Chapter 8

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After about an hour and half Paisley comes in and announces its time for her to take James away for their movie night. "Make sure he showers when he gets up stairs before getting dressed in his clothes. Oh and remind him to brush his teeth" I rattle off as she rolls her eyes. "Oh sheesh is she always likes this" Paisley ask James. "You haven't seen anything" I hear James mumble. "Kalen James!" I yell as they both dart out of the pool room. I turn around to see Kalen laughing. "And what is sooo funny?" He just shrugs his shoulders with a smirk on his face. He hands me my towel and i wrap it around myself. "Thanks for letting me join you guys today. It was great spending time with you and James." "Of course" I say as I retie my hair into a messy bun. My towel loosens and begins falling but before i could grab it Kalen reaches forward and stops it from going past my stomach. His hand freezes as though he just realizes where his hand is placed. Yes folks, his hand is on my boob. I take the towel from his hand and it seems to snap him out of his trance as he removes his hand and takes a step back. "Thanks" i mumble knowing that my cheeks are bright red. Looking up to Kalen, i see him rubbing the back of his neck and the tips of his ears are pink as well as his cheeks slightly pink. "Wow." "What?" Shocked that i said it out loud i shake my head and laugh. "Its just Ive never seen you blush before." He doesn't respond just dries his hair and then dries the rest of himself off. "Did you have any plans?" "Plans?" "Tori, will you have dinner with me" he asks as he takes another step forward. I take a step back, "Dinner?" "Yes Tori, dinner" he says with a smirk. "Like what kind of din--" He cuts me off, "Dammit Tori! Will you have dinner with me or not" he takes a step closer to me. I try to take another step away but i couldn't due to the chair directly behind me. Kalen takes another step closer and now is toe to toe to me. "Tori, will you please have dinner with me" he says softly. I start running through the pros and cons but before i could make up my mind Kalen leans towards me, close enough i can feel his breath on my face. "Please." I nod. Speechless, I just nod. With a smile he back up and grabs his phone. Without saying anything else we head to the elevator to get back to the suite.

Once we enter the suite I come up with idea that will give him the dinner he wants with me and me still being able to be in my comfort zone. "Okay since i agreed to dinner. Can i decide where" i ask. He smirks, "Sure." Put my hand up gesturing to the suite, "Here." "Here" he asks confused. "Order room service and ill let you stay for a movie if you behave" i joke. He stands there in thought then nods, "Okay, but only if you let me order." "Sure Kalen. You can do that while I go shower. If you want use the other bathroom if you need to." I head into the master room and strip out of my swimsuit. I took a ten minutes shower and then started going through my suitcase. Once i pulled out a nice pair of skinny jeans and a black blouse with tank top underneath i begin getting dressed. "Hey Tori. Food should be here any minute" Kalen yells through the door. "Okay, ill be out in a couple minutes" I yell back. I add mascara, eye liner, and red lip stick then start brushing out my hair. Using a hair dryer i brush out my wavy hair and then use bobby pins to pin my bangs to the side. Taking one more look in the mirror i walk out of the suite to find Kalen.

Walking into the kitchen I find him serving up plates and opening bottles of wine. "Do you prefer white or red" he asks without looking up. "Umm actually something a little stronger" i say softly as i walk up next to him. "Stronger" he repeats then looks up. When his eyes meet mine they slowly move down my body taking my apperance in. "Yes stronger" Kalen repeats again. I chuckle at him and playfully slap his arm, "yes stronger" I joke. I walk over to a cabinet and pull out rasberry voldka and then strawberry lemonade from the fridge. "Wine or do you want to try" i ask him as i make my drink. "If you have rum and coke, ill have that" he says as he continues serving the food onto plates. "Sure" i say as i start finding the bottles to make his drink. After another few minutes we both are seated at the dinning table across from each other.

