Chapter 5

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"I'm sorry but your mum is dead." The officer said. I stepped back. "You're lying." I whispered. "Sweetie, I'm not lying." He said. I didn't believe it. Not for one second. "You're lying!" I yelled this time. I pushed passed Harvey and the officer and ran. I slipped under the police tape and ran inside. The scene was gruesome. My mom was laying on the floor with a bruise on her face and a pool of blood around her head. Her arm was in a position that if she was alive, would break it. Her boyfriend was laying next to her. With a gun in his hand, and he was bleeding out of his temple. "Mom?" I whispered sitting down next to her. Tears were pouring out of my eyes. I heard my brother yelling outside. This wasn't real, it couldn't be. But it was. I looked at my dead mom one more time before I kissed her forehead and stood up. Her boyfriend had done this to her. Her stupid idiotic boyfriend. I walked outside. I was still crying. I was surprised Harvey was still there. My brother was crying now, all I did was run into his arms and cry. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but you both are minors, you can't live alone." The officer said. I didn't know what to do, our grandparent's died about a month ago. "They can stay with me and my family." Harvey said. I looked at him in surprise. "Harvey, we can't do that. We'll find someplace." I said. "No, I owe you for helping me when I got punched." I didn't know what to say. "End of discussion, you're coming to live with me." He said. "Well if that's the case, we'll need you to clear the area." The officer said. "But what about our stuff, and our dog?" Gavin asked. "You're dog is in a kennel in our car and you won't be able to collect your things until the scene is cleaned." He explained. When he was finished talking he led me to his car so I could grab Bear. Then when Harvey was done explaining to his mom what happened, he walked us to his house.

We got to his house and he opened the door. We walked inside and we're bombarded with hugs from two adults and a young girl. "Thanks again Mrs. Mills for letting us stay here." I said. "No need to thank us, were just glad we could help." She responded. "I guess one of you could stay in the twins room and one of you could sleep on the couch." She said. Harvey grabbed my arm. "Autumn can stay in our room." He said. His mom looked skeptical at first, but then she said it was ok. He led me up to the room that him and Max shared. He went to his closet grabbed like 4 huge blankets and set them down on the floor. Then he handed me one of his pillows. "Thanks." I said quietly. If I would have said it any louder I would have started crying. Then he threw me a tee shirt and a pair of sweat pants. "What do I need these for?" I asked. "You don't want to sleep in those clothes do you?" He asked smirking. He pointed to the bathroom so I went and changed. His shirt was a little too big and his pants were baggy on me. But I didn't mind. I walked back into the bedroom and seen Max. He came up and hugged me. "I'm so sorry." He said. I didn't say anything back I just laid down on the bed Harvey had made for me and quickly fell asleep.

Hey hey hey Guys!! Sooooo, kind of a sad chapter, but things will start looking up, I promise. I love you all!!! Have an amazing day!!!

See ya next time! Gotta Blast!!

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