Chapter 7

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"Mom! Look at this!" James says as he walks under a clear tube full of jelly fish that had lights changing the color. I walk over to him and snap a picture with my phone. "OOO Mom! Look at this!" He walks over to a tank that has an octopus. I snap another picture then place my phone in my back pocket. "That is very cool!" I tell him. "Look Kalen! Look!" James says. I smile at him including him, but when i notice Kalen's frown, i become confused. I place my hand on his lower arm, "Whats wrong?" He looks to me with a sad look, "He called me Kalen." "Wha-" Then it hits me. "Im sorry Kalen" I say softly. "Maybe we can ask him how he feels about calling you dad? I mean-" I ramble trying to figure out a solution. Kalen puts his hands on my arms, "Tori, its okay. I shouldnt expect him to automatically call me dad. We will talk about it later" he gives me small smile. Our conversation was interrupted my James running to us, "Mom! Kalen! Can we go see the otters?" "Did you want to see the touch tanks first?" I ask. "Can we do it after?" "Sure" Kalen and I answer at the same time.

After another hour at the touch tank, my stomach growls. "Hungry" I hear Kalen chuckle behind me. "Maybe" I smirk. "You always had to be fed every few hours" he snickers. "Hey! You make it sound like im a dog!" I playfully smack his arm. James laughs at our child like banter. "Hey Kalen, do they still have the crab pot?" "Yeah, do you want to get lunch there? We can walk there" he says. I nod then turn to James, "Hey bud, we are going to go get lunch at one mommies favorite restaurants when i lived here." James nods, "Sure. I am hungry too." I chuckle at his response as we exit the aquarium and start walking in the direction of the restaurant. Once we made it the resturant, we sit and order bowls of the mixed seafood with corn on the cobb and sausage. Once served, Kalen and I show James how to crack open the crab shells and how to take off the shrimp tails. James had a blast during the whole meal. Lunch was surprisingly fun and delicious. Kalen and James got along and even joked about random stuff. Kalen paid the bill this time and i went to object he glared at me as i had done before.

Once we are settled back in the truck, I turn to James. "Where to next bud? We have probably time for one more stop before we need to be back to meet Pasley." "Actually, can we go to the pool at the hotel?" He asks hesitantly. "Of course James. Kalen, your welcome to join us at the pool." Kalen doesnt take his eyes of the road but nods, "Sure, but i didnt bring swim trunks." I nod and pull my phone out, "Ill take car of it. Large right,?" He just nods. I call the hotel, "Hello, this is Tori Tortillis. I need a size large mens swim trunks and size medium swimwear for womens brought to my room please." "We are on your way back now. So if you could get it down within the next twenty minutes." "Just add charges to my bill. Thank you." I hang up and slide the phone back into my pocket. "Mom, Maria packed a swimsuit of yours in my suitcase" James spoke up. "Well that would have been nice to know before i asked for another" I chuckle. "Its okay. A new one never hurt." "Tortillis?" Shit. I didnt even think of that. "You changed your name Tori?" I shrug my shoulders, "Umm yeah. It-" "Yeah mommy changed it because it sounded it better for the gallery and its also Maria and Nico's last name"James intrupts. I snap my head to the side to look at him and he instantly goes quiet. "James. Quiet." I say softly. Kalen doesn't respond as he parks the car in the hotel parking lot minutes later. Shit this just went down hill fast. I havent even told Paisley I changed my name. Though my dad did find out because i told him about my gallery and all that has been going on in Italy. I was surprised he wasnt upset, only proud of what ive accomplished. I think main reason he wasn't mad was to hear Nico was defiantly not a father figure, more like a silly uncle.

When we walk through the lobby, the receptionist called my name. Heading over to the desk, "Yes?" "Miss your room is ready. Here are your new key cards. Would you like your belongings moved by a bell boy to the suite? The new clothes you requested have been placed in the suit." "Oh, thanks. That happened sooner then i thought it would. We are going to the pool so if you could have a bell boy bring the luggage up that would be great." I take the keys and sign a form. "Will do, miss. Please let us know if there is anything else i can do for you." I go to walk away but then stop and turn back to the receptionist. "Actually can I have the room for another night? I will pay for both please and dont worry about transferring luggage. Thanks." With that i walk to the boys who were sitting on a couch in the lobby. "Okay, lets go" i gesture to the elevator. We take the elevator to the third floor then get into our room. "James you and Paisley will stay in here tonight. Since she has requested me not to be here and the suite is ready, Ill be staying there." I notice the bags on the bed and peek inside. "here Kalen. This one is yours" i hand him a bag. "Mom can we see the suite before we go swimming?" James asks. "Sure. How about you help me take my stuff there and then we can get dressed there. We can head to the pool after that. " James jumps up and down, "yes." I laugh and start packing all of my belongings in my duffel bag and backpack.

