Chapter 19

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Victoria POV

Its now 8:45 and we just arrived at my townhouse. I have fifteen minutes to change and be at the gallery. Defiantly cutting it close. I spaced the time difference when i scheduled the appointment, but this is a big opportunity for me and will not waste it. "James?" I yell as i run to my room. "Yes" I hear him yell back. "Show you dad around the house. Ill be back as soon as I can from my meeting." I continue to yell, "Kalen make yourself at home and if you have any questions please ask James." I strip out of my jeans and sweatshirt. I slip on a black figure fitting dress and slip on my black high heels. As i walk out the room, i put on earrings and run my fingers through my hair. "Im leaving" I yell out to the boys as I head to the front door, instead making it into the door I run into a wall. When a take a step back I realize the wall is actually Kalen. "Wow" he says in almost a whisper. I give him a smile, "Sorry I gotta go." I give him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek and head out of the door. 

Normally I walk to the gallery but since every second counts, I hail a cab. I make it within three minutes. I am now 6 minutes late. Composing my self, I walk in and instantly am embraced in Viv's arms. "We will catch up later. Van Carlson is in the room already" she tells me as we walk in the rooms direction. "Okay, thanks!" She heads to the front desk and I open the door to the conference room.

"Hello Mr. Carlson. My apologies for being late" I tell him as I sit across from him. 'Thank you Viv' I say to myself as I notice she brought in a fresh sketch book, notebook and pens. "No problem Miss Bennington" he says. Van Carlson was tall with brown hair, brown eyes, and a dazzling smile. "So my secretary told me you wanted a custom piece" I say getting straight to the point. "Ah yes. There is a fundraiser that I am hosting for the local children's hospital and I would like a custom piece for the hospital that I will give them. Also I am looking for a more people to donate for the auction, if you can" he explains. "I would love to donate, my son was a patient there when he was younger. First lets talk about the custom piece. Tell me what you want and price range you are looking at" I tell him. He nods, "Sure. I have spoken to the hospital and we both agreed about a sculpture. The inspiration would be about children. From there you are free to use your imagination. You are very talented and we trust you" he chuckles. "Okay. What is the deadline" I ask. "Deadline would be six months and max price is 60,000" he answers my question. "Okay. If you could email or fax the measurement maxs are and the type of way have to get it into the spot they want. Don't want to create something that will be impossible to get it where they want it. Also when is the fundraiser" i ask. He sheepishly smiles, "six days." My eyes widen, "Im not sure I've ever completed a piece within that time frame, but I will have something for you auction" I tell him. He pulls an envelope from his inside jacket pocket and slides it across the table to me. "That as your invitation for the event." I nod and stack it on top of my notebooks, "Do you want to schedule to see the sketches before i begin?" He shakes his head, "No, I'm sure what ever you come with will be perfect. I'm sure your ready to rest after you long flight back home, so I will leave. Thank you so much for doing this for us on short notice. We both stand and shake hands, "No problem. Thank you for thanking of me." With that he nods and exists the room. I sit back in the chair and place my head on the pile of books and close my eyes. Im exhausted. This jet lag is kicking my butt today.

Few minutes later

"Vic? Vic?" I feel someone shake my shoulder. I open my eyes to see Viv, "yes?" She just chuckles and sits in the chair next to me, "i don't know how you look so good even when you are flat out exhausted." I roll my eyes, "I'm going home. Ill be back tomorrow. Please no more projects for atleast two weeks. I have my hands full on the ones I was just asked to do." She nods with a smirk, "Miguel is asking when you will be back." I sigh, "That man never gives up. Tell him I am in a relationship" I stand up and head for the door.  As I walk out of the room i hear her screech, "is it him?"


shorter chapter do to updating more frequently

above is the outfit Victoria wears

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