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"We live in Italy. Why would we move" James asks. I sigh, "Yes, we live in Italy but that was before we came back to America and you were introduced to your father" I explain. "This is because of you!" James stands up and gets ready to walk away but i grab his hand. "James I dont appreciate the attitude. Lets finish this conversation in the room since you cant keep your attitude in check" I say sternly standing up and releasing James hand. Kalen nods and stands up.

Once in the suite James sits in the chair across from me and Kalen, who are on the couch. "James we need to see the pros and cons of this. Can you tell me why you would want to stay in Italy? Seattle?" I give him a reassuring smile to speak his mind. "Soccer, friends, Maria and Nico. I was raised there! I don't want to-." I put my hand up to stop him. "What would be the good sides of living in Seattle" I ask. "Paisley, grandpa who i still havent met, and dad" he mumbles. I glance at Kalen seeing him unhappy at James's choice of words. 

"Grandpa is getting transferred back to here and will able to go home tonight. He will just have to finish his physical therapy. Thats why we havent gone to Portland. Plus he wants to see Paisley off tomorrow. Now back to the topic of where we are going to live. Now you need to consider your dad in this too." " Mom he is a doctor he can move to Italy! You also have things in Italy i know you dont want to give up" James says in a rush. "James  its not that important-" James cuts me off by standing up. "Not important? Maria says that you have working for this gallery since you arrived! You went through all four years of college plus the internship. The gallery shows, everything youve done your willing to give up!" James goes to walk away and I stand to stop him, but Kalen grabs my hand.

"Let him go. We should talk" he says softly. Sitting back down i turn to face him. "He is right." I shake my head but before I could say anything he continues. "My main reason for staying here is for my job and this is where i was raised. James and you have a lot more going on. You should stay in Italy" he pats my hand and gives me a sincere smile. I shocked for him to give in this easy. Yes, Kalen was always a giving guy, but this isnt something small. "I can see you overthinking" he chuckles. "How about I look into seeing if there is any openings for a job in umm-" he says trying to thing of the name. "Venice." "Ahh yes Venice. I can see what jobs there are there. If it takes a while to find a position. I can take trips maybe once a month for a visit?" 

I lean forward and kiss him. When there is space between us he smirks, "What was that for?" "Because what you willing to do to be with us" I kiss him again and he responds immediately. His arms wrap around my waist, bringing me closer. "Could you at least move it to the bedroom" I hear behind me. I jump in response to the sunder intrusion. James just walks through the living room to the kitchen. "Well at least he didnt get mad" Kalen mumbles. I playfully smack his arm. "Im going to play video games in my room" he says as he walks away with a glass of water in his hand. I wait til I hear his door close before I turn back to Kalen. He is smirking. "What?" He kisses me again, "nothing gorgeous." I blush at his compliment. "How about a movie?" I nod yes. 


Towards the end of the movie, we got bored and got on my laptop looking at job options for Kalen in Italy. "I just moved to Venice recently. My place is about 15 minutes from the Venice. Nico and Maria live about 40 minutes from Venice." He nods, "Okay, ill have to start looking to see whats available." He continues to scan through job listings on the laptop. "Available?" "Yeah, im going to need a place to stay" he chuckles without looking up from the screen. "Oh" i say softly. Kalen notices my response and puts the laptop on the counter. "What was that reaction for" he says after putting his arm around me. "I just-. I assumed that you would stay with us" i mumble. Feeling embarrassed from my statement, i tip my head down hoping to hid my red cheeks. He uses a finger under my chin to lift my head to where we are eye to eye. "Is that what you want?" I nod and try to look down but he stops me. "I didnt want to ask because i felt like it would be pushing for more then-" he trails off. He is defiantly nervous. I can hear if in his voice. In high school when he was lost for words he would always trail off and just stop talking in the middle of a sentence or conversation. 

Taking a deep breath and mustering up some courage, I place a hand on his cheek and kiss him.  Neither one of us hesitate and deepen the kiss. Breaking apart for air, i smile, "I want you to live with us."


Sorry its shorter then the others. I will plan to update next week. Thanks

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