Chapter 18

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I take a step back for Kalen to come. He hands me the bag with the prescription. "Thanks" I say as i step it on the coffee table. "Ill have him put it on in the morning. He fell asleep and will probably we out the rest of the night" i tell him. He nods and puts in his hands in his pocket while his eyes are watching me every move. "Is something wrong Kalen" i ask. "No, everything is fine. I do have some news though" he says whiles taking a step towards me. "I found a job already" he explains. "Really" i ask with excitement clear in my voice. He finishes walking towards me and takes my hands in his, "Yup and they asked me to start in three days." I hug him, "That's great!" "Yes, but are you okay with me coming sooner then planned" he asked. "Wait. What about your house and all you stuff you need to take care of here" I ask. "Well for my house, I plan to keep it and just have someone do some house cleaning every other week. My dad will agreed to keep an eye on things. He is very happy for us. Plus if we ever visit here we will have a house to stay in instead of a hotel" he explains. "Plus i love that house to much to get ride of it" he adds. 

"Are you sure this is what you want" i ask softly. He kisses the tip of my nose, "yes Tori. You and James are the most important thing in my life. You are the priority." I smile and kiss his lips. "So did you already plan a flight" i ask. He rubs the back of my neck, "Yes, but only if you don't mind." "Why would i mind" i scrunch my noise. He chuckles, "Well my flight is the same as yours tomorrow morning. It was either that one or the day after but i would like to explore a little before i start work" he says. I raise my brows, "thats fine but why would i mind." "God i miss you blondie" he laughs. I push him playfully in the chest pretending to be irritated at this comment. He use to make fun of me about being blonde in high school. "I would be coming early. Which means staying with you sooner" he explains what i seemed to be missing in his earlier comments. "Oh. Thats fine. Ive already talked to James about it" I shrug my shoulders. 

We end up talking for another thirty minutes before Kalen leaves to finish packing and making last minute arrangements. Once he leaves I head to bed to get some rest before our long flight tomorrow.


The next morning, James and I get our luggage together, check out of the hotel and then head to the airport. Once in the airport, we check our bags, go through security check points and finally make it to our gate. We arrive about an hour early before our flight leaves. I hand over my phone so James can play games on it. 

After about forty five minutes I hear some one call my name behind me. I turn to see Kalen. "Cutting it close much" I chuckle at him. "Yeah. Had to make sure everything was ready for me leaving. My dad is said he would do what ever i forgot" he chuckles. He looks tired with his normally tamed hair and slight circles under his eyes. "You okay? You look tired." He gives a slight nod, "Yeah, Im fine. After I left your place, I had to stop by the hospital and finish up some things there. I am asked to stay on one of my patients cases until he gets in better shape. Ive been the kids doctor since he was born so I told them I would. So will have to visit Seattle occasionally. Besides that i gave my dad a list of things i wasnt able to do and he will take care of them for me." Wow, he has done a lot in the past twenty four hours alone. 

"Mom, Viv is calling" James says on the other side of me. He hands me the phone and I answer.



"Hey whats up Viv?"

"Are you still flying back today?"


"Awesome! I have some very good news!"

"Are you going to tell me or you just going to prolong this" i joke.

"Patience. You must learn it" I roll my eyes at her comment.

"Any day now. My flight is going to start boarding soon"

"Alright. Alright. I know you have been working to open your gallery but Van Carlson is asking for a costume piece!"

"What" i say a little louder

"Yes! He is willing to pay as well. He wants to have a meeting with you as soon as possible!"

I check my watch. About thirteen hours for the flight tops and its 11 am now. So 9am should work. "Schedule a meeting 9am at my gallery"

"Alright will do!"

"Thanks viv!"

"Also you sold moment in time piece"

I stand up, "What!"



"About four days ago."

"Why am I just hearing about it now. I should be hearing about this a lot sooner. It is my gallery."

"Technically your gallery isn't open but only open to appointments. Hey at least i told you now"

I hear the announcement for our flight to begin boarding. "i got to go viv. I call you as soon as i can" 


I hang up and pick up my purse, "lets go James." Kalen and James stand and we head over to the line of people waiting to board the flight.

"Sounds like good news" Kalen says from behind me. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. I feel my face flush, but try quickly to cover it up. "Yes, I sold a piece four days ago and also was requested for a custom order" I explain with a grin. "Thats amazing. So what medium do you use" he asks.

James interrupts, "Mom does it all. Everyone that sees her work is amazed." He smiles proudly at me. I smile and give him a side hug, "thanks bud." Kalen nods and quietly adds, "impressive." We board the flight. 

"Kalen, ill take James to the winery tonight because first thing in the morning I have an important meeting" I tell him. "We dont land til midnight. Arent you going to be to tired for a meeting." I shake my head, "no, ill be fine. I am use to all nighters with my art work. Ill manage." He nods, "Why don't James stay with me?" I tip my head in thought, "Okay. We will just go to my place then because its closer to my gallery." He gives me a small smile and then he looks out the plane window.

Kalen POV

Today she seems different. I dont know what it is, I just cant put my finger on it. I know we have only started this relationship and I am going to relearning a lot about her. I mean its been years and we have both grown. I didnt even know she did more then just drawing and occasionally taking pictures. Is that bad? This gallery seems like a big deal. She seems like a big deal in Italy? Is there more that I don't know about her life in Italy.

I glance to James, on the other side of Tori, who is currently playing a hand held video game. He looks up at me and gives me a small  mischievous smile then goes back to his game. That smile. I think im in for on big wake up call about Victoria's life in Italy.

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