Chapter 2

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As soon as i heard his voice, I stopped signing and wiped my head into his direction. Minutes pass as we just start at each other. With no words spoken, I wipe the tears away and stand up. As i begin to walk away, i feel him grab my arm to stop me. "Tori" he says softly. Looking down to the floor, i feel the tears threatening to fall, but for a whole new reason. Him. The whole reason ive avoided coming home. "I didnt know. I would've been here if i would've known. She wrote to me until she passed, but i didn't know why she stopped writing" i say as i finally look up and meet his dark blue eyes. They are rimmed with tears as well, "You didn't know" he repeats. Shaking my head, "I just got home today. Mom kept it from me. She said that she wanted me to come home for the right reasons." Kalen looks shocked as he lets go of my arm and runs his hand through his black curly locks. "Your home because of your dad" he says it more as a statement then a question. "Paisley called" i mumble. I take in all the change that Kalen as taken in, in the past six years. He is wearing dark dress pants with a white button up with the sleeves rolled half way up. He has definitely hit the gym lately. Realizing where my thoughts are going i shake my head, "Im sorry i have to go" i tell him ready to walk away. "Tori, please have dinner with me tomorrow night." Ruffling through my purse i pull out a card with my info on it and hand it to him. He looks it over and then back at me. "Use the cell number. Sorry its long distance though." He nods, "its fine." With that i give him a small wave and head back to the car. Once inside i drive a block away and pull over. How did this trip end up like this. This trip was suppose to be simple. Come home for dad. Help in anyway i can, till he is better, then go back to Italy. Finding out Paisley was beyond mad at me for not coming home for her graduation. Not find out my mom has been lying to me. Emma passing away. Running into Kelan while having a break down. Its all to much. After composing my self i head back to the house.

Pulling up to my house i see Paisley sitting on the front steps. Making my way over to her i give her a small smile. Oh how ive missed my baby sister. Sitting next to her i give her a side hug. "I didnt know she never told you anything" Paisley says with a shaky voice. "I can't believe she would do that to you" she says taking my hand in hers. "I never thought she could do something like this, but once mom thinks she knows best she does what she wants" i tell her. My mother has always been supportive and overall the best mom until it came to things she thought we shouldn't know about. "Which hospital is dad at?" I ask changing the subject. "In Portland. They have a physical therapist and doctors that are more fitted there for his condition" she explains. "Can i take the car and go tomorrow" I ask handing her the keys back. She puts her hands up declining the keys, "I know you gifted me the car but while your here use it. I can use dads truck if i need to go somewhere. Also thanks for paying for the trip" I said excited. The box i handed to her earlier was filled with the title to the kia rio signed over to her and a receipt saying i paid off her back packing trip through Europe. Three of her friends and her wanted to go to this summer before starting college, but our parents couldn't afford the full bill for it. "Where is mom" I ask Paisley. "Probably at her book club or something" she says throwing her hands up. "Did she say why she wasn't with dad?" It shocks me that mom hasnt stayed with dad since the accident. Growing up they seemed inseparable and always did everything together. "Paisley, ill see you later. Im going to get some rest before i have to drive to Portland tomorrow. Please text me the location" I say then head into the house.

I woke up to my alarm at 6 am in the morning. Its Friday and Im hoping i will not have to deal with to much traffic on the way to Seattle. Taking a quick shower and then dressing in shorts, lavender colored tank top and my black vans. After dressed i go back to the bathroom and put on some mascara and lip gloss. Once happy with my appearance i went to the fridge to see what there is to eat. "You should go to the dinner" i hear a soft voice behind me. I whip around to see Paisley leaning against the counter drinking a mug of coffee. "What the hell Pase" i said with my hand over my chest. She smirks at my reaction then repeats what she said. "Go to the dinner. She would love to see you. Probably the best to tell you what happened" she finishes softly. "Im not sure. Do you think its best now before i see dad" I ask her opinion. Im still worried how people feel about how i ran away. I didnt say goodbye to anybody besides my family. I left a letter for Emma and she immediately texted saying she understood and she would always be here for me. "I think its perfect timing. Go see her" she says with a pat on my hand that was sitting on the counter she leaves me. With out much more thought I grab my bag and keys and head to the car.

