Chapter 5

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Picture above is James


"Mommy!" i turn around just in time to catch my six year old boy in my arms. "Oh, James. Its been only a couple days but oh momma missed you to much!" I turn to Maria and Nico watching us with smiles on their faces. "Thank you guys for watching him and bringing him" i say giving them both hugs. "Of course dear. Let us know if you need anything at all" Maria says. Nico nods in agreement, "let us know when you plan to arrive home too." Home? Ive heard the word so many times in the past 24 hours. Where is home? Seattle. Italy? No home is where ever me and my boy is. I kiss the top of his head and take his luggage from Nico. "Will do! Ill call you guys soon!" With that James and I head to check in for our flight. Though im exhausted, im so happy that i came to get James. We have never been separated very long. Hours at most. "Ma'am" i look up to a TSA officer. "Yes?" "the prosthetic needs to be scanted" the older man says softly. "Oh. Okay." I turn to James who is looking around himself taking in all the different equipment and machines. Boys. "James, can you lean on the table. They require a scan for you prosthetic" i say but before we could take action another tsa officer walks up. "Ma'am the walk though scan should do just fine. I apologize. They changed how they wanted things done recently." "Thank you!" With that we take our turn going through the scans. As we sit waiting for the plane, i send a text to Kalen telling him our next flights schedule. Never got a response.

"Mommy?" "Yes baby?" We have been on the flight for the past 6 hours. "Why are we going to America?" he asks curiously. "Well, I told you why i had to leave. My dad, your grandpa, got hurt and so i wanted to be there for him. While i was there, I missed you so much that I came and got you! Plus you get to meet so much of mommies family and friends from where I am from" i tell him. "Does this mean your done running?" What! The last time we had that conversation was probably over a year ago. "Yes, baby. Yes" i tell him. "Does that mean i get to meet my da--mommy why are you crying" he says concerned. I wipe away the few tears that fell. "Oh, honey momma is okay. Just so happy!" I take a deep breath trying to compose myself. "And yes you do." The rest of the flight is spent watching movies together on an ipad mini and telling James stories of me growing up in America.

Finally we land and once we have his luggage in hand we head to the car. "Who's car is this momma" James asks as we put his suitcase in the trunk. "It was mine when I lived here, but i gave it to your Aunt Paisley as a graduation gift." Opening the back door I notice a new booster seat for James. "Thank you Paisley" i mumble my breath as i also take in my bags that i left at the house. I texted Paisley thanking her and telling her ill text her once we are settled at the hotel. "Is this for me?" James points the the batman themed booster seat. "Of course James. Thank Aunt Paisley when you meet her" i tell him as i buckle him in. "When do i get to meet her" he asks. "Maybe she can join us for dinner? How does that sound" i say as i get myself into the drivers seat. Once on the highway, i tell him about the surroundings. "How about tomorrow I take you sight seeing. There is the zoo, space needle, science museum, children's museum, and aquarium." He claps his hands in excitement, "Yes please." I chuckle at his reaction.

Once we get to the hotel and check into our rooms, i text Kalen letting him know we made it safely to the hotel. I still havent heard from him since i texted him with my flight information. "Would you like to meet Aunt Paisley tonight? We can call for take out?" I ask James as he is looking around the room. "Yeah" he yells as he goes to explore the bathroom. "Hows your leg" i ask as he walks over to the bed to sit down. "Its okay" he sits on the edge of one of the queen sized beds. "Okay. Ill call your aunt and see if she can be here soon" i say as i sit on the other bed. Pulling out my phone, i dial Paisleys number. "hello? Vic?" "Hey Paisley. Would you like to come over and hang out for a little bit. Maybe bring a movie? Im going to call for take out?" "Yes! What movie? Does James have a favorite?" "Toy story or anything superhero" "Alright, Ill bring a few. Text me which hotel you are at and room number" "Will do! see you soon!"

"She will be here in a few and bring some movies." James just nods his head. "Whats wrong James" i ask concerned how quiet he has gotten. James just looks down at his hands and stays silent. I move and sit right next to him and give him a side hug. "Hey you can tell me anything. I know this is a lot to take in. Tell me whats going on in that head of yours" i try to lighten the mood. He hugs me back and rests his head on my shoulder. "Im different" he mumbles. Im absorbing his statement when he continues, "Do they know? What if-" I stand up and kneel infront of him. "James. Listen to me. I love you so much! Understand me when i say this. You are different. Im different. Everyone is different. No one is the same." I kiss his forehead. He nods and gives a small smile. "Maybe your can help out your grandfather" i tell him. "Help him? How?" he asks curiously. "Due to the accident he lost part of his leg, bud. He is in Portland getting treatment and also going through physical therapy. Maybe you could show him some of the tricks you learned with your prosthetic" i tell him. "Really!" He hops up excitedly. "Of course. You grandpa would love that!" I tell him. "Now lets order some pizza" i say as i stand up to find my phone.

After thirty minutes the pizza arrived. "Lets wait for Paisley then we will eat" i tell James before he could open the pizza box. With a sigh he plops back on the bed. Before we could do anything else their is knock on the door. I open it reveal Paisley. She embraces me in a hug and walks in with movies and a grocery bag. Once she set the bags i lead her over to James to introduce her. "James this is my sister, your Aunt Paisley." "Hi, James" she says and gives him a small hug that he returns. "Lets pick a movie. I brought a few you can pick from" Paisley says. With that she lays out the movie on the bed and begin discussing which movie is the best. I laugh and sit on the other bed. Im glad that James is so easy going and Paisley took the news well. I know she was probably upset not learning that he had a nephew but instead of yelling at me. She bought him a new car seat and made sure the movies she brought were what he would want. She thought about my son first. They end up picking Avengers and then dig into the pizza and snacks Paisley brought.

After the movie hits about half way point my phone starts ringing. As i pick it up i notice both James and Paisley fell asleep. So as i answer the phone, without letting the other person speak, "Hold on on sec" i say quietly. Once outside on the balcony i sit in a chair. "Hello?" "Tori?" "Kalen?" "Yeah. Did i call at a bad time?" "No, James and Paisley are asleep and didn't want to wake them since its late." "James meet Paisley. Did they get a long?" "Yeah they clicked really fast" I chuckle. "Sorry I didn't text back. I uhh was busy" "Oh okay" i say not understanding his lame excuse. Silence goes for a few minutes before he speaks up, "When can i meet him?" "When do you want to meet him?" "I--" I can hear him hesitate. "Do you want to meet him soon or wait a couple days" i narrow down his decision. "Sooner rather then later" i says. "Im taking him sight seeing and to various of Seattle's attractions tomorrow and probably the day after. Did you want to have brunch tomorrow? Do you work? Maybe you can join us for some of the activities." "Does he know?" "Yes we talked about it. " "Okay. Where do you want to have breakfast?" "The hotel has a restaurant below. Would that work? I am going to try and get lots of sleep for tomorrow" i chuckle. Just thinking about taking James from place to place. People think that his prosthetic slows him down, but it doesn't. If anything it make him more determined. I chuckle in thought. "What so funny?" Kalen snaps me out of my thoughts. "Oh you'll see tomorrow." "Okay, just text me which hotel and time. Ill be there." "Okay will do." I pause. "Kalen. Im sorry. I know meeting him now doesn't make up for the six years but i hope it helps." "Tori, I forgive you. We will just take this day by day." "Thanks Kalen." "Good night Kal" I use his old nickname. "Night Tori."

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