Chapter 22

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"What is your favorite memory here in Italy" Kalen asks as we continue to walk the path around the vineyard. "James, defiantly. Where you mad when I left" I ask. He shakes his head, "No I was never mad. I was just hurt that you left without explanation. We were best friends for years, it hurt you left like our friendship didnt matter" he explains. "Oh" i saw softly. "My turn. What was the reason you left" he asked. "I always had a crush on you but I was worried about ruining our friendship. When I woke up, I freaked out and so many things ran through my head. Would you reject me? Would it be awkward from then on? I know it was wrong but I ran home told my mom I'm taking the overseas course in Italy. Booked my flight and left as soon as I could" I ramble on. Kalen stops in front of my places his hands on my shoulders and looks down to my face, "Did you ever once think that I liked you?" I shrug my shoulders, "There were moments when I questioned it but after we slept together, I could only think about the rejection." 

Kalen takes a step back and we both begin walking again, "Your turn." I nod, "Did you know where I was?" He rubs the back of his neck, "I got Emma to tell me you were in Italy but she wouldn't tell me the city or school. Also she said to give you some time and wait for you to come back. We both thought you would come back" he says softly. "I did consider it when I found out I was pregnant, but I was so emotional I had to see a therapist. For my health and the baby it was best to take it day by day and the best thing for me at the time was to stay here" I tell him. "Really? I just wish you could've told me sooner. Did you think I wouldn't take responsibility?" I shake my head and start directing him back to the house for dinner, "No, I just couldn't get past the idea of you rejecting me. I loved you Kalen and I let the fear rule my decisions." 

We reach the house porch after walking a few minutes in silence. "You should've known me better then that" Kalen says softly. "Apparently I shouldve known everyone better" I mumble. "Finally you to came back" Marc says walking out the back door. "Dinner is ready. Lets eat" he says and leads me into the house with Kalen following. Nico and Maria are at the heads of the table. Nico and Marc are on one side with me across from Marc and next to Kalen. 

"So how is the gallery going" Nico asks. "Its going great. This week I got two  new projects. I am also hoping to come up with a new collection but we will see how far I get with everything going on" I tell them. "Congratulations Tor! I still want you to come over and help me put up the drawing you did for me" Marc says. "Sure. Ill try and fit in some time in the next week or so" I smile back at him. "James when does soccer start again" he continues. James beams with excitement, "Practice begins in four weeks and then games start in August. Of course thats all after try outs" he says quickly. "Try-outs" Kalen asks. "Yeah, every year the teams do try outs. They are Italy's competitivies and they want the best every year. Kalen has been on the team for two years. This year he is going to a high age group level" I explain. Kalen just nods. After dinner we said our goodbyes then Kalen and I went headed home.

An hour later

We just arrived at the house and I head to my room. My phone goes off and I pick it up.



"Miguel is that you"

"Yes. How are you beautiful?

"Im busy, but good" I sit down on the bed.

"I heard you will be at the fundraiser event this weekend. Would you like to be my date?"

"Sorry Miguel, but I already have one."

"What" he sounded furious

"Miguel, your my friend, but you need to stop pushing" I sigh

"I though you said if I'd give you time!"

"I told you maybe in time, but I said I wasnt ready and didnt feel that way about you" I yell back.

"But your with someone else!" 

I take a deep breath, "Miguel, it was never going to happen. I'm not intrested nor will I ever be."

"This is not over! I will win you over" he snaps.

"Miguel, enough! Its not going to happen. Please stop before you ruin our friendship"

"I want you!"

"I don't want you more then friendship!"

"I don't care!"

I hear movement by my bedroom door, and look to see Kalen coming in. He looks furious.

"I gotta go. Bye!"

"Wait Im not finished" I hear Miguel yell but I hang up.

I watch Kalen as he comes and sits down next to me. "Was that Miguel" he asks. I nod and lean into him. He wraps puts an arm over my shoulder. "Sounds like he doesn't understand a no" he says through gritted teeth. "Well he will have to learn especially when you come with me this weekend as my date. I honestly never led him on. I told him I wasn't ready to be in a relationship after um. Anyway he just needs to get over it or Ill just get a restraining order. I have to much going on to have to worry about him" I tell Kalen. I kiss his cheek but then notice how pissed his face is. 

"What" I ask as he removes his hand. "What do you mean after? After us? After you had James? Or is it something else?" I stand up and take a few steps away, "I don't want to talk about it." Kalen stands up and walks up behind me. He pushes my hair on the side and kisses my shoulder. "Trust me Tori. Please trust me" he says barely above a whisper. "I can't talk about it but I can show you" I answer. I walk to my walk in closest. I move around boxes until I find the right one. Once I find the old file box, I pick it up and place it on the bed. "Just put it back when your done" I tell him as I walk out of the room. I head to the room that is downstairs full of my art supplies.

Kalen's POV

I was not shocked when I found out she was keeping something else from me, but I was relieved when she gave into me finding out what it was. When she placed that old file box on her bed, so many things ran through my head. What could've possibly happened to her to make her not even want to talk about it. Does her family know? Did Emma know?

I walk to the bed and lift off the lid to the box. On top there is a paper bag that I place to the side and pull out a file filled with a thick stack of papers. I sit on the bed and flip it open. The first page is a police report. Assault. Rape. Attempted murder. I feel the sweat building on my forehead. Her name is on it as the victim. My Tori was the victim to these atrocious acts. I continue to read through the notes that the police left. I check the dates and notice this is about three months after she had James. My god. She has gone through so much and I wasn't hear for her. I flip through more of the files to see pictures. Pictures of the after math she went through. 

There was a total of 8 photos. First photo was of of her neck, bruises of finger marks that are consistent of strangulation. Second photo was of her bruised face and right eye was swollen shut. The eye you could see looked empty of any emotion. Tori looked broken. I skimmed through some of the medical paper work and the more I read the more I felt bad that I didnt find her sooner. I could've prevented this if I was with her. Couldn't I have? 

Placing the items back in the box, I look at the bag still sitting on the bed. I peek inside of it seeing clothing that has blood stains on it. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and let it out. Opening my eyes I place the bag in the box and then the lid. Picking it up, I place the box back in the closet. 

Heading back in the room, I sit on the bed. I can't imagine what she went through. I have so many questions, but will I get any answers? Is the man in jail? 

I promised Tori our senior year of high school that I would always be there to protect her, but I failed because I didn't go after her.


Please remember this is unedited. I plan to edit this book once I've finished writing it. Thanks

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