Chapter 25

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It been six weeks since the fundraiser and everything has been running smoothly. I have made major progress in my large art piece. Kalen is finally not working crazy hours and is now settled in at the house. Kalen and my relationship has been going strong. James is finally got his new prosthetic leg and is starting to play on the Italy competitives again. Viv is coming back from her vacation in a few days.

Here I am calling to check in with my dad's progress.


"Dad. Its me, Tori"

"Hello Tor. How are you guys doing" 

"Great. I was calling to see how you were doing."

"Everything is going okay. Tired of sitting around, but I will find something your mother wont yell at me for" he chuckles.

"I bet. Is everything being covered?"


How do you ask you parents if they are okay financially? "Money wise?"

"Oh Tor. We are getting by don't worry about us" he says quieter then before.

"Dad, I really don't mind. If you guys need anything at all I can help out."

"I will let you know hun."

"Okay. Also I heard from Pasiley. She will be here in a week. She is planning to stay about two weeks then head home. She wants at least a few weeks home before she heads to college."

"Sounds good. Thank you for helping your sister be able to take the trip."

"Of course. It also helped her not be angry at missing her graduation" I chuckle.

"Yeah. She was fuming when she found out you weren't coming" he laughs.

"She still the steam train when she is angry?"


We both laugh as we picture Paisley angry.

"Okay. Well I gotta pick James up from practice soon so I will have to let you go dad."

"Okay. We need to talk about holidays also next time. Love you bye!"

"Love you too. Bye"

I hang up the phone and notice a text from Kalen.

Kalen: Want to meet up at the house to pick up James together? 

I sigh and text back. Me: Got an appointment so wont be able to meet up at house. How about we meet at James pickup place and go out for dinner after?

Kalen: Sounds good. Love you!

Me: Love you too!

I place my purse in the backpack and then walk to the front door picking up a cardigan on my way. I got into my car and headed to the appointment. The appointment I scheduled exactly five days ago that I have been dreading. Realizing my monthly was over a week late and the help of Viv I made the appointment with a gynecologist to confirm our thoughts. I'm nervous about the results and not sure which I'm hoping for.

After a fifteen minute drive I make it to the doctors office. "Hi, I have an appointment at 3:15" i tell the receptionist.  "Victoria?" I nod. The red haired woman gestures to the waiting room, "Please take a seat and you will be called shortly miss." I sit down and within a minute a nurse calls my name. 

I am lead to a room and she takes my weight, blood pressure, and temperature. "The doctor will be in shortly." I sit on the chair waiting for the doctor to arrive, so I play solitaire on my cell.

Viv: Any news?

Me: Waiting for doctor to come in

Viv: Good luck!

I sigh. Only she would say good luck in this situation. A quick knock on the door then the doctor entered. "Hello Victoria. I'm Dr Castillo. On my notes it says your period is late and wanted to confirm a pregnancy. Is that right?" I nod a yes. "Okay. Now we can send you for some blood work that I would get in about twenty four to forty eight hour results or an ultrasound. Normally I wouldn't be able to do an ultrasound without a scheduled appointment, but a patient cancelled so I have an opening" she explains.

"How long would an ultrasound take" I ask. "How far late on your period are you" she asks. "Around seven weeks" I tell her. "Have you taken a pregnancy test" she asks. "No." She stands up from leaning on the counter. "Okay, lets head to the ultrasound room and we can have a tech start" she says as she leads me out the room and four rooms farther down.

Once in the room and laid on the bed they have me push my shirt right to under my breasts. "The gel may be cold" the tech says then squeezes gel from a bottle onto my flat stomach. She moves a corded wand along my stomach then freezes on what she is looking for. She points to the screen. "That right there is your baby" he says still pointing to a small bean like shape surrounded by black. "Im going to take quick measurements and get a due date for you" he says. He begins clicking away on the machine.

He hands me a towel to wipe off the gel from my stomach. Once I am seated upright he hands me ultrasound photo. "You are seven weeks and 4 days. Your due date will be March twenty seventh. On your way out schedule another appointment with the doctor in a months time" she tells me. 

I nod and stand, "Thanks." On my way out I schedule the appointment as I was directed. Once seated in the comfort of my car I spend ten minutes staring at the ultrasound photo. My phone goes off alerting me of a text message. 

Kalen: Are you on your way yet?

Oh god! How am I going to tell Kalen. Is this something he is going to want so soon. Is this something that I want. Not that I have a choice now. Oh my god! I'm pregnant! This summer has had so much packed into it. 

Me: I am on my way

Well I got about fifteen minutes to get my thoughts sorted and how I am going to tell Kalen and James. 


Sorry its a shorter one. 

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