to talk to me this whole time? Max and I didn't really talk after that little conversation. We just sat and waited until Harvey woke up.

After about 30 minutes of complete silence Harvey finally woke up. "Morning guys." He said. And I must admit, his sleepy voice was pretty cute. "It's not morning, it's actually almost 5 o' clock." Max said looking at his watch. "Why does my face hurt?" He asked. "You got hit in the face by a future drug dealer that was harassing me." I snickered. "Wow, what an unusual chain of events." He said. I smiled and we got up and went to the coat room to grab our bags. Max only had his bag to grab so he was out before me and Harvey. "I never thanked you for sticking up for me." I told Harvey. "It was an honor." He said bowing. I gently punched his arm and we walked out. We lived on different streets so after we exchanged numbers we went our separate ways.

It takes about 5 minutes to get from the school to my house so I was there pretty quickly. I walked in and seen my brother Gavin already home. "Lacrosse end early?" I asked. "No, it got cancelled. Coach is sick. Detention end early?" I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen and made a sandwich. I heard my dog Bear running down the stairs. "Hey boy!" I said picking him up. He started to lick my face. I put him down and sat down next to Gavin he was watching Stranger Things on Netflix. To be honest I wasn't really watching, I was thinking about how amazing my day went. I made three new friends. Two of which were the most popular kids in school. Maybe I've never really been invisible, just, like Max said, concealed.

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