Chapter 22

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School went normally. But up until lunch it was just Zaye, Max and I. Me and Harvey had no classes whatsoever together. Max kept flirting awkwardly with Zaye because, you can tell he obviously likes her. But I'm not sure she feels the same. I can't tell. Then lunch finally came and I got to see Harvey.

"Hey babe!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Hey! I missed you." I told him smiling.

"I missed you too."

"Alright love birds enough of that junk can we please sit down?" Max said interrupting our moment.

Harvey rolled his eyes and we went to sit down.

"I'm gonna go grab an apple, anyone want anything?" Let me tell ya, I really shouldn't have asked that.

Max wanted a water, Zaye also wanted an apple, and Harvey wanted a cookie.

I walked over to the line and grabbed the things I needed, accidentally bumping into two girls in the process.

"I'm sorry." They said.

"It's okay, it wasn't y'all's fault."

"I'm Isabella, this is my friend Chloe." Isabella said.

She has brown hair with blonde ends, and green eyes. Chloe had black hair and light brown eyes. To be honest, they were both really pretty.

"I'm Autumn." I said, and dropped Max's water bottle.

"Do you need some help?" Chloe giggled.

"Yes please, my friends were to lazy to help me!" I said the last part a little louder hoping they would hear me since I was close to my table.

Chloe took the apples, Isabella took the water bottle and I carried Harvey's cookies. We walked over and started passing the stuff out.

"Thanks guys!" I exclaimed.

Then Max turned around and stuff got kinda awkward.

"Oh, hi Chloe." He said.

"Uh, hi Max." She responded. There was an awkward silence before I spoke up.

"You too know each other?"

"Yeah, she's my uhh, ex." Max said.

"Yeah." She responded.

"Oh, well then, you two wanna sit with us?" I asked them.

"Sure!" Isabella said really excited.

"I guess." Chloe said not so excited.

Isabella sat next to Max, I sat in between Zaye and Harvey, and Chloe sat next to Zaye and Isabella.

Those girls were so freaking funny!

To soon lunch was over and we went to a rememberance ceremony for the girls who were killed. It was sad even though I didn't know them. After that was over we went back to class and was bored out of our minds, turns out, I had the last two classes of the day with Isabella and Chloe, which was great! I think we're going to get along quite nicely.

The last bell of the day rung signaling us students to get out and go home. I walked home with Max and Harvey as usual, me and Harvey hand in hand, as usual. We went inside, Max went straight to the fridge and me and Harvey went upstairs to my room. I collapsed on my bed.

"You know, school is a lot more exhausting when people actually realize I exist." I said staring up at my ceiling.

"I'm sorry." He said laying down next to me and pulling me into his arms.

"You make everything better, you know that?" I giggled.

"I sure do." He said and kissed my head.

God, I love him.

Hey guys! I updated! Yay!!! So, sherbet_lemon_x is Chloe and BellaBug425 is Isabella! Welcome to Invisible guys! Hope you enjoy it! Well, hope you uniturtles like this chapter. I'm not really sure when I'll be able to update again but next time I get a free minute I'll sure update this book. Happy labor day peeps!


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