Chapter 1

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Kalen was my best friend. Since third grade he always seemed to be coming to my rescue. My mom called him my very own night in shining armor. The first time was how we met. In fourth grade, he punched a boy who was pulling on my pigtails. After that we clicked and he went from rescuing me from bullies to boyfriends and any friends that did me wrong. We were inseparable until i woke up the day after our graduation party. That night changed it all. After two many drinks, I did the one thing i told me self to never do. Ruin our friendship by telling Kalen how i felt. How I loved him. That morning he said we needed to talk about the night. The night i kissed him and told him i loved him. Instead of being brave, I ran. I told him i had to use the bathroom but instead i bolted home. I told me my mom i changed my mind about wanting to go abroad for my studies. My original plan was to go to the same university as Kalen, but i ran. A few days later i left to Italy. I never said goodbye. I never responded to his calls and texts. I ran as far as i could. I never came home because i knew that meant i could run into him. I did something only liquid allowed me to do. I had the liquid courage that i wish i could take back.

Now im sitting on a plane on my way home to Seattle, Washington. I haven't been home for a little over six years. Each holiday I made up excuses for me to not come home. Im sick. Im working. School Projects. I made to many to remember. I know ive hurt my mom, dad and my younger sister in this decision but i just didnt feel ready. I know crazy. Eight years seems much to long, but there is actually a reason why im coming home. If this hadn't come up i would've stayed and started a job at the gallery i interned for the past year at. My plans changed when i got a phone call in the middle of the night from my younger sister, Paisley. For the first couple minutes, i couldn't even understand her because she wouldn't stop crying. Once she calmed down she said a statement that put me into shock. 'Dad had an accident.' I never asked for details, but only told her ill text her when i needed her to pick me up from the airport.

"We have arrived at our destination. Seattle, Washington. Thank you for flying with us" the speaker ran out loud. Finally after thirteen hours i can get off this plane. Getting my carry on luggage from over head, i head out of the plane and exit the terminal. Once i make it outside, Im instantly embarrassed into Paisleys arms. "Pase" I say wrapping my arms around her returning the hug then putting her at arms length. "Gosh, you look so grown up" I say with a genuine smile. "You've seen pictures. I know mom sends you monthly" she shoots back. "Its different now that i see you in person. Its surreal" i say as we walk to the blue kia rio that was once my car. "That's because some one has been avoiding coming home" she says as we load my luggage into he truck. I ended up just bringing a duffle bag, small suitcase and my purse. Once in the car Paisley starts heading home, "So since you didn't bring much luggage, i assume this is permanent" she says as she gets onto the highway. Im looking out the window taking in the place i called home. "Are you asking if I'm going back" i get straight to the point. "Yeah" she says softly. "I honestly don't know. I haven't made any decisions yet. " I tell her as i look at her. Paisley has gone to the dorky brace faced thirteen year old to a recent high school graduate. With short sandy blonde hair cut into a bob and hazel eyes; i always knew she was a flower waiting to bloom. "Sorry I wasn't here for your graduation." "Its okay Vic. Mom broke down and told me." "Wha-" "Don't be mad at her. I was so upset you wouldn't come home for any of the holidays and then for my graduation. Mom couldn't give me valid reason excepts the excuses you kept feeding us. She finally broke down and told me. I know you back to help with dad, but please spend some time with mom. I know you left because of 'him' but you also left your family behind" she says. I'm stunned into silence. Everything she said was true and weird to say for her being my younger sister, but wise too. "I'm sorry. I realized i put off coming home for to long and I do regret not coming for you graduation. I really do" I told her as i pulled a little box out of my purse and place it on my lap.

Once we pull up in the driveway and park, I hand Paisley the small box that was sitting on my lap. "Here. I know it won't make up for being gone but i hope it is leads to the beginning of forgiveness." With that i get out of the car and start walking to the door. "Vic!" I turn around to Paisley holding the opened box and tears flowing down her cheeks. "You deserve it and much more. We can talk about it later" as i turn around to head inside the door swings open and my mom runs towards me. "Victoria!" "Mom" I embrace her in a hug. "I'm so glad your home!" she says as she brings me inside. After a few minutes Paisley walks inside carrying my bags from the trunk. "Thanks, Paisley" I tell her as we head upstairs to my room. My mom opens the door and I'm shocked to see everything is the same when i left it. "Wow." "I didn't have the heart to change anything. Especially knowing you could come home any minute" she says as she gives me another hug. Paisley places my bags on the end of the bed. Looking around my room and taking everything in once again. My full-sized bed was in the far corner by a large window. Also, there was desk, dresser, and vanity. "I can't believe it's still here" i mumble as i do a full 360 of the room. I painted a mural of Milan Italy. "I would never think about painting over it even if i did change your room dear" My mother says. Walking over to the bed i start unpacking my clothes when i notice a picture and a stack of letters on my dressers. With a shaky hand i pick up the picture. "He always thought you would come home. He came by every day that summer then sent a letter weekly when he started university. As the years went by less came but he hadn't stopped til Emma died" Paisley explains the letters. "What?" I say as my mom stiffens. Paisley looks confused at my question to this new information. "Emma died" i practically shouted. "I though mom-" Before she could finish i snap to look at my mother who was leaning in the door way looking so tired. "I'm sorry Victoria. I was hoping you would come home for the right reasons" she said softly. "Right reason! One of my best friends die and i dont get to know about it!" I storm out of the house and end up swiping the Kia Rio car keys off the counter.

Once in the car i go the one cemetery I know Emma would've been buried. Next to her brother who died of cancer at the age of five. Once there i turn off the car and just sit there. "Emma. I'm so sorry" I cry into my hands. I can't believe no one told me. We were writing each other letters once every few months but it stopped last year and I thought she got busy. Taking a deep breath and wiping away the tears, I exit the car and head for the open iron gates. Looking around i notice no one else is in sight. It's been over six years since I've been here, but I'm sure I can find the plot. The plot of Emma's brother we use to bring flowers to once a month. After about five minutes of walking further into the cemetery I see it. I see the headstone with her picture and name. It becomes so surreal. Looking at the dates, i notice the date was last year around the time she stopped writing to me. The tears begin to fall. I wasn't here for her when i knew what she was going through. Emma was having issues with an abusive boyfriend. One i kept trying to get her to leave. Sitting next to it i begin to sing our favorite song along with allowing the tears ive been fighting to fall. The song from Cinderella. The one Cinderella's mom use to sing to her before she died.

"Never thought i would see you again."


Picture up top is of Victoria Bennington

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