Chapter 3

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Picture of Kalen is above


"Please tell me its not what i think Tori" he says softly.

"I can't" i say softly but i know he is close enough to hear. Without saying anything i rummage through my purse and pull out a mini photo album. Just having it in my hand the tears start tumbling down, unable to stop them. Turning around i see Kalen's eyes are swollen with tears he is fighting not to show. "Here" i hold the mini album out and wait for him to take it. He looks at it and hesiates before he grabs it. Once he opens to the first page, he is unable to hold back the tears. I know its not the best time but just thinking about it, i couldnt help but smile knowing the picture he is currently staring at. A 7 year old boy in a soccer unifrom after he won a trophy. His black shaggy hair and blue eyes make him a mini me of his father, Kalen. I watch as he slowly flips through the album, carefully taking in each picture. There is a few of me and him together, him as baby, and him as he hit his mile stones. My smile fades when dark blues meet mine. "What's his name" he asks softly. The tears are still flowing down his cheeks but not as fast as they were before. "Kalen James McKenneth Jr." I sigh. I hear a low growl come from Kalen. He hands me the album back and i place it in my purse. When i look back at him, he is running his hand through his hair and looking away from me. I know he should be screaming at me. More then that he should be throwing a huge fit.

Yes. I am in the wrong. Majorly. The night that we drank i lost my virginity to non other then Kalen. Ive always has a crush on him but i never wanted to loose that. So when i woke up to being naked next to him, I panicked. No i freaked! Bad. After two months in Italy in the abroad college program, I found out i was pregnant. Being abroad i was placed with a family that happened to own a vineyard and when i told them they were very supported. Never judged. They have helped so much. They are actually who are watching my boy right now. When i found out about my dad, i panicked because i never told them about my precious boy. Maria and Nico, owners of the vineyard volunteered to watch him until I would either come back or pick him up. I did finish college. I now have my masters degree in Arts administration, a minor in Photography and painting. The past 8 years have been difficult but with so much reward. Now im standing infront of my boys father, unsure of how to make things right. My best friend who i left eight years ago with an explanation.

After a few minutes of silence, i speak up, "Kalen?" He looks up waiting for me to continue. "Umm, im suppose to be headed to Portland to see my dad" i mumble. He nods and starts to walk to his car. "Kalen wait" i say as i reach out and grab his hand. He stops but doesn't look to me. "Im sorry" i start crying again. Of course. "Im so sorry! I want to fix this. I want to explain, but i know im in the wrong. Please. Tell me what would make this better" i say as i wipe more of the tears off my face. He turns to look at me with sadness clear across his face. "They don't even know about him. I ran and i couldn't stop. I didnt know how!" He gives a confused look, "They?" Embarrassed by admitting more wrong that ive done i look down, "My family." With that i feel Kalens hand on my chin as he lifts it up, "Why? Out of all people, why run from me?" He wipes the tears off my face, "I was scared Kalen!" I took a step away and turned away. "This is not how i wanted everything to happened. That night was defiantly one of the best days ive every had besides when i was blessed with my baby. Ive loved you for years. Even Emma knew. She understood why i ran. Id rather run then see your turn away from me after that night!" I was pratically yelling at him now. He looks shocked at my admission but then masks it. "Why wouldnt you talk to me Tori" he takes a step towards me. "You made the decision for me. What if i liked you? What if it worked out between us" he asks. "I couldnt do a what if" i said softly. "I picked up the phone so many times to tell you Kalen. The what ifs were what killed me!" "The what ifs cost me my son" i says through gritted teeth. I was not suprised his anger was finally showing. "Do you want to meet him" i ask softly. At this point I couldnt think if anything that would make it better. Though for what ive done, im pretty sure nothing could make this better.

"Yes, but answer me one thing" he says. "Okay" i wait for him to ask his question. "What have you told Kalen about me? his father?" he asks while rubbing the back of his neck. "I told him the truth. I told him momma ran away and when i got to italy for school, she found out about being pregnant. I told him whenever he asked about you, that you loved him and that when the time was right, momma will stop running" I explain. During the whole time, i couldnt look at him, only everything around us. "Are you?" With that question, i look up giving him a confused look. "Are you? Are you done running Tori" he asks. He opens his arms and i walk into his embrace. We stood hugging each other for about five minutes before we seperate. "I have to go to Portland to see my dad now. As soon as i see him, Ill go pick up James" i explain. "James" Kalen repeats. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, we call him James, so wouldnt be confusing when I decided to um.. stop running" i mumble at the end. "I like that what if" he says softly.

"Did you guys finally make up?" I turn to Mandie standing near the front door of the dinner. I laugh at her wording. Kalen turns to her, "Ive heard youve been keeping secrets from me Mandie!" With that Mandie turns red in embarrassment and walks back inside the dinner. I turn to see Kalen looking at me. "Im not mad. Im hurt. Im trying to absorb that i have a son. I just... this is crazy Victoria" he says trying to absorb what just has happened with in the last half and hour. When he says my full name i flinch. He use to never use my full name only called me 'Tori'. Before i could say anything my phone starts to ring. After diggin through my purse i pull it out and answer it without looking at the screen. "Hello" when i hear the little voice on the other line i smile and take a step away from Kalen. "Hey baby. How are you?" "I miss you so much!" "Do you want mommy to come get you so you can be here with mama?" "Of course buddy!" "Can i talk to Maria? Or Nico?" "Hey Maria. Everything is going okay. Im going to see my dad today." "Yes. Im planning to come get him after. Ill fly out of Portland." "Okay. I will send you the flight info. If you could have him ready and bring him to the airport, we will take the next flight back here." "Of course. Ill be home soon Maria" "Thank you. Give my love to James!" With that I hang out and turn to see Kalenn leaning on my car. "Ill text you the flight info when it gets scheduled Kalen. Ummm Im not completely sure how my family will react, so ill probably get a hotel room for the first couple days. I dont was to overwhelm James." Kalen nods in understanding. "Um Kelan there is one more thing. Did you notice anything about the pictures of James?" I ask. He looks at me like he lost at what my point is. "James got an infection as a baby and no longer has a right foot and calf." I explain. Kalen looks shocked again. I pull out the album and flip through photos, looking for one that would show what im talking about. At finding it i point to James. He is in pajamas and sitting cross legged. You can see you foot, but the right foot is missing from the photo. "But the other photos he has a leg" he says not understanding. "Kalen, its an prosthetic leg" i sigh. I see him studying the photo, "Tori, you've gone through so much." I smile at the memories since James was a baby, "He was an amazing baby and i couldn't have asked for a better son. He is such a great sport with his prosthetic leg. He plays sport and goes running with me as though he has his leg. He amazes me daily!" "Wow" Kalen smiles. "I cant wait to meet him. Tori thank you" he says. "For what? If anything I should be saying Thank you for not being mad at me" i shoot back. "Thank you for taking care of 'our' son."


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