Chapter 30

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Its been a month since the incident and everything sense then has gone better then I could imagine. Of course Kalen and I are still learning to be on the same page, but what relationship doesnt have the small problems. Because of the incident Pasiley decided not to come. Of course I didn't know that until she had already flown home. She didn't want to tell me before being home because she knew I would push for her to come anyways. James has started school and is busy with that and soccer.

Today is actually the day we get to go see the finished product of the house. Kalen ended up buying the property he told me about. The layout of the house was changed and remodeled it to fit our dream home. 

"Ready" Kalen says walking behind me placing his hands on my hips. "Defiently. James make it school okay" I ask him as I turn to face him. He kisses my forehead, "Yes. He was disappointed not to see the house with us, but I told him we won't touch his room until he gets there" I explains. "Well the movers are suppose to bring in his bed. Should we not set it up then" I ask. "Yeah, he said he wants to decide where he wants everything. For his age he is very decisive" Kalen chuckles. I laugh too. James was always very picky and always wanted things done a certain way.

We load into the the car and take the twenty minute drive to the new house. "Its amazing. Every time I see it, I still can't believe its ours" I say in awe. "I'm glad" he says as he takes my hand. "I want to show you something" he says taking my hand and leads me into the house. He takes me down a hallway, "Close your eyes." I shut my eyes and continue to follow his. He stops and I hear a door open. Kalen takes both my hands and leads me into the room. "Look" he says from behind me. I open my eyes shocked to see the room transformed into an artists dream.

 One wall was full of shelves holding all the materials I could ever imagine. Another wall had shelves to have work drying as well as piles of fresh canvas. There was an isle in front of the farthest wall that had three large windows looking out onto the property. On the last wall had all my ceramic materials including a potters wheel. "Its perfect Kalen" I turn to him. I can feel the tears coming. I wrap my arms around his neck, "Thank you." He leans down and pecks my lips, "Anything for you Tor."


There will be a part two of this chapter which will be posted hopefully within the next two days. Apologies for taking long to post. Please vote and comment. Thanks! 

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