We ate in silence for a couple minutes until he set his fork down and looks at me with a serious experssion. I almost laugh at how serious he is trying to look. Kalen notices me trying to laugh his lips curve slightly but fade again. "Victoria." "Well that says it all" I mumble and run my hand through my hair. "What?" "Kalen, you said my full name. I know that means this isnt going to be a fun conversation" I explain and then down the rest of liquid in my glass. I see Kalen watching my every room as though he is examing me. "Quite. Just say something and stop watching me like that" I say as i go into the kitchen and refill my drink. I hear him sigh as i leave the room. I start filling my glass when I hear him walk in behind me. "Tori, we need to talk" he says quietly but non the less stern. I set the bottle down and turn to him. He leans on the counter across from me, "Are you staying?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What?" "Are you staying in Seattle?" I sigh, "Well you went straight for it." "Tori, you know this was coming. I want to be apart of my sons life and Im hoping yours as well" he says. I take a long drink of my drink, "I havent decided what I am going to do Kalen. Right now I just want to make sure my father is okay. Can we get to this when we need to?" He stands up straight and puts one arm on each side of me to the counter. "No Tori. No. I need an answer! I want your answer" he grits out. I open and close my mouth unsure of what to say. My life has been amazing in Italy. I had finished college, finsihed an internship with a gallery, and am now ready to open my own art gallery. Plus James's whole life has been in Italy. He would have to give up soccer.

"What is your answer Tori? Are you done running?" I look up to his face, "Not right now." "I want an answer now--" I cut him off putting my hands up. "Im not moving to America. Not right now. Once my father is on his way to recovery, we are going back. Its not just my decision Kalen. James has a say. He would have to give up soccer. We would be moving away from Nico and Maria. I would loose my chance at opening my art gallery. I can not give you an answer Kalen. Im sorry but I can't." I go to walk past him, but he grabs my arm and swings me back to him. My chest hits his and he cups my cheek with his hand. Kalen slowly leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips. Once my eyes closed he stepped away. "I will fight if I have to" he whispers and then walks out of the kitchen. I stand there stunned and when I hear the front door close I know he is gone. "Shit" I stomp my feet. I know childish. I dont know what I am going to do. I know Kalen has the right to James but to pick up our lives and move to America. Could we? Ugh!

I walk to the dinning room to find my phone and dial Pasley. "Pasley." "Yes?" "Hey how is James doing?" "He just fell asleep." "Aww okay. I was hoping to say goodnight before he went to bed." "Sorry. Actually I was going to call you." "Oh? Whats up?" "James seemed bother by his leg. When I asked he said it was fine and dont tell you." "Ugh! Ill be there in a minute." I hang up before she could say anything. Slidding on flip flops and the room key, I run out of the room to head to their room.

I knock on the room and it instantly opens to reveal Paisley. I ignore he concerned face and walk straight to wear James slept on the bed. I feel his forehead and he instantly feels warm. "Dammit." I pull back the blanket and see him sweating. "Paisley Ive got to take him to the hospital" I tell her as i pick him up bridal style. He doesn't even open his eyes. "What is happening?" "Lets go. Ill answer questions later." We both get to the car and I sit in the back and buckle James in and have him lay towards me for support. "Paisley go now" I say when i look up to see her watching me with tears in her eyes. She instantly nods and starts driving to the hospital. We make it within minutes and I carry him in. As soon as we walk in nurses walk up, "What happened?" "He has a immunodeficiency disorder. He has history of infections." The nurses put him on a gurney and start wheeling him down a hallway. They start shouting requests of what they need. I try to continue walking with them, but a nurse stops me, "Im sorry Miss but we cant allow you to come with us. Once he is stable someone will come get you. A nurse will be out to get our information" she explains then leaves. Im now standing in the hallway unsure of what to do. My baby. My baby boy. God, I hope he is okay. I walk back to the waiting area that Paisley was in. "Did they say anything" She asks as i sit next to her. I shake my head. "Do you need me to do anything Victoria?" I hand her my phone, "Call Kalen. Pickup clothes for James and his prosthetic please." I lean forward and put my face in hands. "Ill be back quickly" Paisley says as she gives me a hug then leaves. Thank goodness my sister is here to help. After the last time James was in the hospital, i don't know what i would've done this time by my self. Maria and Nico were always there but it was never the same not having my family around. 

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