Chapter 27

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Victoria's POV

I woke up feeling as though someone was watching me. As i open my eyes I see Kalen kneeling on the floor on the side of the bed, only about a foot away. In his hands are the ultrasound that I placed under my pillow after starring at him before falling asleep. Shit!

"Are you going to explain" Kalen says, snapping me out of thoughts. I sit up and go to grab the ultrasound, but he moves it out of my reach. I sit in the seat realizing that I am in some deep shit. "Tori" he grits out. I can see his jaw muscles tighten.

"When did you find out you were actually pregnant? I knew we mentioned it as being a possibility of our night in Seattle, but I thought if you were you wouldve told me" he says not taking his eyes off mine. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out so I just close it and fold my hands in my lap. "I need answers Tori" he says glancing back at the ultrasound photo.

"Ask a question" I tell him. I never was good with confrontation. Everyone who knew me knows that. This was the best way from me keeping me from wanting to run and not bring up a subject. Kalen runs a hand through his hair in frustration and stands up. He still keeps a tight grib on the ultrasound as though I would rip it from his grasp.

"The appointment yesterday? What was it for" he asks watching me every move. I look down already ashamed of not telling him. "It was to confirm the pregnancy. They had an opening for an ultrasound so I got that same day. That's why I was running late."

"You being off last night at dinner?" I nod, "I was planning to tell you and James then. When you told me the news of finding a great house, I just couldn't focus on telling you about the baby."

"The baby items yesterday?" I sigh, "I couldn't resist. When I walked by the section, I just wanted to look, but couldn't help buying some stuff."

Kalen takes a step towards me and my head ups to look at him. "Where you ever actually planning to tell me?" His voice is filled with hurt and his eyes held un-shed tears. I wanted to tell him right? Was I actually going to tell him? 

I stand up and take his free hand in mine. "Yes, I was" I place a kiss on his lips. "I'm not going to lie and say I didn't have thoughts of proposing telling you, cuz I did. I had every intention of telling you last night at the diner. When it didn't happen like I planned last night I panicked and was trying to get my thoughts together and figure out when to tell you" I explain. He nods, but doesnt say anything. "I'm sorry" I say softly. Kalen kisses my forehead and heads to the doorway. Before exiting the room he stops, "Lunch is ready." Then he leaves with the ultrasound in his hand.

I take a deep breath and then head downstairs to join the boys for lunch. Sitting down at the table across from Kalen, but next to James. Glancing at Kalen I see him not making eye contact with either one of his and the ultrasound face down next to his plate. "James you father and I have some news" I tell James with a forced smile. Kalen's head snaps up and he watches me closely. "What news mom" James asks with a large smile. After a moment of silence I see Kalen shake his head in disappointment.  

"I'm pregnant! Your going to have a baby brother or sister" I tell him. "Really!" He jumps up and hugs me with excitement. "Is that the baby stuff is for" he asks. "Yeah bud. You know me, when I see something I want, I can't resist" I chuckle at his excitement. "When will you find out the gender" he asks. "In a few months" I tell him. "Awesome! Since I am down with lunch, can I go outside and practice" he asks. "Of course, but please put your plate in the sink" I tell him. He nods and picks up his plate. "Oh, wait! Is your room cleaned up? Have you kept up with your bathroom"I ask him before he makes it out of the dinning room. "Mom" he whines. "Now bud. Once you finish you can play soccer" I tell him. "Fine" he grumbles and walks away. 

Looking to Kalen I see that he finished his food. "I scheduled a meeting to see the property tomorrow morning" he says with no emotion and then walks out of the room. I roll my eyes at his attitude. Its not like I was going to not tell him like last time. I know he was pissed when he found out, but he forgave me. Or did he? Because now with him acting this way, I feel he hasnt completely. 

After finishing my meal, I place my plate in the sink. Since I wasn't going into the gallery today, I decided to get some cleaning down today. I head to the master bathroom to find the door shut. I knock softly. "Kalen?"

"come in" I hear him from the other side. I open the door to see him with out his shirt off and leaning against the counter. He doesnt say anything, just watches me. Feeling uncomfortable under his stare, I cross my arms. "I was going to get some cleaning down. Since you in the bathroom now, Ill start else where. If you could just let me know when your ah done" I ramble off. "Im just gonna shower, so clean away" he says. He stands straight and pulls off his jeans and tosses them in the hamper. He goes to pull down his boxers, but I turn around just in time to not see anything. I know he is defiently smirking at me turning away. I know him well enough.

Once I hear the shower curtain close I sigh in relief. Pulling out the cleaning supplies from the bathroom cabinet. I begin to wipe down the sink and counter tops. Afterwards I remove all the carpet mats I begin scrubbing the bathroom floor. Once finished I realize I did again. Cleaning myself into a spot I can't get out of until the floor drys. Ugh!  I sigh and sit there until I hear the water shut off. Shit! Im standing right in front of the shower. The curtain is pulled back and I feel a couple drops of water soak into my shirt.  

"Tori." Don't look. Don't look. I keep repeating to myself. "Victoria" he states. Hearing my full name, my head  head snaps to him. My eyes meet his blue ones. "Why are you standing there" he asks as though he isn't standing in front of me naked. Naked! My eyes start to wonder to his chest. Jesus I wouldn't even look at him earlier and now I can't stop myself. I will blame this on the hormones from pregnancy. "Tori!" He says a little louder. 

"Uh sorry. I kinda cleaned myself into this spot. I was giving it a little bit for it to dry" I mumble keeping my eyes on his. "Explains why the mats are gone" he grumbles. "You did say I could clean while you were just showering" I repeat what he told me earlier. "I did, didn't i" he says running his hand through his hair. 

We continue to stare at each other, before he says, "What the hell! If we are gonna stand here waiting for the floor to dry we could at least do something productive" he says. Before I could get a word out I am pulled to stand in the shower. He pushes my back to the wall.  "Kalen" I whisper in surprise. He places a hand on the wall on each side of my head. My mouth opens slightly in surprise. "Don't look so surprised" he mumbles and then covers my lips with his.

I immediately respond to the kiss that is now turning into one full of passion. Kalen pulls away first and whispers in my ear, "I want us to move forward. Just promise me you will tell me things." I nod and he covers my lips again. Kalen ribs my shirts off and then slides my pants down. He bites my hear and I moan in pleasure. "Shhh. I can't have you being loud" he says in my ear. Then continues to kiss down my neck. I nod in understanding. Defiantly did not need our son catching us in the act. With my nod as the confirmation he makes love to me.

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