Chapter 28

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Its been a month since Kalen found out I was pregnant and an amazing month it has been. James was elated to know soon he will have a baby brother or sister. We have told Maria, Nico, Viv, and Marc. Now I am almost three months pregnant and we are in the process of moving into the new house. Kalen was right, the house was prefect. Everything I always wanted. It was defiantly spendy, but thanks to the gallery doing well and Kalen co buyer made it happen.

"Victoria" I hear Viv yells as she walks into my office. "Why are you yelling" I tell her. She shrugs, "Do you mind keeping an eye on the front? I was gonna go get us food" she answers. "Sure. Just make it quick" I tell her as I stand up. "Ill be fast" she says walking out. I roll my eyes. Her be fast at anything would be the biggest surprise ever. 

Heading to the viewing area and sitting at the secretary desk. I continue working on the paperwork I brought from my office.

"Well look at you doing so well" I look up in surprise to see Miguel leaning against the wall. "Hey Miguel. Whats up" I ask. I really don't feel like dealing with him today. "I'm here to see how you are doing? We haven't talked in awhile" he says as he stands up and walks closer to the table. "There is a thing called a telephone? Plus there is a reason we don't talk" I snap at him. 

"Ahh feisty as always" he smirks. "Ahh those reasons. One reason would be your new boy toy. Oh and what is another reason. Hmmm. Oh yeah. Your pregnant" he snaps back. He is no longer smirking, just looking pissed off. He places his hands on the table and leans closer. "How does a man like that walk in and knock you up? Hmm" he sneers. 

Without hesitation I smack him in the face. "Wrong move sweetheart" he chuckles as he rubs his cheek. "Leave Miguel" I demand. "Now where would the fun be in that" he says watching me. "This is not fun Miguel. Now leave" I say as I stand up. He shakes his head and doesnt move. I reach for the phone but before I could dial, he grabs my wrist tightly. "Not smart" he says  as his face turns red in anger. "Drop it" he demands. I don't until he squeezes my wrist painfully. I drop it and he lets go. I sit back down and when I scoot closer to the desk , I press a emergency button under the desk. Thank god Vivian had me put it in.

"Grab your shit and lets go" he shouts at me. "No" I say softly shocked at his tone. "Now" he grits out as he walks around the table. "No. What do you not understand! I don't want anything to do with you Miguel" I shout at him. He grabs my arm and begins dragging me towards the front door. I use my other hand to try and pry his hand off my wrist. 

"Enough" he shouts and then smacks me across the cheek. It took me a second to realize he had just hit me. A burning sensation takes over my cheek. "What the hell you bastard!" I struggle even more to get away from him. "What you didn't learn the first time" he says before his hand makes contact on my cheek again. He hit me so hard a would've fell to the floor it it wasnt for him holding my wrist. 

"Enough fighting this. Your going with me" he snaps and continues once again to the front door. "No Miguel. I will never like you! I love Kalen! Now let me go" I shout with the last of the energy I had. Saying Kalen's name just angered him more. He shoves me into the wall. "No! You will love me!"

I shake my hand and as I watch him raise his fist, I close my eyes and wait for impact. But if never came and his hands were removed from me. I slowly open my eyes to see Miguel tackled on the floor by cops. In runs Viv, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry I left you" she cries seeing me. I slowly slide down the wall to the floor. She kneels beside me, "My god. The ambulance is here Tor. Let's get you to the hospital" she says softly. Within seconds the medics come in and load me into the ambulance. Viv stayed behind to take care of the gallery, as I insisted. I knew Kalen was working at the hospital today.

I was taken into the ER and was checked up by a doctor. Due to me being pregnant, they admitted me to get me a full check up. As Im being pushed in a wheel chair down the hallway, I see Kalen walking in my direction with a clip board in his hand, looking over paper work. He glances up then back down, but when he realizes its me, he stops and stares. "Tori?"

Hearing his voice, just made me burst into tears. I was trying so hard not to try since the gallery, but just hearing him say my name, broke the dam. Kalen rushes to me and kneels down" Oh Tori" he says looking me over. "Doctor, we need to get this patient to her assigned room" the nurse tells him. He nods and stands, "What room?" 

"Room 314" the nurse answers. "Ill take her. Please inform Director Will that I have a family emergency and will be off the rest of the week" he says. She nods and walks off. Kalen pushes me to an elevator. Hits the button for the third floor. We walk down another long hallway until 314. He pushes me next the bed, picks me up and places me on the bed. He grabs a hospital gown off the counter and places it on the bed. "They are going to want to check to baby" he says softly as he gestures to the gown. I nod as I gesture him to close the door. 

Once the door is closed I remove my shirt and pants then slip on the gown. As we sit there waiting to for the doctor, Kalen sits on the chair besides the bed. After minutes of silence, its broken. "What happen Tori" he asks barely above a whisper. Ive been starring at him for the last few minutes and he looks heart broken to see me like this. 

"Miguel" I my voice cracks. "Marc's brother" he asks. I nod, "Viv left to get lunch and he showed up." Before we could say anything else the doctor walks in.

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