Chapter 26

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We just arrived at a old Italian dinner and were seated in a booth. "How was practice James" I ask him. "Good. Our first game is in two weeks" he says with his eyes still on the kids menu in his hands. "That's good. Has coach decided who team mom this year is" I ask. He shakes his head, "No, not yet. He said there are a couple people who recommended. Coach will probably announce it next weeks practice" he says. I nod in understanding. I was soccer mom two years in a row, but stopped last year to give another mom a chance to play that role, as well as give my self more time to focus on my business. 

"Kalen how is the job? Still loving it?" I am still worried that he may regret moving here and leaving his dream job back in Seattle, but he hasnt once complained. He really seems to be happy here in Italy with us. "Great. I do have a tough case with a patient who needs brain surgery. You know with surgery no matter how small, its risky when its the brain" he says before taking a drink of water. I nod, "Poor child. I hope the parents are managing well." I couldnt imagine going through what the parents do in those situations. "They have the best rescources to help them out. Its still tough, for sure though" he comments. 

"Mom can i get the spaghetti with meatballs" James asks. "Only if you eat the noddles to and not just pick out the meatballs" I chuckle. He nods with a sheepish smile. "What do you plan to get babe" Kalen asks. Hmm. Shrimp sounds amazing, but isnt seafood not okay pregnant. Or is it? "Tori?" I look up to see both Kalen and James watching me. "Sorry. Umm, Ill have the shrimp scampi" I say unsure of my answer. Kalen raises his brow curiously at my response but lets it go looking back at the menu. 

We order our food and once the waiter leaves Kalen announces he has news. "What is the news Kalen?" He smiles, "I found the perfect property!" I tilt my head to the side, not understanding. "Property?" He nods, "Yeah, for you dream house. I have papers in the car. There is smaller house, but open for add ons. Plus they have the stable, shop, and everything else you were wanting. I'm shocked that this was our news. Last time we talked about the house, we argued and I hadn't brought it up again. "Tori" he says his softly with no smile. "Oh no this is good. I'm just surprised" I say with a forced smile. This is great news, especially with me now pregnant. We will defiantly need a bigger place. "Actually I have news of my--" before i could finish the waiter served our food. 

"What is that you said Tori" Kalen says then takes a bite of his food. "Oh nothing. We can talk about it later" I tell him. We finish out meal with small conversation in between us enjoying out food.

When we arrive home I tell James to go shower and get ready for bed. "Next week you start school as well as your Aunt Paisley showing up. We have to get some school shopping down tomorrow" I tell him as he stomps his way up the stairs. I place the left overs in the fridge and turn around to find Kalen watching me while he is leaning against the kitchen counters.

"What's up" I ask. "I was hoping you would tell me" he says as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Oh I'm just suprised about the house. I didnt know you where looking into it" I tell him. "Really? It seems like something else is going on" he says. "No, nothing" I say before I could stop myself. 

He simply nods and exists the kitchen. He defiently does not believe me. 


"Since I have today off, I was hoping you don't mind me coming along" Kalen says as I wash the dishes from breakfast. "Yeah of course. I was planning to ask you" I say as I dry my hands. "When are we planning to head out" he asks. "Now, I just have to grab my purse from the bedroom" I tell him. He nods, "James and I will meet you at the car."

Running upstairs I grab my purse then head back to the car. Once in the car I head to the department store. "Did you have a theme you had in mind" I asked James as we climb out of the car. "Theme" Kalen asks. "James likes to pick a theme every year that his school supplies match" I explain. "I was thinking Avengers this year" he says with excitement. "Good pick" I tell him ruffling his hair. 

We make to the school supply part of the store and start looking through the back packs. After a few minutes of contemplation, he picks his favorite. I let Kalen take the lead with James picking stuff out since he has missed the previous years of school shopping. "If you want why don't you find the other stuff you needed to get and I can finish helping James" Kalen suggests. "Are you sure" I ask. "Yeah, only if you want to" he says as he follows James to the decorated folders. I smile as they start picking through looking for the avenger themed ones. "Yeah, okay" I wave bye as I start heading the the bathroom products. I pick up q tips, shampoo and conditioner. I then start walking around looking at the different sections. 

I walk by the baby section and hesitate, before giving in. I walk into an isle that has onesies, blankets, sleepers, and socks. "Adorable" I say as i pick up a yellow elephant onesies set that came with a bip and pants. I think pick out a pair of white socks set. They are so tiny! I then find a super soft yellow blank. "Need any help miss" I look up to see a store worker. "No, thank you. Just looking" I answer. The man nods and walks away. I continue to pick out baby things that stand out to me.

Kalen's POV

"Any idea where your mom is" I ask James as we push our cart full of school supplies. "Maybe she already is starting the clothes shopping" he suggests. "Okay, lets head that way." We have been looking for tori for about ten minutes without any luck. We make it to the kids boys section. "Not here" I mumble. I turn around to glance around when I notice her blonde hair at a distance. "Come on, I found her" I tell James and we begin to walk in her direction. 

Moving to Italy to be with Tori and James as been the best choice. I love my job and family. I can't wait for us to get the house and get settled.

Before we enter the isle I realize she is looking at baby items. Baby? Is she pregnant? "Tori?" She jumps and spins around to face me. She drops what was in her hands with eyes wide. "Why are you shopping in the baby section" I ask her as James and I walk closer. I glance at the items she has placed in her shopping cart. There is even a pack of newborn diapers.

She hesitates then mumbles out, "A friend is pregnant." I sigh and she continues, "I thought to pick her up some stuff." I nod, but not believing her answer. She has been acting odd since yesterday. There is defiantly she is keeping from me. 

"Let's go pick out some new outfits for school" Tori tells James. James head snaps up from looking at the baby items, "Sure." We then head back to the boys clothing and spend the next fifteen minutes picking his clothes out. We pick up some random grocery items and then check out. Tori was quiet the ride home and when we entered the house.

"Tori?" She looks up at me and I realize she looks tired. "Why don't you go relax. Maybe take a nap and I get lunch made soon" I suggest to her. She nods and heads up the stairs. "James why dont you go put all your stuff away in your room. Ill call you down when lunch is ready" I tell him.

I go to the kitchen and make sandwiches for the three of us. Once finished, I go to James's room. "Hey, bud. Lunch is ready. Go eat and your mom and I will meet you down there in a few" I tell him. Since I havent heard any movement from Tori since we got home, i figured she was napping. I slowly open up to the door to our room to find her napping on the bed. I notice the bags of baby items majority of the way shoved under the bed. Quietly I kneel on the floor and move my hands to rub her back, when I notice that she has something in her hand under the pillow. Slowly pulling the pillow up I notice the picture. An ultrasound picture.

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