Chapter 10

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Sorry this one is shorter but will update soon! 


"Miss Bennington?" I lift my head at the sound of my name to see a nurse standing there. I stand up and walk up to her, "how is he?" She gives a small smile, "He is stable. You can go be with him now. Let me take you to his room." I nod and follow her through many hallways until she opens a door that led to James laying on the bed. Sitting down next to him, I kiss his hand, "Oh honey." "The doctor will be in shortly to talk with you. Also is there anyone else that would be visiting" the nurse asks from the door way. "Yes, his aunt Paisley Bennington and father Kalen Mckenneth." She nods and leaves the room , closing the door behind her. I scoot the chair a little closer and continue to hold his hand. "Why dont you ever tell me when you dont feel good" i whisper looking at our hands. "Because I dont want you to worry" I hear his soft voice. My eyes shoot up to see James looking down at me. I stand up and give him a gentle hug, "Oh honey. If you told me earlier it wouldn't have gotten to this point. I know I worry about you but you are my baby boy" I kiss his forehead. "Im sorry mom" he hugs me back. "Its in the past bud. We can only learn from our lessons" I sit back down in the chair. Then a doctor walks in, "Miss Bennington, may I have a word with you?" I nod and stand up to walk to the doctor but James doesn't let go of my hand. With one look at him, I sit back down. "He can hear whatever you have to say" I tell the doctor. "Thanks" I hear James whisper. Doctor nods, "Okay. Kalen does have an infection that is rare. He is on an iv and antibiotics. We will keep running tests to make sure its not getting any worse. I have contacted his doctor from Italy and he has explained his condition. We would like him to stay here until the infection is gone. Please be careful about germs around him. Im sure you know that but please remind who ever visits." "Thank you. I appreciate it." With that the doctor was off to his rounds.

Its been about three hours total when a knock at the door awoke me. I look up to see Kalen peeking his head in. I give a nod for him to enter and he does and sits on the couch across from the bed. "Pasley said she will stop by shortly." I just nod in response as Pasley texted me back after I explained what was going on with James. "How is he?" I look to James who is sound asleep. "He is fighting. He is not one to give up a fight" i say softly as a tear falls down my cheek. Out of this whole time at the hospital Ive been able to fight back the tears, but Kalen always seems to bring the vulnerability out in me. I hear Kalen move, so I look in his direction as I wipe away the tear. "The doctor explained to me a little about what is going on. Does this happen often?" I shrug, "Since he lost part of his leg this is only the third time, which from what the doctors say is absolutely better then what other kids go through. Germs are his downfall. The first time he was in the hospital fighting a infection for five months. The second one was luckily only six weeks, but the third" I sigh and wipe another tear away. "The third?" I nod, "The third was the worst. He was in the hospital for almost a year in a half. Every time he started to feel better, it went straight back to worse. My boy. Our son. He is the definition of a fighter." I see Kalen's eyes tear up at all that Ive shared that James had to go through. "Is there anything out there that could help him? Specialist?" I stand up and pace back and forth by his bed, "Ive tried everybody that has been recommended. I even took him to New York but the doctor refused to take his 'case'. All I can do is sanitize everything constantly to make sure there is minimum germs." I stop pacing when Kalen puts his arms on mine, "Tori. We will figure this out. Ill help in any way I can. I have connections that I can reach out to" he says as he reaches up and wipes another stray tear from my cheek. "Connections?" He smirks, "why Tori, do you not remember what I went to college for? Also that I happen to be one of the best in my field." My eyebrows furrow in confusion but then it hits me. Kalen wanted to be a doctor. A neurosurgeon. Shit! I look up at him with wide eyes and he just chuckles. "Yup" was all he said before he led me to the couch. "Get some rest. We will talk more in the morning" he says. I nod but walk to James instead. "Tori" I hear Kalen through gritted teeth. I kiss James's forehead and then walk back to the couch to lay down. "When did you get so bossy" I murmur as I close my eyes. Sleep takes me fast, but not fast enough where i wouldn't here Kalen's words. "I love you Tori. Always have. Always will."

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