Chapter 14

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"Holy shit!" 

I sit up fast covering myself with the blanket and in the process pushing Kalen off the bed. I see Paisley give a small wave and mouthing sorry before she closes the door. Kalen groans and crawls back in bed. "Well that is one way to wake up" he grumbles. I laugh at his response, "Well she didnt know you would be here." He huffs from underneath the blanket. I take the sheet with me as i stand up and wrap it around me. "Im going to go shower and get dressed before my son is the one to come in here" I say as i pull out dark green maxi dress and undergarments. As i make it into the bathroom Kalen walks up to me in the nude. He stands nose to nose with me. I put my hand on his chest and take a step back, "no. Im taking this shower alone." Before he could say anything there was a knock on the door. "Hey mom?" Kalen leans on the wall and smirks at me. "Yes, James?" "Can we go to the restaurant for breakfast?" "I am going to shower and get ready. If Paisley doesn't mind, can she take you down there? Ill meet you down there soon." After a minute he answers, "She said yes. We are going now." "Okay. See you soon. Love you James!" "Love you too mom!"

I get ready to close the door but Kalen stops it. "No Kalen. I dont have time for this" I say still trying to hold up the sheet that is covering me. With a sigh he nods and kisses my cheek. "If you need a shower use the other one" I tell him then close the door. I slip out of the sheet and jump in the shower. 


"You look stunning" I hear Kalen behind me. Placing my hand on my chest, "Kalen!" He puts his head up in surrender and gives a sheepish smile, "Sorry." Grabbing my purse and keys, we head out of the suite and head to the restaurant. On our way down in the elevator, Kalen grabs my hand. I give in and let him lace his fingers through mine. We smile at each other but when we exit the elevator to the resturant, i remove my hand from his. One look at him tells me I hurt his feelings. I kiss his cheek, "We need to talk to James before we-." He stops me by kissing me on the corner of my lips, "I understand." 

We walk in and find Paisley and James at a large corner booth. "Hey mom!" I sit down and slide in opposite of James and my sister. Kalen sits next to me. "When did you get here" James asks studying his father. I feel my cheeks go pink and notice Paisley trying not to laugh. "I uhh-" Kalen stuttered. After taking a second to compose my self I spoke up. "I invited him to join us for breakfast and he was free, so he came" I said running my hand through my hair. James looked between Kalen and myself then nodded in acceptance. He started eating his pancakes again. Soon a waitress arrived and took our order. 

"So Paisley dont you leave tomorrow?" I was eating my waffles. "Yes. Im so excited! Thank you again for paying for the trip!" She says pratically bouncing up in down in her seat. "Of course. As long as you forgive me for missing your graduation." "Already forgotten. I do have a favor to ask though" she says with a hopeful smile. I put my fork down, "And what would that be?"  She wiggled in her seat nervously. "Okay, so the end of the trip we will be in Italy. So I was wondering if instead of coming home right away I could spend a week with you and James" she says. I glance at James already seeing him bursting with excitement. "Figure out dates, let me know, and then i will give you an answer" I tell her then begin eating again. In the corner of my eye I see Kalen stiffen. "Since the trip is only three weeks. Would be the first week of September." I give her look to drop it, "Actual dates Pales." She nods as her phones goes off. "Its mom. I have to go finish packing." She stands up and gives James a kiss on the forehead, "Ill see you tomorrow." She waves bye and leaves.

"James, when your done eating there is some things I--I mean we would like to talk to you about" I say softly. He gestures to his plate, "Im done now." I give a slight nod but before I could say anything kalen whispers in my ear, "Now?" I nod, "It has to be settled. Its not something we can put off." Kalen agrees and sits back. "So what did you want to talk to me about" James says with curiosity. "Okay, well since your dad is in your life now. We need to talk about living situations." James waits for me to continue. "We need to take the pros and cons of living in Italy or Seattle." One look at James and you tell he wasn't happy were this conversation was going.


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