Chapter 12

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As soon as Kalen took a step I froze. I could only look like a deer caught in the headlights as he continued closer. He stopped when I was close enought to feel his breath and him taking my hands in his. Without anything he tipped his head down and leaned in. As soon as his lips touched mine everything else didnt matter. Kalen probably shocked that I responded to the kiss seemed to hesitate before turning the kiss into one of passion. I felt myself being pushed up against the window. My hands trailed up his arms to his neck.  Refusing to have any space between us  I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He instantly places is hands under my butt for more support. We break for hair and he begins to kiss my jaw to my neck. I moan as he kisses and sucks on the skin between the neck and shoulder. 

"Excuse me?" As soon as I heard that we separated fast. There standing by the now open front door was a brunette haired short girl that looked as pissed as ever.  Kalen took a step towards her, "Brittany? What are you doing here?" "What do you mean what Im I doing here" she practically screamed. Kalen hesitated with a response then looked at me with an apologetically. What the hell is going on! I can feel my emotions getting the best of me, so instead of braking down in front of them I grabbed my purse off the coffee table then headed for the front door. "Tori wait!" Kalen tried to stop me. "No Kalen" I sigh. "No" I say softly and walk out the door. I hear the door slam closed behind me as I am now walking down the drive way. Pulling out my phone I call a taxi to pick me up. I head to the end of the driveway and sit on the curb waiting. After about five minutes of waiting a taxi pulls up. I hope in and tell him the hotel name. Once he drives away from Kalen's house the tears begin to fall and dont feel like they are going to stop anytime soon.

Kalen's pov

"What the hell Brittany" I yell. "I see that break you needed was not so much of a break" she says sarcastically. "What are you doing here" I ask annoyed. "Your mother called and said that you missed me" she says with mischief clear in her eyes. "Why the hell would my mom call you" I start pacing in frustration. I finally get a chance with Tori and its blown by Brittany and my mom scheming. "She said some whore is trying to weasel her way into your life and I needed to stop it"  she said sitting on the couch. I walk towards her, "You dont ever call her a whore again! Now get out and never come back! We are through! I will never make a mistake of being with you again" I yell at her. Brittany  looks stunned at my rage. Im normally a calm person; my job had helped me learn to keep calm in tough situations. "You will regret this Kalen" Brittany stands and heads for the door. I stop her with my hand on hers, "Its her." A single tear falls down my cheek. Brittany stands there more shocked then before. After composing herself she hugs me and kisses my cheek, "Im sorry. Go get that girl" she says with a smile. I see her eyes tearing up. With that Brittany leaves.

Brittany was the girl i meet in college. We both had our hearts broken our summer after high school graduation. There may have been some chemistry between us but not much. It was more about convenience.  We promised if we never got our person back we would be there for each other and eventually be together. Spending a lot of time together we ended up dating. So, yes, Brittany knew what went happened between Tori and I. The day I saw Tori at the dinner and found out about James, I meet up with Brittany and told we need to be done. She wasnt mad due to her having the same feelings. She was busy with work so hadnt been able to be around much. Knowing my mother had egged her on to come over and interrupt my time with Tori isnt completely surprising due to her hate for Tori. After she left I went through hell and my mom blamed it all on Tori. My mom saw Brittany as a blessing to get my out of my slump. My dad understood, only because I told him what happened and asked him for advice. 'Love will bring you guys back together.' That was his words of wisdom. For Brittany understood what it meant for us when our loved ones came back. And Tori is back. I want to make sure she is back in my life for good.

Tori POV

When I got to the hotel I texted Paisley to see how they were doing.

Me: How are you and James? Are you guys in the suite or the double queen size bed room?

Paisley answered quickly. 

Paisley: We are not in the suite. In the double queen size bed room. How are you? Heard it didnt go great with his folks.

Me: Yeah that defiantly sucked but Kalen's dad is still the great guy. Just his mom is so different! Nothing like she use to be. Anyway Im back at the hotel if you guys need anything let me know. If you dont have any plans can you stay with him overnight. What ever room service you guys want just charge it to the tab i have. 

Paisley: No plans. Plus Im leaving in a week so I want to get all the nephew time I can get. :P

Me: Thanks Paisley! Ill talk to you in the morning. Goodnight.

Paisley: Ok. Goodnight!

I enter the hotel and head up to the suite. Once in the suite I head straight to the the master bedroom's bathroom. I strip off all the clothes and turn on the shower. Stepping in the tub, I turn the water warmer and let the bathroom fill with steam. Thoughts begin racing through my head. Paisley leaves in a week. So, that would be a good time to leave back to Italy. Which mean in the next couple days we can visit dad. Of course, Ill have to stop and see Mandie and see my best friend again. 

My thoughts are cut off by hearing the closing of the master bedroom door. Freaking out i put my back to the shower wall and cover my chest and lower region as best i could. Maybe its Paisley or James? 


"Shit." That defiantly isn't Paisley or James. Its none other then Kalen McKenneth.


Picture above is of Brittany.

What do you guys think so far?

Do you think that Tori will forgive Kalen? Give him a chance to explain?

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