Chapter 29

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Kalen hasn't said much since I explained what happened. I can't blame him, this is crazy. Kalen had to leave to pick up James from practice and drop him off at Maria and Nico's. Viv called a few minutes ago to let me know she is closing up to gallery, gave her statement and the police are going to be coming to get mine. My phone goes off.




"Yea! Viv just called me!"

"Oh. She did, did she."

"Victoria, now is not the time to joke" he says sternly.

I keep quiet unsure of what else to say. I can only imagine how he feels, knowing his brother is the one that did this to me.

"How are you doing? Baby?"

"I am waiting for the doctor to come back in." I run my hand through my hair and bundle myself within the thin blankets. 

"I'm so sorry Tori. If you need anything let me know."

"Thanks Marc. I'm going to get some rest okay" I say as I try to prevent yawning.

"Okay. I'll check in on your later! Love you Tori" he says.

"Love you too! Bye" I hang up the phone.

I reach to place the phone on the side table but give up not wanting to move from my comfortable position, so I end up setting it on the side of the bed. Someone grabs the phone and places it on the side table for me. I look up from my blanket cocoon to see Kalen already back.

"Your back" I say barely above a whisper. He nods and sits in the chair next to the bed. He leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees and head in his hands making him look to the floor. 

"Victoria" I look up to see the doctor walk in. "I have good news. Baby is doing great. The ultrasound showed no signs of distress and the baby had a very strong heart beat" he explains. "What about the x-rays" I ask. "Your face is only severely bruised. Your wrist is fractured,so it will need a cast for at least six weeks. You will be prescribed medication for the pain" he explains. "Is the prescription safe with the baby" I ask. He nods, "Yes, it is safe. Just take it every six hours or when its needed."  He glances at Kalen then back at me, "You are free to be discharged after the nurse gets your cast on but the police will be here shortly, so you can wait if you'd like until you leave." I nod, "Thanks." Kalen stands up and walks the doctor out of the room whispering back and forth. The nurse comes in and puts on the cast. After she is finished I take that as my time to relax until the police shows up. 

After a few minutes I hear multiple foot steps entering the room. I peek through the blanket that I had covering my face to see Kalen followed by two police officers. I blush in embarrassment and quickly sit up, but end up cursing under my breath in pain. Kalen has is eyes following my every move, but his face is not portraying an emotions.

"Hello, I'm officer Smith and this is officer Narlo" the tall skinny officer introduced them. Officer Narlo was a women that was short and thin. "We are here for your statement. Can you please tell us what happened" Officer Narlo asked. I nod and spent the next twenty minutes replaying all that happened from Viv leaving for food to when the officers showed up.

"Thank you miss. Is there any questions you have" Officer Smith asks. I nod, "Actually I was wondering what is going to happen to Miguel." I see Kalen stiffen hearing my words. I keep my eyes on the officers avoiding looking at Kalen. "Miguel is being booked into jail. He will be charged with assault and attempted kidnapping. The prosecutor is pushing for no bail" Officer Narlo answers. I nod. "Anything else miss?" I shake my head, "No, thanks." They both excuse themselves and leave. 

I pull the sheets back and stand up. I walk to a table on the other side of the room and grab my clothes. One back at the bed, I begin taking off the gown and put on my clothes. I don't end up putting my blouse back on due of it being ripped. So I am stuck wearing black heels, white tank top, and blue skinny jeans.

I walk into the attached bathroom to check my appearance. I frown seeing my swollen face. I sigh and take the pony tail off my wrist and put my hair in a messy bun atop my head. Splashing cold water on my face then gentle patting it dry, I decide it isnt going to get any better. I walk back out of the bathroom to grab my phone and then head straight of the room. I walk to the nurse's station, "I would like to discharge myself." The nurse nods and passes over the paperwork. Once it's signed I slide it the clip board back to her. "Have a good day" she says. I give her small smile, "You too." I head for the elevator and once its open I step inside. As the doors close, Kalen makes his appearance sliding in before it completely closed. 

Thank god this elevator trip was quick because being around silent Kalen is making me feel awkward. Once its open, I walk out to the parking lot. "My car is over here" Kalen gestures with his hands to the right over to employee parking lot. I nod and follow him as he leads me to his car. We both get in the car and buckle up in silence. 

Once on the road I look over at Kalen. "Did you tell James" I ask. " I told him that you had gotten hurt, but I didn't say specifics. I figured we should both sit down and explain" he says. " Kalen?" He takes a quick glance at me then back to the road. "I'm sorry Tori" he says while running a hand through his hair. "This past few months have been insane and now this. I know its not your fault, it's just crazy" he adds. "Trust me, I know" I mumble. He reaches over with and grabs my hand leaving it on my thigh. "I'm glad that you and the baby are okay" he says. "I am too" I sigh. "I do want to tell James to truth. He always seems to find out the truth anyway" I add. Kalen nods in understanding. "Maria offered to watch him overnight. Is that okay" he asks. "Yes. We can pick him up tomorrow and talk with him." I look out the window as he heads to our home.

When we arrive to the house, I head to the kitchen in search of food. "Hungry" Kalen asks. I nod as I look through the fridge. "How about I order take out" he offers. "Chinese food sounds amazing" I moan at just the thought. Kalen bursts out laughing. I glare at him. "Please contain your sound effects. Its like a cat in heat" he chuckles. "Your comparing me to a cat in heat" I yell at him. "If you moan like that" he smirks. "What is there a certain way I am suppose to moan" I question. As I realize what I just said Kalen steps in front of me. "Yes there is. If you want me to show you I will gladly do so" he smirks and pecks the tip of my nose. "Actually you should rest and get some food in you. Later I will show you" he winks then walks away to call the take out.

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