Chapter 13 cont.

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"Do you want to go the living room" Kalen asks as he rubs his neck nervously. "Nope, Im fine here" I say and gesture to a chair across from me against the wall. He hesitates then takes the chair scooting to be only a couple feet away from the bed, then sits. 

"Brittany and I were in a relationship. As soon as I talked with you at the dinner before you visited your dad. That same day I went and talked to her. I ended it. The way she showed up was because my mom called her and told her lies. Brittany is sorry. Im sorry" Kalen says. He is leaning over with his elbows on his knees. "Tori?" 

I lean back on my arms and tip my head back. Ugh. Every since Ive been home everything it so complicated. Emotions. Drama. I know a big part is because I ran from my problems for so long, so in a way i guess this is karma. "Im so confused" I admit. Not sure if confused was the right word to use, but its defiantly one of my main emotions ive been feeling lately. Im emotionally drained. 

"Confused?" I look at Kalen and he has a confused look on his face. "Tori, what are you confused about" he asks. Should I tell him. Should he be the one I finally vent to. Ive learned to keep everything bottled once i left to Italy. I feel the tears building up and fight for them not to start falling down my face. "Im confused what to do" I say softly. 

"About what? Tori talk to me" he pushes for more. With frustration at my own emotions, I stand up and begin to pace. "Im confused about so many things. Firstly now that your in James life, how are things going to work. Your here in Seattle. Im in Italy. I am confused about what happened between us. Whether--"

Kalen stops my pacing by walking over to me and placing his hands on my arms. "Tori, everything will work out. We will take things step by step. " I take a step back, "but how? One of us will have to compromise by moving. One will have to give up there job. Then if we make this" i point between us. "Even consider being something, what about James! How will he take it-" before i could say anything else he smashed his lips to mine. I take a second to respond but when I do I can feel Kalen smile. We break apart for a breather. He places his hands on each side of my face, "Tori, lets take this one step at a time. First lets figure out whats best for James. Italy or Seattle. We can also see how James would feel about us being together. Dont run. Stay with me so we can figure this out 'together'." Kalen kisses the tip of my nose. 

"I won't run" i say with confidence. "Good" he kisses the tip of my nose again. I scrunch my nose, "Quit." I take a step back so he doesn't kiss my nose again. He chuckles at me and then wraps his arms around me as I try to walk away. I give up trying to walk away and just lean into his embrace. My back to his chest.  I sigh in contentment. 

After a few minutes of me standing in his embrace, I turn around with his arms still keeping me in his embrace. I look up to Kalen and I see him smiling down at me. Placing my hands around his neck i lean in and peck him on the lips. I look at him and I see the longing in his eyes. I kiss him again and my hands run through his hair. Kalen groans in pleasure. His hands go down to under my butt and he gives me a little tap. I chuckle and then realizes what he wants. I hop up and wrap my legs around him. Kalen walks over to the bed and gently places me on it. "No more running" Kalen whispers in my ear. I shiver in response and we get lost in each within seconds.

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