Once in the suite, we all look around. "This is awesome" James yells. There is gold and white theme to the whole suite. Its stunning. There is two bedrooms, one being the master suite with a master bath, a large kitchen, living room, and dinning room. Cabinets are full of items as well as the fridge and pantry stocked. "Damn" I turn to see Kalen's reaction. "James, go into the room and change please." Once James closes the door, "how can you afford this?" I turn to see Kalen still looking around the room. "I can afford it because ive been selling my paintings. Ive worked my but off since Ive had James to make sure his medical bills have been covered. When they were covered, I kept working. Nico and Maria helped a lot. The Tortilis own a large winery and Ive helped them a lot with production over the last few years. If you ever see the bottle of wine, they put a painting of mine on it. So i can afford this because had the opportunity to" i tell him. I know i had a large smile on talking about all that ive done it Italy, but once finished the smile fades. Kalen starts heading to the bathroom off the living room, "Im going to go change." "Okay" i say softly.

I head into the master bedroom and pull out the swimsuits that the hotel dropped off for me. There was two. A one piece and a two piece. The one piece was black low cut in the front and had cut outs along the sides. With how revealing it was, im surprised to call it a one piece. Pulling out the two piece. Its a white string bikini. "Okay. Defiantly going with a one piece" i soflty chuckle at the choices. Stripping out of my clothes and putting on the swimsuit, i walk over to the floor length mirror. It was flattering, but showed quiet a bit of skin. "Mom!" James yells as he starts banging on the door. Before i answer he flys in tossing my flip flops at me. "Lets go, Mom!" I chuckle at him being impatient. "Okay, Okay! Is Kalen ready?" I ask. "Is he my dad" he asks. Shocked speechless i just stare at him. "I like him. Can i call him dad since he is my father?" I nod at his questions and with that he runs out the room. What the hell. The boy never stays on topic. Hopefully that will make Kalen happy.

"Hey Tor-" Kalen walks into the room but stops as soon as he sees me. "Yes?" I ask sliding my feet into the flip flops. I look up to Kalen taking steps foward, "i guess the warning i just got from James shouldve been enough in its self to understand" he mumbles. I give him a confused look. James? Warning? When Kalen realizes my confusion. "He warned me that your off limits" he chuckles. I chuckle, "really?" He nods. "MOM!"James yells from the living room. "Im coming!" I yell back and start walking to out of the room. Before we made it to the living room kalen whispers in my ear, "You look gorgeous Tori." I feel my cheeks heat up, "Thanks."

We head down stairs to the ground level and head into the indoor pool room. "James sit down and we can take it off" I tell him. "Okay" James complies and sits in a lounging chair. I bend down in front of him and remove the prosthetic and place it under the chair. Then i unwrap the bandage that protected his leg. I checked and made sure it was irritated, "How does it feel today?" "All good mom. Can i swim now" he asks as he stands up and balances using my arm for support. "Yup" i chuckle at him being impatient. I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder. "Watch this Kalen" James yells. I keep spacing that he is with us at times. He is so quiet. Ugh. I turn to see Kalen watching us with a smile. "Ready James?" "ready!" I walk to the deep end then chuck James in and then jump in myself. We both come up seconds later and i reach for James. I help him swim to the shallow end. "Okay James, stay on the shallow side. If you need a break sit on the steps or get out" I tell him as I let him go and he stands on his own. "I know mom" he says with a huff. I give him what he calls my 'mom look' and watch as he puts his hands up in surrender. I walk to the side of the pool where Kalen is still standing, "you coming in?" He nods and walks over to me and sits down putting his feet in the water. "So does he have any difficulty with anything?" he asks. "Cause of his leg?" He nods. "Hasnt really let it affect him where he cant do anything. He just learned to limit himself. Like cant go into the deep in without help or a life jacket" I explain. He then holds him self with his arms and slowly slides into the pool. Both of us leaned against along the wall watching as James swam around.

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