After a few minutes i pull up to the place that Emma, Kalen, and I use to spend our Saturday mornings at every weekend. With a deep a breath i lock up my car and head inside. Looking around i notice not much has changed except a new jukebox over in the corner near the bar. The colors are still the same, lime and white. "Is it just you dear" I head behind me. Hearing the voice, even with it being so long, i knew who it was. With a 70s themed uniform and her grey short bob cut hair, she looked almost the same except an extra few wrinkles around her eyes. Once i turned around and give her a small smile, im wrapped up in arms. Its her. Emma's mom. "Oh Victoria" she says as her eyes start tearing up. "Mundie" thats all i need to say to let the tears fall. As we separate, i see Jerry the dinner owner walk up to us. "Its great to see you kiddo. Mandie take a break. Its slow. Catch up" he gives her a sympathetic smile. Mandie just gives a small nod of thanks. She leads me to a booth and we sit across from each other. "So what brought you home all this time" Mandie asks sincerely interested. "My dad. He was in an accident. I dont know much details, but Im on my way to Portland after this" I explain. "I heard. Im sorry dear" she says patting my hand. Another waitress walks up, "What would you guys like for drinks" she asks. We both asked for coffee. Unsure of how to bring up the topic we are obviously dreading i look down to my hands that are currently occupied fiddling with a napkin. "She always talked about you as though you never left" she says breaking the temporary silence. I look up with tears falling down my cheeks. "Im so sorry I wasnt here for her" i say as i break down but try to fight making to much noice. "Oh dearie" she says grabbing my hands in hers. "Please dont. You were there more then anyone else could be. She told me why you left and I completely understand. Life happens" she says. "I didnt know she passed Mandie! We constantly wrote each other and when she stopped last year i just thought she got busy with life. I didnt know she stopped because.." I take a tissue and wipe away the tears. I make eye contact and i see Mandie having constant amount of tears falling down her cheeks, "Oh honey. I thought your family told you" she said softly. " Did you how" she asks. "I visited her yesterday when i got home and found out. But no i dont know anything that happened" i say as i try to keep my tears at bay. Mandie nods in appreciation of me visiting Emma as soon as i found out. "Blane." "Blane? The dick of an boyfriend i have been trying her to ditch for years since i heard about him" i ask shocked and slightly confused. "She took your advice honey. Mine too. He started getting abusive physically and so she came home to me. When i left one day, i came home to Emma knocked unconcious on the floor. To much brain damage. She couldnt make it" she takes a deep breath. "Blane is in jail for murder, breaking and entering and domestic violence charges" she explains further. With a sign i wipe away the tears once again learning what happened to my best friend. "I can't believe. Wouldve it been different if i was here" i mumble the question to myself. Mandie heard me but before she could say anything the waitress came and dropped off our coffees and took our order of pancakes. "Victoria, dont ever blame yourself. Emma was strong headed and fought me and Kalen on the subject of Blane. She wouldnt want you to think this way. If anything you were the one that had the biggest influence. She would have been worse off without you writing her and giving her advice" she says getting up and sitting next to me and embracing me in another hug.

Our food came a few minutes later and we had some small talk about our lives when she brought up a sore subject. "So how is your boy" she says. I look up shocked and unsure of how i should answer the question. "Of course i know honey. When she found out Emma came screaming into our house. She was so excited she was becoming an aunt. So tell me how he is" she says with a large smile. "Well, he is everything any mom could ask for. He is so smart it amazes me. He will start second grade soon" I explain with a large smile on my face. I love talking about my little boy. He is the center of my universe. "Did you bring him with you? I would love to meet him?" she asks. "Actually he is still in Italy. My family still doesnt know about him. I know i should've told them but you know me. Always running" i say then take another bite of pancakes. When i look thats when i notice Kalen standing with a red face. Anger? OMG did he hear anything. Mandie sees my shocked look and looks behind herself. "Oh my. Kalen" she says understanding the situation that im now in. "Im sorry Victoria. I shouldn't'-" I cut her off. "No its okay Mandie" I place cash to pay for our bill as Mandie stands up to get back to work. I stand and give her a hug, "Ill be by to see you after i get back from seeing my dad" I tell her. She nods and walks away to go back to her shift. Kalen is still standing there variety of emotions running across his face. I walk up to him and talk his hand and lead him out of the restaurant.

Once outside he rips his hand out of mine. "What was that shit about" he grits out. "Please let me explain" i say as i feel a tear fall down my cheek. I turn away from him trying to compose myself. "God this whole trip ive done nothing but cry" i mumble. He takes a step closer and i can feel his breath on the back of my neck. "Please tell me its not what i think Tori" he says softly.

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