Chapter 24

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This morning I crawled out of bed while not waking a snoring Kalen and went through my morning routine before heading off to work. Now I am currently dressed in jean shorts and a tank top working on a ceramic piece. I started it this morning and am now four hours in. Viv thankfully has brought me coffee to keep me going. I wipe my hands on my shorts as I grab more clay and place it where it is needed. I'm currently sculpting the first piece of my 6 part piece. Because I am making out of Clay if will be fragile and heavy so the more it can separate the better. My thoughts have been drifting to my time with Kalen last night. It was perfect.

"Some one seems to be distracted." I turn to find Kalen leaning in the door way. I smile knowing that my cheeks have turned pink, "Hey. What are you doing here?" He walks, drags a chair to sit next to me, "I don't have to work today, so I thought I would come see you work your magic." I laugh at his choice of words, "Okay." I lean over and kiss his cheeks keeping some space between the rest of his body. "He I'm not afraid to get a little dirty" he chuckles and wraps his hands around my waist bringing me closer to him. I laugh and look down to his clothes, "your clothes are dirty now." He shrugs, "So what are you working on?" I glance to my 4 foot clay statue. "Its a piece for the hospital. This is part one of the six I plan to make" I tell him as I start carving. "What will it be" he says while picking on a scrap piece of clay and rolling it into the ball. 

"Im still deciding on some details but I want it to be a little girl and boy that are playing. There Ive also played around with the idea of playing a painting behind it for a background, but it depends on where they choose to place it. Ill have to plan to visit the hospital soon" I explain. 

"In that case you could always come by my lunch time so I cant spend more time with you" he smirks. I roll my eyes and smooth out some more clay. "Back to what this" he gesture to the sculpture. "Its amazing. You are very talented and can't wait to see it finished" he says admiring the art piece. He turns me to face my body towards him, wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. I respond to his kiss equally, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Doesn't seem like much work is going on" I hear Viv from the door way. We both turn to see her eyeing us from the doorway. "Scared to enter" I smirk at her. "Didn't know if I would be scarred for life or not by seeing PDA from you" she snaps back with a smile. "Don't worry when we get to that point I promise you I will take her in private setting. I would want her to myself" Kalen says with a smirk. My eyes widen and I turn to him, playfully smacking his chest, "Kalen!" He just shrugs, "What its true. Just like last night-." Before he could finish I place my hand over his mouth. He licks my hand so I remove it quickly wiping it on my shorts. "Gross" he says wiping his mouth. I chuckle remembering that my hands are covered in clay.

"You guys are adorable" Viv says as she approaches. "So boss since you finally got laid does that mean I can have the vacation I requested" she says excitedly. She practically is jumping up and down like a three year old child on Christmas. "Jesus. Enough of our sex life" I sigh exasperated. "Hey you just admitted it" Viv screeches. I jump at her loud volume and put my head in my hands knowing my cheeks have tinted pink yet again.

"If I say yes to you requested vacation, will stop talking about this subject" I say as I remove my hands. "I'll do even better and not bug you the rest of the day" she says cheerfully. "Oh yay me" I say with sarcasm. "Hey if you want me to--" I cut her off. "Just go. Yes you can have the time off" I wave my hands gesturing to leave.

Once she makes it to the door she winks at me closing the door behind her. I roll my eyes and turn back to Kalen. He is looking at me with a serious expression on his face. "What?" He leans forwards and picks a piece of clay off my cheek then pecks the spot that was not clean. After a few moments of us staring at each other, I glance down to my watch to realize the time. "Shit! I gotta go pick up James. He is coming home today" I say walking over to the sink to start cleaning up. "I would like to take you two to dinner tonight" I hear Kalen say as he walks up behind me. "Sure. Just let us know where so we can dress appropriately" I say as I continue to clean my supplies. "Fancy. A restaurant a fellow doctor recommended. How about I pick up James while you finish up here and then go home and get ready. I'll text you when we are on our way home" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. He begins kissing my neck leaving a trail up to the back of the ear. I try to fight it but soon enough a quiet moan leaves my lips. I can feel his lips turn to a smile. I turn around and kiss his lips. "Sounds good. You should probably get going" I tell him. "Why does it feel like you pushing me out" he chuckles. "Because I am. Your distracting me" I laugh at his pouting. "Fine. Ill see you in few" he continues to pout but kisses me and walks towards the door. He winks before closing the door behind him.

Random thought, but what is with everyone winking at me lately. I chuckle and get back to cleaning up.

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